Just when you think it's time to give up...

2. Attack of the clones

Amie sat her lunch tray down in front of her, picking at the sandwhich in front of her. She decided it was either very green meat, or very brown cheese, but she didn't know for certain. Either way, she wasn't very hungry. She pushed it aside and looked at the two girls sitting across from her. She had been friends with Kaitlyn and Laura since she was in second grade, had gone through junior high with them, and had now moved on to high school with them. "Who can blame me," she thought to herself, "for getting a little bored of them?" It wasn't as if she didn't like them any more. They had just grown apart, as friends were apt to do. She had become more focused on her art, Laura on her schoolwork, and KT on whichever boy or girl she was dating at the time. Amie sighed. However tough it would be, she would need to keep these friends close. At the rate she was going, she wasn't planning on making any new ones any time soon.

It was probably the hat. She knew she shouldn't have worn it on the first day, but she couldn't resist. It was her most favorite hat in the whole entire world. It was crocheted out of this soft, pink, fluffy yarn, and was a sort of beanie with earflaps that could tie under her neck if she wanted them to. However, the best part of the hat was, on the very top, were two little crocheted kitty ears that stood straight up in the air. It was amazing, or so Amie thought. She was used to getting comments about her kitty hat, but she wasn't prepared for today. Not one word from anyove about her hat. Infact, not one word from anyone. Nothing. Nada. Nobody in this entire school except for KT and Laura had talked to her the entire day. Just stares. Blank, bored, slightly weirded out stares.

She poked at her mystery sandwhich again, and pretended to be mildly interested in whatever KT and Laura were talking about until the bell rang. She shouldered her black messenger bag and trudged off to her 4th period class. "This is stupid" she thought. "I'm a sophmore. I should be back at my old goddam high school, not this shithole full of skanky girls who wear their skirts too short and moronic jocks. I have to memorize this stupid schedual, figure out where the hell i'm supposed to be going, and attempt to not get completely lost. I feel like a freshman again." She was so busy complaining to herself and staring down at a map (drawn by the assistant in the office) that would make Picasso proud, that she ran right into a girl with blonde hair and a Louie Vutton purse. "WTF bitch? Maybe if you didn't wear so much eyeliner you'd be able to see where you were going" she wined, with the laughter of her posse of friends as a response. Amie flipped her off and kept walking. She knew she should have been used to people laughing at her by now, but it didn't exactly do wonders to her already nearly nonexistant self esteem either.

With only seconds to spare, she found classroom 14 and, glancing down at her schedual, received a pleasant surprise. "Drawing and painting? Heck yess!' she had to contain the urge to leap in the air. Finally a class she wouldn't have to worry about failing. The bell rang, and she retreated to the corner of the classroom to wait for the teacher as the other students chatted amongst eachother. "Students, seating chart's up in the front," said the teacher, who had entered the room. She was short with honey colored hair and crazy jewelry. A typical art teacher. Amie walked to the front of the class to consult the seating chart. The classroom was divided up in to six tables with four students at each table. She finally located her name on the chart. A table in the back. This class was certainly starting off well...but when she sat down on the stool at her table, her heart fell. "Oh joy...it's little miss emo..." a familiar whining voice drawled.