White Rabbit

Curiosity gripped his heart. Glimpsing that flash of white once - he could chalk that up to being a trick of the light. But seeing it twice? There was something there, something material, and a significant part of him itched to know what it was. So he followed the black and white path to the left, into a thicket of dancing trees, and set out on a quest to find out what it was.

An entry for Suck My Kiss.'s Avenged In Wonderland Contest.
[Contest was never judged.]
Third place in Snow.White.Queen.'s Fan Fiction At Its Finest! contest.

Song used is "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane.
Word count: 6,710.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. All original characters and the plot belong to Haylie Jaed. No copyright infringement is intended.