Brothers United


Loki had returned to the new realm several times over the previous weeks, always returning to the same place to observe the woman. He was intrigued by her and the realm she lived in. Strange objects, and machines that would fly overhead. Nothing like the technology in Asgard. But all very intriguing. One thing Loki did enjoy was learning new things, you never knew when something could be used to your advantage. Loki wondered if this was the realm of Midgard he had heard stories about when he was a child. He remembered tales told by his father of Asgardian campaigns their against the frost giants. Midgardians had been threatened by Laufey and his people. Odin fought in battle with Laufey and his armies, sustaining terrible injuries. But he was healed just like Loki in the healing room though Odin still carried the scars of battle. 

Loki sat low, tucked below the brow of the hill and looked down into the hollow. He had not seen the woman this evening and the horseless carriage she rode in was still sitting by the side of her dwelling. The technology here seemed very primitive. The people here were very much like young children, unaware of their own potential, easily led by others. Loki was fascinated watching events happen in this realm. It amused him greatly watching them with their petty quibbles and arguments, unaware that a god watched over them and their little world. Loki smiled to himself, he could feel quite at home here. He could rule a realm like this as a just and wise king.  After all he knew full well that his father would always choose Thor over him to rule over Asgard. Not matter the protestations from his father that they were both born to be kings. Asgard was destined to be Thor's.

"Ok Leather Boy! Stand up, and turn slowly around!" the voice shocked Loki out of his amusement. He stared ahead of him, for a moment not knowing what to do. He was stunned, no one had ever addressed him in such a manner before. He slowly rose to his feet and turned around to face his opponent. He opened his eyes wide, startled, for before him stood the woman he had been watching since arriving in Midgard. She stood before him holding what looked like a big stick, and deep frown on her face and anger in her eyes. He couldn't help but chuckle. This seemed to maker her angrier. 
"Did I say something funny?"
"You didn't think that I'd noticed that you'd been lurking up here for weeks!"
"Not normal behaviour is it?" Loki was impressed with the spirit that this woman had. No one would dare raise their voice let alone publically scold a member of the Asgard royal family. Yes he liked this woman.  He smiled wryly to himself and raised his hands in submission. "I am yours to command. Prey be merciful with me." 

"Don't mock me!" she spat back at him. "I want you where I can keep an eye on you and you can explain to me what you are doing here. Now walk! That way to the house! Move!"
Loki walked ahead of the woman, arms raised. Yes he could disarm her easily with magic but this may work out to his advantage. They walked in silence up to the cabin door. 
"Open the door and go inside." the woman ordered, poking Loki in the back. Loki smirked and did as she asked. Inside Loki noticed what he would call rustic furniture, nothing fine or grand like the items you would find in the royal chambers in Asgard.
"Sit down. Over there." the woman pointed to a battered old leather sofa, covered with a quilted throw and a couple of large cushion scattered on it. 

Loki obliged and promptly sat down. This furniture is not very comfortable, as he sunk deeply into the seat. He shifted uneasily and gazed up at the woman.

"So are you going to tell me what you have been doing outside of my home for the last week?" she looked at him intensely, her eyes not moving from his. 

Loki shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa, and thought about how he could explain himself.  Not the truth obviously. He was still finding outvaboutbthiscplace and did not want reveal who he really was. 
"Well..." he began. "I..."
Suddenly there was a  knock at the door. "Don't move. Stay there!" she pointed at him and walked towards the door. Loki smiled, nodded but said nothing. She looked back and glared at him.

She grasped hold of the door handle and opened the door. An man in a sharp black suit stood in front of her. 
"Good evening Miss" "My name is Coulson" "This may seem a strange and rather direct question but have you noticed any strange events or generally anything unusual happening around here?" The woman was generally taken aback. The way this man was dressed indicated he worked somewhere 'official'. Government?  If this man was Government then he wasn't afraid of hiding anything. This man was certainly not linked to the Government. 

"That's a strange question to come out with Mr Coulson. Am I right in thinking you are not Government?"

 Coulson let a small smile cross his lips. "I find it best to be open and honest with people. That way we all end up happy. I always think it's best just come out and ask for the information that you need. So Miss have you noticed anything unusual recently?"

The woman thought for a moment, should she mention the tall, thin, leather clad stranger sitting on her sofa, who had been hanging around suspiciously for a week. Whoever Coulson was, she wanted answers, Coulson would have to wait for his.

"Sorry Mr Coulson, nothing out of the ordinary here, I've not been here much. Only just come out here myself.  But if I do notice anything... Do you have a contact number or something?"

Coulson reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card and handed it to he woman.

"Thank you Miss." His gaze landed on Loki and he cast a glance over his outfit. "Good evening Miss" he then  looked at Loki. "wasGood evening, Sir"

She closed the door and turned to face Loki. "So are you going to answer my question?"
She folded her arms across her chest and waited for Loki to answer. 

"Why did you not mention me to that man? Loki enquired. Puzzled that the woman had not said anything. "Because I want answers from you."