

"Ma'am, this isn't easy news to hear. Perhaps you should sit down.."

"No..no, I am just fine standing."

Hesitating, he sighed but continued, "45% of his body is covered in scar tissue.." The woman gasped but nodded for him to continue, "His left arm is broken, as are 3 of his ribs, while 2 more are bruised. We had to give him a total of 30 stitches in his back, as well.."

The doctor's voice trailed off into nothing as he focused on the overtired couple who stood in front of him. The woman had medium-length brown hair, which was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her hazel-colored eyes were glassy with tears and the worry showed eminent across her delicate features. The man was tall, with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He lifted a shaking hand and ran it through his hair, showing the touches of gray along his scalp.

"What happened to him..?" She began, choking back a sob and covering her mouth in effort to hold back the tears. Shoulders shaking, she fell into a nearby, plastic chair. Her husband followed suit, pulling her quaking body into his arms and kissing her forehead.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne, I am so sorry for what has happened to your son. I am aware that it may be of no consolation, but he is extremely lucky to be alive, as we can see it.."

The mother nodded, slowly brushing a few strands of loose hair away from her face. Grabbing her husband's hand, she looked up to the doctor.

"We thought he was dead, all of these years we were sure he had died..but instead, he was going through something so much worse. He's only a boy.." She began to sob again, crying into the shoulder of the dark blue shirt her husband was wearing.

"Again, I am so sorry. But, he will be alright. We gave him a mild sedative to help him sleep, he should be awake by the time morning comes around. You'll be able to see and speak with him then. As for now; I would suggest that the two of you go home and get some rest. Your family has certainly had a..rough day. You need it." And with a small smile, he walked away.


The ride home was long and quiet, barely a word had been spoken between the couple which had prolonged the trip even more. Tears were streaming silently down the wife's face, dripping onto her gray slacks. The husband's expression hadn't changed; it remained cold and stern. The tension in the car was high, and the weather outside wasn't helping matters much. Dark clouds had begun to roll in and rain was beginning to fall.

"Three years..how did our son just disappear for 3 years and then just turn up in the middle of nowhere?" She whispered, using her sleeve to wipe the tears away from her face and checking the mirror to make sure her mascara wasn't running.

She was greeted with no response, just the quiet click of the turn signal and eerie tap-tap of the rain on the roof.

"Daniel..I need you to talk to me." She began, " Don't shut me out like you did when he vanish-"

"Dammit Charlene!" He hollered, slamming on the brakes as he nearly ran through the intersection of a red light, "I'm just...thinking. Is that really so bad?!"

Clearly hurt, she tried again, "Well..you can talk to me. I mean he's our son."

"I know that!" He hollered again, pounding his fist on the steering wheel for emphasis, "Do you think that I forgot that because he was gone for 3 years? Does that suddenly mean I forget?"

Now it was her turn to be silent, staring down at her hands where they lay clasped in her lap.

"I didn't mean-"

Daniel let out a sigh, "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, all of this is just so much right now. I guess I'm in shock. That's usually what happens when you're watching the game on T.V and you get a call that your son, whom you thought was dead, has just turned up.."

"Let's just go home and go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be..hectic." She reassured him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, and we also have to tell Sadie that her brother was just brought back from the dead."