
Chapter 2

The nurse tries making small talk with me while we are walking through the twisting maze of hallways.
“How do you like school?” She asks her straight brown ponytail swaying as she walks. I shrug and we continue in silence for a while until we get to a large hallway filled with doors covering the walls on both sides.
“Where are we going?” I ask curiosity finally getting the best of me.
“We are going to your room so you can unpack your things, and get settled in,” she replies with a big smile, I notice she has pretty chocolate brown eyes. She unlocks the door, and I take a few steps in, there is a short hallway that opens up into a large room with a single bed, a shelf and window running along the far wall. The view is of the parking lot, and I can see my parents walking to there car arguing, probably about me or where to go for supper. The nurse is still standing in the doorway while I explore, I head back to her and I see a shelving unit probably to put my scarce belongings in. Next to the shelving I see a door and I try the handle.
“It’s locked,” the nurse informs me. No really? I think but I don’t say anything. “It leads to the washroom if you need to use it just find a nurse and they have the key to open it.” I start unpacking my stuff, but she quickly takes my backpack and starts making piles.
“What are you doing?” I demand.
“I have to go through your stuff to make sure there are no contraband items,” she says while humming a song that I’ve never heard under her breath. She makes two piles, in one there is my laptop, my pencil sharpener and the coil of my notebook. In the other are the things I’m aloud to keep like my clothing, toiletries and my novels. “I’m done, unpack your things, and someone will be along shortly to call you for supper,” And with that she walks out and closes the door behind her with a bang. I don’t know how much time I have since there isn’t a clock in my room but I get to work unpacking my jeans, long sleeved shirts and my sweaters, my books I pile on one of the other shelves. No one has come to get me so I go and sit on the long shelf; I hug my knees to my chest and rest my chin on my knees. I watch the birds fly; they are free and can go anywhere while I’m stuck here. I slip my hand up my sleeve and run my hand along the scars, an old habit. I can still feel some of them raised, each of them with a different story. I’m jolted from my thoughts by a loud banging on my door. I walk over and open it, I see a guy who is well built, with blond hair, and eyes the color of a stormy sea. He has a long scar from his temple to his jaw, I have the strong urge to touch it but i resist and cross my arms so that I wont be tempted any longer.
“Supper is ready,” he tells me. I find comfort in the fact that he can’t stop staring at me either; even though I am a little self conscious at least I’m not the only one who is making a fool of myself.
“Okay” I say in a quiet voice, as I let him lead me away.
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Chapter 2, tell me what you think chapter 3 coming soon