Status: When I get the chance.. PS: Comments= updates

Living Among the Stars

The Arrival

The girl looked up at the gates with a frown. Three years ago her brother disappeared behind them and hasn’t spoken to her since. “Just because of father’s commanded it doesn’t mean we can’t still see each other. I’ll visit over Christmas break, I promise.” Well let’s just say that he didn’t keep that promise like he meant to. She looked down at her long, pale, and slender fingers as they played with a charm on her silver bracelet. The hands of an Artist, and the mind of a genius, that’s what she was known for, that and her angelic beauty that had something dark hiding behind it for no one to see. Her hair a striking black that contrasted greatly with the clear blue of her eyes had grown quickly over the years and now passed her waist. Thought to be an angel like her brother, but ever since the word was broken and thrown in the air with no intent of fulfilling it, she has become a living nightmare to those around her, leaving her with only Wanda.
“Itami?” She looked back to the sleek black car to where Wanda, her guardian sat. She had beautiful red waves that went just past her shoulders, her blue eyes so different from those of Itami’s blood family. “Don’t forget to be nice, make friends, and don’t kill anyone or at least try not to.” Itami grinned at the woman that knew her truly. With a swift nod the car took off speeding away from the haven she would be calling home for the time being.
The gates opened to show Kaien Cross, the headmaster. “Hello Itami, it is wonderful to finally have you here. You will be a beautiful addition to the Night class. I have yet to meet with Kaname to tell him of your arrival, so at the moment he only knows of a possible addition to the Night Class, but since you hadn’t confirmed completely I decided to keep it under wraps at the time.” She nodded. “So it is true then, that you are mute?” He said with a questioning gaze. Itami glared in his direction and he flinched. “Okay then. I trust you since of the information your guardian Wanda has informed me of your drinking habits and I feel as if for the moment you can show yourself the campus and get adjusted to it. I also heard that you aren’t nearly as… attention seeking as your brother and will obey all rules with ease.” She couldn’t help but smirk. Of course brother is an attention seeker, why wouldn’t he be. She nodded and turned toward the forest. “I will have your uniform delivered to your dorm room.” She took off without another thought.