Brothers United

Frost giants

"Brother we should not have come here." Loki was anxious. Why did Thor have to come to Jotunheim just the pick a fight with the frost giants?...again. Didn't he learn anything from the last time? "Oooooh Loki, do not fret yourself brother." Thor chuckled and shook his head, looking at his brother with aloof amusement.  "Do you not find this more entertaining than sitting around Asgard, doing nothing, but...sitting?" Thor sighed. He loved his brother, but sometimes he could be too careful...too safe. Thor craved excitement and travelling to Jotunheim always gave him that thrill of impending battle. Besides he needed practice. You never know when you might have to face 'real' enemies. Frost giants were 
always good for practice. Thor smiled to himself. Yes, he would have some amusement today. 

The brothers edged forward slowly, scanning the rough, icy landscape for the slightest movement. Frost giants were very good at blending into shadowy corners, cracks and crevices in the ice. So far, no sign of anything. Thor frowned. They had been here a while now. Normally something would have happened. A charge, an ambush. Today was different. A wry smile crossed Thor's face. Perhaps, he thought...Perhaps the frost giants had learned to think. Thor's smile broadened. Yes, maybe today's battle would be truely challenging. A battle worth fighting. Thor chuckled to himself. 

"You seemed amused by something my brother." Loki inquired, looking at Thor. "You know father's patience may finally snap this time." "I may choose to tell him this was all your decision, which it was I hasten to add" "You know I'm only here to get you out of any trouble we meet here...again." 

Thor chuckled again and ruffled Loki's hair with his hand. Loki leaned back and tidied his messy hair. He paused and smiled at his older brother.

"Come." said Thor. "I have a feeling today will turn out differently to the others we've spent here."

They walked on. Their boots crunching through ice-topped snow. Their footsteps echoing eerily in the silence. Thor stopped suddenly, something caught his eye. He frowned and waved at Loki to stop. He pointed to a small outcrop of rock ahead of them to the right. He tossed Mjollnir in the air, caught it and chuckled. He turned and winked at Loki. Loki sighed and smiled back.

They walked on, quicker this time, a large expanse of white ahead of them. Loki felt uneasy suddenly, something was not right. "Thor...I think we should take another route...I..." 
"Nonsense brother." retorted Thor. "We carry on."
They had only gone a few more steps when they felt a rumble and loud cracking under their feet. They both looked at each other in alarm. "Run!" shouted Thor. 
They ran, they ran fast. Thor ahead of Loki.  Thor could hear his brother behind him. He reached the 
outcrop first and turned to look for his brother. Nothing.... Thor frowned... Loki was behind him, not far behind.

 Thor rushed towards the place where is brother should have been. Only now there was a a hole in the snow. Something large moved to his left, and again to his right. More movement. Frost giants! He had to get to Loki, but was now surrounded by frost giants. Thor found himself surrounded in an ever decreasing circle. "Argh!" he shouted in frustration. Why had Loki not just followed his instruction?...
"The prince is of Jotunheim blood. Bring him to me" Laufey spoke quietly to his guards and nodded in Loki's direction. An evil smile spread across his lips and he lowered his gaze toward Loki. Laufey knew Loki was powerful. He was useful to them. If he would not willingly offer his services, to do the frost giants bidding, there were ways of persuading him, it may take a while as Loki was strong willed, but they would break him by whatever means they could.

