Blind Faith

Blind Faith

Ever since I can remember, I've been blind. No sight. At least not since the age of 2. When I was an adolescent, I asked my mother why I was blind. Her response was that of an inebriated woman who clearly did not want to be bothered with my questions. She told me that I was a bad boy, that I didn't deserve to have the pleasure of seeing the world around me. For a long time, I believed her. As time went on, I thought she only told me that to protect me from the evil world we lived in.

When I became old enough to be considered an adult, I realized my mother wanted nothing to do with me and I moved out of the house. Most considered me a callow man and I never disagreed. Even though I was blind, I knew that nobody should have to live the life I was living at my mother’s. I also knew that I wasn't mature enough to live on my own.

One night, walking to my apartment, I stumbled across my neighbors sitting on the stairs. I apologized for what happened and explained to them that I was blind and haven’t gotten used to the area yet. Instead of treating me like I didn't belong, they invited me to a carousal they were throwing at their place the next night. After stating that I was abstemious, they said I could still come to the party if I wanted to.

The next night, knowing what I was getting myself into, I decided to stop by the party. When I arrived, I realized that the music was way too loud for me to have a good time, so I decided to head back to my apartment. Before going to bed, I kneeled and began to pray, “God, please help me? I can’t seem to find my place in this world. I don’t know why you want me to live in this evil world with my condition. All I can see is evil. I can’t see the beauty that you've made here. I want to be able to see the ocean and explore the world. I want to go to Paris, Hawaii, Australia, Iceland. Please, God, I really need your help. I know you don’t perform miracles very often, but I would do anything to be able to have my eye sight...” I trailed off as I began to fall asleep.

The next morning, I could hear the splashing of water and I could smell something very salty. I opened my eyes to see the clear, magnificent sky above me. I COULD SEE THE SKY ABOVE ME! I could see. Had I ever seen the sky before in my life? I don’t think I had. After taking in the beautiful sight, I stood up to realize that I was standing aboard a ship. Looking around, I noticed a hoary man standing on the bow of the ship.

After calling out to him, I realized he couldn't hear me over the splashing of the waves on the sides of the boat. I walked over to him. We stood there for a long time, neither of us saying anything. Trying to preserve the beauty that is the ocean, the sky, the world. He was the first to speak.

“Are you happy here?” he asked me.

“It’s so beautiful, but I don’t understand. How did I get here? How can I see? Who are you?”

The man turned toward me and I felt an automatic connection to him. “You said you didn't want to live in that evil world anymore, correct?”

I nodded.

“You said you wanted to sail the brine and see the rest of the world, yes?”

Again, I nodded. “So who are you?”

“I am but God, of course.”


He stared at me, as if to answer my question only with his eyes.

“God. Right, how else would this be happening. So where am I, exactly?”

“You prayed to me, remember? You asked for me to purge the evil from the world around you, yes?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“And you did say you would do anything to have your eye sight?”

“I did.”

“You should be more careful what you wish for… You are dead.”

As I took in this man’s final words, I looked toward him, only to realize that he had vanished. I have been left to sail the world, by myself, for all of eternity.
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This was just a one shot I wrote. Any feedback, comments? Anything would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thank you for reading :)