Fifty Dollar Nose Bleed

Ryan's Home Sick

Ryan's home sick and Brendon opts to take care of him because Spencer and Jon went away for the weekend at some cabin in this remote wooded area (Spencer and Jon grew their beards out and Jon insisted they role play as lumberjacks, not that Brendon and Ryan wanted to know they role played, they get enough of those stories from Pete) in Vermont or something like that. Brendon never paid attention to Spencer, or geography lessons much.


Ryan sends Brendon out for food, none of that junk food Jon makes Spencer keep in the house for when he's over, but some clichéd chicken soup that makes sick people feel better, and demands in his sassy, drama queen tone that Brendon make him some. Brendon huffs about it because he doesn't want to, but Ryan whines that he's sick, and eventually Brendon goes because it's Ryan and he maybe, sort of wants to nurse him back to health.


Brendon loses the money because ABBA comes on the radio and he just has to finish belting out Dancing Queen, and it's windy and the windows are down, but he realizes that it was just his Hollister receipt that flew out. So he's pretty sure he looses the money in the time span of walking from the parking lot into the store when he was jiggling his keys in his pocket and shuffling with his wallet. But then he also contemplates about whether it was when he's pushing the shopping cart up and down the aisles and, yeah, pretending it was a race car with this other little kid pushing his own cart wasn't the best idea, either. It eventually didn't matter where he lost it -though now Brendon's thinking he lost it in the produce section, when he was comparing the size of the carrots in an almost sexual way- because when he's got everything on the conveyer belt, and the cashier rings him up he doesn't have the fifty dollar bill Ryan gave him.


Ryan punches Brendon, making his nose bleed, and Brendon wants to cry because it was Ryan's fist and his nose, and he didn't even think Ryan had that in him to begin with. Pete wouldn't be seen with Brendon outside in the world if his nose looked ugly, and the blood was staining Spencer's dishtowel, and Spencer would just throw a big hissy fit. Ryan is the only one that can calm Spencer down and out of his hissy fits, but Ryan still isn't feeling well, and is so, so pissed at Brendon.


Later, when a bruise has formed on the face of his nose, Brendon dares to walk out of the bathroom and into the living room. He spots Ryan lying on the couch and lazily, with his eyes almost shut, reading Cosmo.

"Ryan?" Brendon squeaks.

He wants to believe that Ryan only hit him because he was agitated. He's been sick for nearly a week now, and Brendon pulled the last straw. Plus the fact that it's Ryan, the same Ryan who tried to persuade Pete that adding scarves to the Clandestine label would be well worth it, who wouldn't talk to Pete for days because Pete said the scarves were ugly like the rose-vest, and who almost signed Pete up for the circus afterwards. (Later, Ryan realized making out with Patrick would have been a better form of revenge, but Ryan was just in a mood, and forgot about it all because it ended up being Patrick's birthday, and he knew he had to buy him the perfect hat.)

"Ryan? Ry, I'm really sorry," Brendon whispers.

Ryan looks up at him with bored eyes, shifts a plastic Ziploc bag full of ice, and stares at him for so long Brendon sure he is planning on which act in the circus would best fit Brendon.

"I know you are," he finally states. "That's why I got you this."

Ryan holds up the makeshift icepack. Brendon's eyes sparkle.

"I figured you'd hurt a lot," Ryan smiles. "I've been using it for my hand, but your nose looks worse."

Ryan sits up and Brendon walks closer, reaching out for the bag. Ryan pulls off his paisley, green scarf and warps it around the icepack, and places it softly against Brendon's nose, after he sits himself down.

"Do you want to order food, seeing as you didn't get anything?" Ryan says, with a slight smile playing on his lips.


The doorbell rings and Brendon gets up to get it. He finds the pizza guy on the other side, and takes the box, telling the guy to wait.

"Ryan?" Brendon calls out. He puts the box on the kitchen counter, and eyes Ryan who is beaming and flicking through the TV channels. "Money?"

Ryan just points to the coffee table with a smirk. Brendon walks over and throws the palm of his hand to his forehead, not really wanting to look at the fifty dollar bill.

"You're an idiot," Ryan grins.

"You punched me and you knew?" Brendon exclaims, only with a hint of annoyance. He can never really stay mad at Ryan, even if he did punch him in the face.