Brothers United

I miss you brother

Thor heard his father leave the healing room and as his footsteps echoed away down the corridor, he stepped out from behind a pillar close the the entrance to the healing room. The the door had been closed. Thor quietly approached the door and gently pushed it open. He gingerly stepped forward, his eyes searching for his brother, looking for where Loki lay. 

He had not seen him since they returned from Jotunheim. He had carried his brother's crumpled, broken body to the bifrost bridge and then with Heimdall's help, returned to Asgard. On their arrival Loki was taken swiftly from him and he was summoned straight to his father in the throne room.

Thor saw Loki lying in the bed ahead of him. Thor was shocked. Loki had not looked that badly injured when they left Jotunheim. There had been no blood loss, but there was a puncture wound on Loki's back. Thor had not realised just how seriously Loki had been wounded. Thor stepped quietly up to the side of the bead and gently touched his brother's arm,  "Loki", he whispered, "Loki, it is I, Thor, your brother. Come now, I have come to visit you", Thor smiled gently.

Loki stirred slightly, murmured and slowly open his eyes, his lids heavy and swollen.
He breathed in sharply, winced in pain and smiled weakly at his brother who smiled tenderly back.
"Thor",  he whispered hoarsely. He looked so fragile to Thor. How could Loki be so ill?
"It is good to see you brother" Loki felt a wave of warmth wash over him, he felt better, stronger. A puzzled look crossed his face and he gazed around the room "Where am I...Asgard?" he asked wearily.

"Yes brother", smiled Thor. " You are in the healing room."
 "You were very, very brave and fought off 50 frost giants with your bare hands! A true warrior you were." Thor spoke in good humour. Loki tried to laugh, but grimaced in pain and clutched his shoulder. "You jest with me brother, you sport with me" he smiled weakly. Loki's smile faded and he looked at Thor directly "How is father,?" a concerned tone in his voice. "Have you spoken to him?"
"We had...words." replied Thor tersely. "But no matter for you will get better and soon and you and I will ride again." Thor chuckled. "We shall have more adventures together, you and I little brother." Loki stiffled a laugh. "Please, Thor, no more adventures...just yet."
"It is good to see you my brother." Loki looked at Thor. He was pleased that his brother had come to see him. Sometimes Loki felt isolated and that he didn't quite belong in Asgard. Loki noticed the bond between his father and Thor and dearly wished for the same. Thor's presence comforted Loki, and Thor's love for his brother lightened Loki's pain.

"Well then brother, I leave you to rest" Thor tapped Loki gently on the forehead and smiled warmly. "We shall speak more on the morrow." Thor started to back away from his brother's bed.

Loki felt a jolt of pain close to his heart, the icy creep of cold seeping inward. The icy shards from the frost giants hand were making their way towards Loki's heart. If they reached it, then Loki would be lost to Asgard and would again belong to Jotunheim.  Loki didn't want to give into the cold, he wanted the warmth of his family, around him. He could fight the cold if he knew he was loved by others. With Thor beside him he felt better, he could feel warmth returning to him. Thor couldn't leave him. Not yet, just a few hours more and he was sure the icy grip would be gone and he would be well. But Thor was leaving, he would be alone... in this room... Suddenly an icy jolt shot through Loki.

A concerned Thor took a step towards Loki. Loki gasped sharply and looked straight at Thor. Again an icy searing jolt shook his body. Loki screamed in agony, his whole body spasmed and shook. He arched his back, crying out in pain. He stared wide-eyed at Thor, his eyes pleading with Thor to stay. Tears ran down his cheeks. Again the icy chill shot through him. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to try to control the pain. He opened his eyes and looked pitifully at his brother, his eyes beseeching Thor for help. Thor felt helpless. In battle he knew what to do. Seeing his brother in so much pain and agony he knew not what to do. Yes he had used healing stones but Loki was beyond those now. Thor grew frustrated, what could he do to help his brother? He was a warrior not a healer. What comfort could he bring his sick brother? Thor, swallowed hard and stepped toward the bed.
He spoke softly to Loki. He pressed his hand on his brothers forehead and began to stroke it gently. "There, brother, I am here, please, breath easy, the pain will soon pass." Thor regretted convincing his brother to go to Jotunheim. He had done so following a foolish whim, a selfish need to try to prove himself to his father...again... that he would make Asgard a good king. He looked at Loki's ashen face and felt remorse." sorry I took you to Jotunheim." he whispered. 
"I am sorry for all the times I have got us both into trouble."
"You were always with me, always helping. I need you my brother. Who else will look out for me?" "Please my brother, I know not what i can do to ease your pain. Shhhhhh there, please Loki, Shhhhhh." he said tenderly. 

Loki gazed up at his brother, his body shuddering. "Thor, it feels like my heart is being torn in two...please brother. It's so cold, my blood feels so cold." Loki's breathing was short and sharp. Thor clutched Loki's hand tighter. He felt warmth from Thor's hand easing the pain. "Thor, sit with me here tonight, the pain lessens if you are here with me." "Just for a few hours, I will be better tomorrow knowing you are here."

Thor could see that Loki's breathing had eased and that the colour had started to return to his face.  He sat on the bed next to Loki, and spoke in hushed soothing tones telling stories he knew from their childhood. He stayed with Loki until the golden rays of the morning sun, filtered through the windows of the healing room. By the morning Loki was free of pain...smiling...though still weak... but he no longer felt cold or alone.