Sequel: Young Lovers' Rage
Status: still sobbing what else is new

Drop the Hammer

Promise Me

"Well... that was something." Ben said as he pulled out of the Montana's parking lot.

"Yea..." James said, not really interested in talking.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked.

James went silent.

Ben sighed. "Jimmy, tell me what's wrong."

James stayed silent for a few moments before speaking. "Why didn't you tell me?" James asked in hardly a whisper.

"Tell you what?" Ben asked, confused.

"That Matt and Jake were treating you that way?" James yelled.

The noise frightened Ben and he swerved a little. "Jesus, James, don't yell at me while I'm driving!" Ben exclaimed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to but I was scared. I didn't want you to do anything to them." Ben said as he pulled into the parking lot of their place.

"I wish you had told me." James said while getting out of the car. "I was scared that you were cheating on me or something." He said sheepishly.

"Jimmy! I'd never cheat on you! If I wanted to be with someone else, I'd tell you. No one wants to be cheated on." Ben replied. He unlocked the door to their apartment and they both walked in.

"Well what else was I suppose to think when you were gone for so long sometimes?" James questioned.

"I know, James. I'm sorry for worrying you like that. I wish I had told you from the start." Ben answered.

James went over to the couch and sat down. Ben walked over and joined him. James took a deep breath and looked up at Ben. "What did they make you do?" He asked innocently.

"Well..." Ben started to explain everything Matt and Jake had made him do. From the very first day up until now. He told James about how the very first time he went over to their house that he was greeted by the two in only towels and how he walked in on them making out numerous times. Ben told James about how their bedroom was basically a shrine to each other. He told him how Jake and Matt would make Ben do all their chores and make him get their groceries and everything. Even that one time they made him wash all their equipment. That had to be the worst thing they had made him do.

"Oh my god..." James finally said after Ben told him everything. "That's awful, Ben. I really wish you had told me."

"I know, Jim. I'm sorry but I was scared..." Ben hesitated. "And..."

James looked at Ben, urging him to go on.

"And they threatened me." Ben finally said.

"Ben, no. Oh my." James said in disbelief. "Did they hurt you?"

"A few times, yes." Ben admitted.

"No!" James cried.

"It was usually Matt, though. Jake was the one who would threaten me, and Matt was the one who would go through with it. Jake is the brains and Matt is more of the brawns. It's like Jake is too beautiful to hit someone... or be hit, but that's not the case." Ben trailed off.

James was shocked. "Really?"

"Yep." Ben answered. "They may seem like a power couple and everything, but that's not always the case. James, promise me you wont tell anyone this, but I really have to tell you something."

"I promise." James replied.

"Okay, well I know something about Jatt..." Ben started.

"Jatt?" James interrupted.

"Jake and Matt, Jatt. It's easier to say, like Screims." Ben responded.

"Oh, okay. Gotcha. Go on." James urged.

"Well Jatt have problems... Well one really. It's a very serious one, though. Remember how I told you that Matt would hit me? Well..." Ben was saying before he was interrupted by a knocking on the door. "Damn." He said as he stood up and went to answer the door.

It was Joffrey Lupul.

"Hey Joff." Ben greeted him.

"Hey, Ben." Joff replied. "I just came by to see if you and James were okay."

"Yea, we're fine. How's Reemer?" Ben asked Joffrey.

"He's doing okay. We finally got him to stop crying. He's very... emotional." Joff stated.

"I've noticed. Are you going to optional tomorrow?" Ben asked.

"You bet I am. I skipped out on last optional and I didn't do too well after, so I've decided to try and not miss any more. What about you guys?" Joffrey asked Ben.

"Yea, we're going." Ben responded. "Any word on Matt and Jake?"

"Well after you guys and a few others left, Dion, Boz, Phil, and I went out to look for them. Dion found them cradling each other around the corner, sobbing." Joffrey replied.

"Oh, wow." Ben said.

"Yea. Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning at practice." Joff responded.

"See ya, Loops." Ben said.

"Bye Ben, bye James." Joffrey said, waving to James. James waved back and Ben shut the door.

"I'm ready for Ben." Ben stated.

"Aren't you going to finish telling be about Jatt?" James asked Ben.

"Damn. I forget what I was saying now." Ben admitted. "If I remember I'll tell you."

"Okay." James said. He was a little disappointed. He wanted to know what was going on with Matt and Jake.

"You coming to bed?" Ben asked James.

"In a bit." James replied. "You go on."

Ben sighed. "Alright." He turned and walked into the bedroom that he and James shared. He sat on the bed and let out a long, deep breath. He hoped that James wasn't too upset at him. He undressed and got under the covers and tried to go to sleep.

About half an hour later Ben felt James crawl into bed beside him. He felt James snake his arm around his waist and pull him close. Ben was pretending to be asleep so he wouldn't bother James. He felt James' warm breath on the back of his neck. It sent chills down his body.

Just as Ben was drifting off to sleep, James spoke.

"I love you, Ben. So much." James whispered to a Ben who he thought was asleep.

Ben smiled to himself. He was glad that James wasn't mad at him. Or if he was, he didn't sound like it.

Ben relaxed and mouthed the words "I love you more, Jimmy." And drifted off into a deep sleep.
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i lvoe me
idk why that title i needed a quick one w/e