Loki had fallen for what had seemed an eternity, but the snow has cushioned his fall and he was only slightly bruised. Loki had not caught what Laufey had said but did not like how events were turning out. He looked up startled. He was surrounded, outnumbered. Yes he had his tricks, his illusions but there were just too many of them. He turned and tried to run, his foot caught in ice fissure and he fell forward, Two frost giants stepped out of a shadowy corner to his right and turned their red eyes towards Loki. He clambered to his feet, wincing in pain. He felt a twinge of panic. He hated to admit it, but he needed Thor, he needed his brother. Where he was right now, this was not good.  He backed away slowly, limping slightly, facing the frost giants who strode towards him. He gazed from left to
right, trying to find away of escape, but there was none, he turned his head frantically, searching... desperate... nothing, he was alone. "Where are you brother?" he hissed. "You said we should have come, I told you it would be dangerous, but no, you had to have the last word!" he mumbled sarcastically. Even with all his wiles and sorcery he couldn't find a way out, there was no diversion to save him. He continued to back away from the giants,  ice cracked under his feet, he felt it give way slightly, his footing was unsure. He REALLY did not want to be here. What did Laufey want with him? What use was Loki to him, Loki prince of Asgard. Odin was highly unlikely to pay any sort of ransom, not for Loki, Loki wasn't worth much in his father's eyes. As least that's how Loki felt. Loki was running rapidly out of room behind him. Suddenly his back hit a wall of ice and he came to a dead stop. "Oh no", Loki rolled his eyes, and gazed back at the frost giants advancing on him with every step. They smirked and sneered when they saw him there, with nowhere to go. 
"Come little prince" the taller of the two mocked him "What, no tricks from the mighty Asgardian sorceror?" he spat at him, a leering smile covering his blue ice crusted skin. 
"So, far away from home" he mocked Loki again. Turning his head, his red eyes glowing with menace.
Loki became frantic. He was trapped! "Thor, dear Brother, this would be the perfect time for you to appear" he mumbled. The frost giants were nearly upon him now, their hands slowing morphing into jagged shards of ice, again they mocked and smirked at him, the taller of the two stepped forward, lifting his icy hand towards Loki, "Come now little prince, let's shake hands shall we? " Loki shook his head and snorted back, "How dare you insult the House of Odin, you odorous numbskull!".  "Odin will strike you dead where you stand for this insult to his family." Loki tried to sound fearless but he could not talk his way out of this. His heart beat fast, his breathing rapid. The taller giant stepped toward Loki, and raised his icy hand level with Loki's eyes. Loki could feel it's icy chill on his skin. He tried to turn his head away, the icy tip within an inch of his eye. The giant lowered the shard of ice to Loki's cheek and rested it there, not quite piercing the skin. Loki took in a short gasp of breath and stared wide-eyed at the giant. "There, there, sweet prince. What say you come with us?" 
"Let's have some sport first!" said the smaller of the two. Loki's gaze fixed on him.
"Laufey won't notice a few extra bruises and scratches. I want my sport!" he turned his leering smile on Loki.
"No" said the other in a low hushed voice. "He goes to Laufey unblemished."
At least Loki could breath easier, he was safe...for now.

Loki recognised that bellow. He breathed out sigh of relief. Thank Odin. His brother had not left him. Now the frost giants would get their just reward for their actions. Loki may not have agreed with Thor about coming to Jotunheim but right now, he was very, very pleased to see his brother. The two giants in front of Loki turned to where the roar had come from, only to see flying bodies of frost giants tumbling through the air like rag dolls. A bolt of lightning crackled a fizzed through the air. Loki could hear Mjollnir thonking against bodies, sending them tumbling across the cavern.

Loki saw his chance to get to Thor and ran, but the taller of the giants was too quick for him. An icy barbed spear pierced Loki's back, and he cried out in pain. The ice turning his blood cold. His eyes opened wide and he grimaced from the pain shooting through him. The giant laughed heartily and lifted his arm, raising Loki off the ground. Loki screamed in pain, and called out to Thor. He gritted his 
teeth and tried to blank out the pain. He could feel the ice penetrate his veins, taking he place of his blood. He began to feel woosy, his vision blurred. The sounds of the battle became muffled. "" he barely whispered. Everything was growing cold, he felt no warmth, yet he was still breathing. The pain was unbearable. Loki could just make out flashes of silver and red in front of him, and muffled cries and shouts. He then felt himself fall to the ground. He lay there motionless... He moaned softly. A hand touched his face, a warm hand, soothing words he could not make out. He then felt himself lifted from the icy floor. He opened his eyes and saw the concerned face of his brother, he could not make out what Thor was saying but was comforted by the warmth of his body next to his. Thor spoke softly and placed Loki gently over his back. Loki felt nothing, his body limp. He was safe, he was with his brother. 

Thor, twirled Mjollnir faster and faster, then flew up out of the cavern and toward the bridge which would take them back to Asgard and the healing room. 
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This is my first ever fan fiction. I have never written a story before. Please forgive errors. I have checked, but some may have slipped through.