Status: Yep, this is my story. Dragon's Gleaming Jewel. Hope you like it!

Dragon's Gleaming Jewel

Dragon's Gleaming Jewel

"What!?" I said, astonished. Ardent hesitated. "Where are they!?" I demanded. Yeah, I know I'm being a little bit bossy, but I'm just scared for my parents! "I don't know! I already told you..." Ardent replied. "But, before you were awake, they quickly got into their car and sped off..." Ardent exclaimed. Amphora and Onyx exchanged glances, and Amphora whispered something I couldn't quite catch. Onyx's eyes widened, and this time I heard him whisper back. "That is a possibility..." I heard Onyx whisper. I looked at the two of them for a second longer, and turned to Ardent. I'll figure out what they were talking about later, but right now I'll have to deal with my parents' disappearance. "That's weird...they'd usually be in the kitchen when I wake up and go downstairs..." I said, worry showing in my voice. "We'll find them...I swear we will!" Amphora chirped. "If you say so..." I said, but I doubted it. My stomach growled, and I just realized how hungry I am. "I'm gonna go inside to eat but I'll be back!" I exclaimed to the four dragons. Ardent nodded in understanding. I shot out of the forest, and hurried inside. I made myself a snack to eat, and then sat on the couch, thinking about what had happened to my parents. Why would they drive off without even telling me? Could've something happened that I'd never heard about? Maybe. But I'm not sure. What if something bad happened to them? I suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. I threw my snack away, and ran upstairs. I flopped down on my bed, and shut my eyes. I don't want to think about my parents, so I'll just take a quick nap. I soon fell asleep as I entered one of my most horrible dreams I've ever had.

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