Brothers United


Loki made his way swiftly and silently to the sphere room. Getting there had not been a problem, Loki was used to keeping to the shadows and quite enjoyed his little 'diversions' for the guards to puzzle over. He had to move quickly, they would soon know he was no longer in his cell. He had to get to Midgard. Nissa was the only one he trusted now. His father would not listen to him. He would show his father his could be trusted and that he was not a traitor. He reached the sphere without hearing the alarm bell being rung. He quickly pulled back its cover and touched it transporting almost instantly. He was used to the journeys now.
Loki paced up and down the floor of the cabin. He explained to Nissa what had happened. She watched him intently. She wasn't sure exactly, but she has sensed a change in Loki. A fire within him burned brighter, more intense. Also there was something else...a look in his eye which began to unnerve her. Yes, he was the Loki she knew and cared deeply for but something was different in him. She knew he had suffered an injustice, but Loki's green eyes burned with such a piercing intensity, she wondered what he had been through to bring out this side of his nature. That intensity made her shift uneasily in her chair. He was breathing fast and and spoke quickly, gesturing with his arms. He looked directly at her his face flushed and his eyes burning. The hint of wetness on the edges of his eyelids. 

"Tell me!" he said his eyes boring into hers. "Tell me what I should have done?" 
"Even my own father did not believe me!" His eyes burned again.
He clenched his fists and closed his eyes tight, lowering his head.

 Nissa sat quietly looking at him. She wanted to comfort Loki but was unsure if her gesture would be accepted by Loki right at this moment. The change in him she had noticed had made her wary. Did she really know Loki? He had been visiting for months now and up until now she had not felt uncomfortable in his company. But tonight something had changed. It was like something had been unlocked deep inside of Loki and was now beginning to work its way to the surface. She hated to think about the possibility but Loki had hurt and pain buried deep and his frustration and anger was slowly seeping out of him, if he could not control these emotions... Nissa was certain Loki would not harm her but what she saw in Loki's eyes... 

Loki looked up and stared at Nissa, his eyes piercing hers.
"Well...I will find who took the casket and show The Allfather I can be trusted!" 
He turned and walked away from her striding across the room.

He paused, opened his mouth and turned to look at her.

"I want you to come with Asgard." He said suddenly. 
"We can't do anything here, so I will take you to Asgard!"

Nissa's eyes opened wide in shock. That she had not been expecting! Her eyes darted around, her head began to feel woozy. No!, No! No!, she could cope with this man visiting, become friends even but to now go with him to some mythical realm from childhood stories. Could it really exist? Part of her craved to follow Loki. The excitement, the adventure...and the other part of her was screaming No! No! No! She opened her mouth but no sound came out.

 Loki walked over to her and took her hands in his. Again his eyes pierced hers. His gaze direct and deep.

"Will you come with me? Thor is away, father will not speak to me." 
"I need someone with me I can trust." 
"I can disguise you....With your permission of course. You've seen my sorcery. I can disguise you as a guard. They will think I am under escort. They will not bother us."

"Please Nissa..." "My friend..." Loki searched her face with his eyes, pleading.

"I...I...I'm not sure Loki. It's such a huge thing you ask of me... and able to impersonate a guard of Asgard? How on earth does a guard of Asgard behave? What do they do? What do they say? I..."

Loki smiled. "It is very easy, believe me I have done it."
"Let's just say I can create a little mischief. I have got Thor out of trouble on numerous occasions using my cunning and and skill with impersonation." he smirked.

"Come now, I can explain more on the way to the sphere. Say you will join me. There will likely to be danger, I will admit that to you, but I will keep you safe and out of harm's way." 
"I would never let anything happen to you"

Loki's smile grew "Nissa...think of the adventure. Think of the stories I told you when we sat by the stream. Just like when Thor and I used to ride together. Come with me Nissa..."

She gazed back at Loki. She was his friend and he needed her help. Yes, she was scared, and her heart beat fast in her chest, but oh the adventure...she could actually go to Asgard! Her stomach turned summersaults. She bit her lip.

"But the monsters are real in your world Loki. Frost giants, dark elves, serpents. They are all real." "Laufey? Malekith?..." 
"I don't know..." 
"I don't posess gifts such as your sorcery, or what on earth I should do if there's some sort of fight..." 
"Loki I can't fight, was if something happens, I'm no use to you..."

"You can't fight?" replied Loki. 
"What about the night you stood up to the creature attacking you and the horses. You have Valkyrie blood in your veins. I would have you beside me in a fight any day!"

Nissa dropped her head and looked at the floor.

Loki gently place his hand under her chin and lifted her face to look at him. "I would never let anything or anyone harm you Nissa. 

Nissa smiled weakly. "I know I will probably regret this, and fate has a way of not making things an easy ride...ok..I'll do,it for you Loki." Nissa smiled back at Loki. 

Loki looked at Nissa and smiled. He was right to put his trust in this woman. He was taking Nissa to Asgard!  His friend. He could finally prove his innocence and get back the casket. Odin would be pleased with him. He would regain his rightful place.

Nissa stood and looked at Loki as he stood in front of her smiling. The Loki she had seen earlier who had unnerved her had completely disappeared...