Brothers United


'Ohhhhhhhh' Loki groaned loudly. His head was throbbing and he felt like he had been hit several times by Mjollnir! He could not seen a thing. He was lying on his face, and breathed in mouthfuls of what tasted like dirt. The dirt was dry, not damp like before. He groaned again and tried to get up.  He managed to push himself into a sitting position and sat there waiting for his head to clear. He squinted, his eyes trying to make out any sign of the room and the sphere. It was still dark, but something felt different. The dampness in the air was no longer there. Loki felt puzzled. He slowly got to his feet and ignited the flames from his hand once more, they lightly danced in the palm of his hand. Gradually his eyes became accustomed to his new surroundings. He could just make out he was in what looked like some kind of small cavern. Rock walls arching over his head. Loki turned slowly round to see behind him was the was a sphere but not the same one he had touched earlier. His shoulder ached. He rubbed it gently and took a few steps towards the sphere. He paused, and stood still, listening.  He felt a soft cool breeze against his cheek, he turned so that the breeze blew directly on his face. He sniffed the fresh air. Fresh air? There must be an opening somewhere. Loki walked in the direction of the breeze. He sent the flames ahead of him, lighting his way. He walked carefully, eyes darting everywhere, searching for information about his surroundings. The breeze grew stronger and a path formed along the floor. Loki's pace quickened. There were twists and turns to the path from left to right and back again. Loki looked ahead. He was sure the way ahead grew lighter. Loki could feel excitement  tickling him inside. He smiled and his pace quickened again. Loki could just about make out the mouth of a cave ahead of him. It's edges outlined by a light...moonlight? Questioned Loki. He walked into the cave mouth and stopped. Yes it was moonlight, Loki looked up staring. One moon...this was not Asgard. A fleeting moment of panic registered in Loki's mind. He promptly dismissed it and smiled looking back into the cave. So the sphere had transported him from where?... He had not travelled to a new realm only to turn back now. The cave was well hidden by overgrown plants and trees and was a good way up a rock face. If Loki took care he could find away down with no great difficulty. He extinguished the flames. He walked to the side of the cave entrance and gingerly edged himself out and slowly stepped down into the undergrowth.

'This was a strange place,' Loki thought. It was night and there were obviously creatures awake as Loki heard their calls echoing through the darkness. He did not feel afraid, he had magic and a fighting knife which he was very skilled at throwing. He was ready for any ambush.  Eventually Loki reached the bottom of the cliff face. He stopped and straightened his tunic. The moonlight helped illuminate a forest in front of him. It was fairly densely wooded. The air was crisp and cool, so visibility was good. Loki made a mental note of his location and muttered an incantation, a glowing symbol pulsated on a tree closest to Loki, then faded from sight. Loki smiled and set off into the forest. He careful made his way between the trees, pausing occasionally to mark another tree with the symbol he used at the cliff face. 

He had been walking for about an hour when he stopped dead. He listened intently...he could hear was not an sounded Only music unlike any he heard in Asgard. Loki was wary. He walked forward this time more carefully. The music grew louder. The way ahead rose up in a gentle slope. Loki  walked slowly towards its summit. As he reached the top he got down on his knees and peered over the edge. He tipped his head to one side and smiled. Ahead in a hollow was some sort of dwelling made of wood. It was well constructed, solid and had a pleasing shape, again, nothing like dwellings to be found in Asgard. There were windows to the side and a door to the front. Loki scanned the dwelling with his eyes and found the source of the music. Standing on a ledge on the nearest window was a box and the music was coming from that. Loki raised his head quizzically and smiled. What a strange box. Suddenly Loki saw movement near the window and ducked down below the rim of the hill. He peered slightly over the rim. In the window stood a woman. She was looking out of the window staring straight in Loki's direction. Loki froze hoping she had not seen him. He noticed she was not dressed in Asgardian clothes, but her form was not unpleasant to Loki. The woman then laughed, tossed her head and started humming and dancing to the music. Loki sighed in relief and looked on amused as the woman continued dancing and humming. She twirled and disappeared from the window. An animal suddenly flew over Loki's head and screeched loudly. It was like Loki had been woken from sleep. He shook his head. How long had he been here. "THE FEAST!" he exclaimed. The one person he did not want to let down was his mother Frigga. Loki edged himself back down the slope, finding his way back the the cave via the marked trees. Once in the cave he paused in front of the sphere. He knew not how it worked but trusted his instincts. He lightly touched it, again the jolt of  
electricity zapped him, only this time he was focused and ready. The hum and glow grew inside the cave but this time Loki did not feel dizzy. In fact Loki buzzed with excitement, thrilled that the magic was in him, part of him. He would return to this realm again. Loki smiled continuous during the celebration feast that night in Asgard....