Brothers United


The woman stared hard at Loki.  There was a strangeness and other worldly look to him. His eyes were a piercing green. They held you there, drawing you in. He was tall, thin and held himself in a what she would be class as a slightly regal manner. He had a graceful air to him and carried himself well. She watched his face as he sat on the sofa in front of her. She read only amusement in his face, like he was enjoying all of this like it was some sort of game to him. Strangely she didn't feel in danger but she did feel uncomfortable. He lent forward clasping his hands together between his legs. He smiled at her, the corners of his mouth twisting into an amused smirk.

"Well" she said "I'm waiting."

"Your world intrigues me, you have so much yet know so little... " "You have no idea of your true purpose"

"My world?" questioned the woman. "That is a funny way of wording things, not normal conversation from around here." 
"Is someone likely to be missing you?"
"Are you due for any medication?"

Loki did not break eye contact with the woman. He was not sure what her questions meant, but she was brave and was certainly not afraid of him. He liked this woman's spirit. He liked her inquisitive nature. Much like him. Curious... Just like him.

"I have no one missing me and I do not understand what you mean by medication" he replied with a puzzled look on his face.

He sighed and shock his head. He turned his gaze to the woman. "If it had been up to me I would preferred to have met you under more...polite circumstances", offered Loki. He gazed around the room.  "All this intrigues and fascinates me." "The way you go about your everyday lives." 

The woman looked at Loki puzzled. Who was this man sitting in front of her? She wanted to notify the police, to get him taken away. Maybe she should call that Coulson guy,  but her instincts were telling her no, it's ok, he's ok. She was torn, unsure of what to do next about this mysterious stranger and that unnerved her. She normally knew exactly what to do.

Loki turned his head and looked back at the woman. Loki smiled gently "If I have offended you I am truly sorry", looking deeply into her eyes. "I arrived here unexpectedly, and the first thing I saw was this place and then you. I was curious, there are things here that I have never seen before." "I wanted to learn more and to understand your world."

Now that was totally unexpected, thought the woman. she unfolded her arms and took a step towards him. "Who are you?" 

"My name is Loki Odinson of Asgard."

"Of Asgard?" the woman raised her eyebrows, amazed at what she had just heard. "THE Asgard?"
"The one from Norse mythology?"
"You're telling me that you are the God Loki?"
 Ok, she thought, perhaps I was wrong, who have I let into my house? She gazed over into the corner at her telephone. Damn she thought why did it have to be so far away. She looked back at Loki and smiled weakly.

"You know of me?" Loki asked startled. The surprise registering in his voice. 

"Of course I've heard of you, but only through myths...fairy tales...stories." 
They weren't real, she thought, how could they be? Again she looked towards her telephone. She started to edge towards the phone, keeping eye contact with Loki. She smiled back at him.

Loki had not been expecting this. For a moment he was stunned, unsure of what to do next, she knew of him, yet he knew practically nothing about this place. Odd stories here and there, told by his father, when he and Thor were children. Loki sat upright on the sofa. She was up to something, her body language gave it away. She kept looking at a table in the corner of the room. Loki frowned. If he had upset her he was sorry. He started to rise from the sofa.

"What are you doing?"
"I didn't tell you  you could get up!"
 Loki heard her voice faltering. He had not wanted this. Things were turning out wrong. He raised both hands and lowered himself back down.

"I am sorry, I had not meant to upset you " Loki looked to the floor. 

The woman paused and looked at Loki, her fear subsiding. She was still a little wary of the man on the sofa. She would give him a chance to explain himself.

Suddenly there was a noise from outside. The sound of horses, neighing, panicking.

"No!", exclaimed the woman. "Not again! 
She dashed to the door and hauled it open, running outside. Loki startled, jumped from the sofa and followed her outside. At first he couldn't see where she had gone, it was still night. He squinted trying to find her. A sound of shouting, and the sound of frightened horses caught his attention and he ran. At the back of the house was a fenced area with what looked like a stable block. The moon was full again. Loki could make out the woman standing inside the fence, shouting and waving something around. Loki then noticed something else with her and his heart stopped. A larger creature was stalking the woman. It was pushing her backwards towards the stable. Loki could also make out two horses behind the woman. Pouring the ground with their feet, snorting and tossing their heads. Loki ran towards the fence, his heart pounding. He leapt sideways over he fence and landed on the other side. He clapped and waved his arms, shouting to get the creature's attention. It stopped. Slowly it turned it's gaze on started to walk towards him.  A low growl rumbled from it's mouth. It's eyes narrowed and it lowered its head. Loki started to back away, but the fence stopped his exit. He turned and looked back at the creature. It wasn't far from him now, he could clearly see its eyes. They golden with enlarged black pupils. It crouched low. Loki knew it would attack any second. With a sudden leap the creature sprung forward, claws extended, mouth open, razor sharp teeth glistening in the moonlight. Loki looked on wide-eyed. They creature bearing down on him. He turned his head from side to side, no hope of escape. Then he vanished. The creature crashed into the fence, shattering it to pieces. It lay on the grouwritingsing around, startled. Loki the reappeared inside the paddock, smiling, he quickly pulled out a knife and threw it at the creature who yelped in pain, it sprung away from him running off into the darkness. Loki turned round to look for the woman. She was standing there in the moonlight. Eyes wide, mouth open.

'Ah', thought Loki, he had some explaining to do...