Status: Yep, this is my story. Dragon's Gleaming Jewel. Hope you like it!

Dragon's Gleaming Jewel

Dragon's Gleaming Jewel

The dragon was gigantic, and a deep blood red color. Awestruck, I stared at it, studying the features of the beast. Its wings were torn, probably from past battles, and its eyes were a mystifying golden color. The dragon snorted, making me take a step back. "......humans. Scared of everything...." it mumbled. Hearing it talk was pretty amazing to me, but I wasn't scared of the dragon at all! "Hey! I'm not scared of you!" I challenged. The dragon's eyes widened, and it said, "You...? You can understand me?" I nodded, wondering why it would ask such a silly question. Of course I can understand words! "...interesting. And, may I ask, why is a puny child like you wandering around here at night?" it asked. "Well...nevermind. What's your name?" I inquired, avoiding the dragon's past question. "My name is Ardent, and I'm a male fire dragon," Ardent replied. "My name's Esther!" I said, not caring if he wanted to know or not. "...I never asked what your name was, you know," he sighed. Before I could retort, he gazed up into the night sky, and murmured, "Time for me to go!" One swoop of his giant wings, and he was up in the sky and heading north. I stood there for a minute, watching him leave until he was only a tiny dot. I ran out of the forest and eventually made it to my house. I turned the doorknob, and when I went in, standing there parents. "Uh oh..." I mumbled.

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I had to get off when I was typing this story, so that's why it's so short! Hope you liked it!