Brothers United

Brother Lost

The table crashed to the floor, scattering its contents across the throne room. The force of its fall splitting it in two "Explain to me again, why you saw fit to disobey me after my express orders not to go to Jotunheim, Thor!" Odin bellowed at his son "Do you feel nothing about what has happened to your brother? 
"He lies close to death. I only hope you got him to the healing room in time!" 
"You went too far this time Thor!"
"You foolish, stupid boy...Jotunheim ...again. How many times Thor?" Shouted Odin. 
"And to pick a fight with Laufey. You know there is a truce between our realms.  You risk everything I have worked for to satisfy your foolish pride and your need to prove yourself in battle!"
"I hope, for your sake your brother has the strength to pull through."

He fixed his stare on Thor's face, his anger incandescent. He looked directly into Thor's eyes.
He sighed wearily and shock his head, his anger subsiding slightly but still burning inside his chest. What could he do about Thor? The boy never changed. Would he ever grow into the noble king of Asgard that Odin wished for? It seemed every day that something happened to Thor. There were scrapes, skirmishes and battles fought, and always Thor was involved. And always Odin had to pick up the pieces afterwards. And now Loki had been involved. 

"But, father..." Thor started to say before Odin cut him short with a dismissive wave of his hand, a growl and a stare. Thor knew better than to pursue an argument with his father, when he was this angry. He swallowed hard and bowed low, and left the thrown room silently. He would try to reason with his father when his anger had subsided fully.

The chamber fell silent, only Odin remained. He sighed wearily and shook his head. Why had Thor learnt nothing? He wanted so much for his son to be ready to be crowned king and rule Asgard justly and wisely. But that seemed such a long way off. Thor had spirit, yes, and he was strong. Never beaten in battle. But his pride and vanity was he downfall. He needed to learn humility and wisdom.

And what of Loki? He was gentle, but had no fire in his belly. However he was thoughtful and learnt quickly. He had even surprised his tutors with the quickness of way in which he picked up ideas and thoughts. He had a aptitude for sorcery, but was also prone to mischief making. He had got himself into trouble a few times. Normally involving Thor also. And even though he was not Odin's natural son Odin loved him, not the same love he had for Thor , but he loved Loki deeply. He remembered seeing the fragile baby in the temple in Jotunheim, no one heard  or responded to his pitiful crying. The child only wanted to be comforted. Odin had held his tiny fragile hand in his and his heart had been melted by the crying Jotun baby. It was then Odin thought of a way to create peace between Asgard and Jotunheim. This baby, this innocent fragile creature could help bring peace between his and Laufey's kingdoms. Odin had grown weary of battle and this baby could help bring an end to conflict between the two realms.

He thought he had lost Loki today. They boy was very sick, his wounds were severe and deep. Loki had to survive, perhaps he did posses the strength to fight back, Odin reasoned. Loki had never been tested like this before.

Odin set off along the empty corridor and headed towards the healing room where Loki lay.
As he entered he saw Loki lying there pale and hardly breathing. His face washed of colour, his cheeks sunken. He breathed short, sharp breaths, shuddering, and wincing with every intake of breath. Odin's face fell. Perhaps he would not make it through the night. Perhaps Odin had been wrong about the boy, and his usefulness to his plan. Odin neared his bed and stood looking at the Jotun boy, his son. Slowly and carefully he reached out his hand to touch the boys head, but stopped and then pulled back his hand. Loki murmured and shuddered again. Odin watched his face, it looked so gentle when Loki was not wracked with pain. Loki was sensitive, yes, but had shown the qualities needed of a king, but he would never be king. That role fell to Thor, if only he could show he had matured, thought Odin. 

Loki's wound had been cleaned recently but not been fully cleared of the icy shards buried deep inside him. Tiny fragments were still there mixing with his Jotun blood. Odin stared closely at his face. He was sure there was a blue tinge to his skin and the briefest of lines running in a pattern across his face. Odin frowned and started to turn away. Odin was not sure how long the healing process would take with Loki, he was not of Asgard. The healers had done their best but Loki had to fight, perhaps his will was not strong enough to fight. The damage to his body too severe. Perhaps Odin had been mistaken to bring the baby back with him. He always had a plan, but perhaps he was too old now and his wisdom had failed him and he was wrong about Loki. Perhaps the boy would be of no use to him. His remaining time and energy had to be invested in Thor. The heir of Asgard. There might still be time to turn Thor from an arrogant, selfish boy into the ruler he needed to be... just, wise and noble. One day he would tell Loki of his true heritage but for now he did not need to know.

 Odin turned from Loki's bed and headed slowly for the door out of the healing room. He paused in the doorway and turned back to look at Loki. He sighed heavily and left the room, closing the door behind him.