
Chapter 3

He leads me down a hallway into a very large room; there are Ping-Pong tables in one corner, a TV in the middle of the room surrounded by mismatched sofas and chairs. One wall is covered with two bookshelves and is overflowing with board games and movies. In one corner there is a little kitchen with a fridge and table and beside it along the other wall there is a stove microwave and cupboards and counter. Almost all of the wall space is taken up with posters about ‘being the best you, you can be.’ There are tables around the kitchen area, and at least 20 teenagers are crowded around the tables talking loudly to each other. I see only one table that’s empty and I rush towards it. Unfortunately he follows me to my table and sits down with me.
“I’m Austin Reagen, what’s your name?” He asks.
“Skyler Sykes,” I reply. I say it so silently that when he doesn’t reply I think he hasn’t heard me
Finally he says “That’s a pretty name.” I’m saved from discussing this further, by the food that arrives. Everyone gets up and takes there tray. I dig into mine the hamburger is to salty, the salad is too soggy, and the chocolate pudding has chunks of something in it. I eat it all because it’s better than anything I ever had at home. I inhale the food and before I realize I’m finished. I look over at Austin and I see he’s giving me a strange look.
“What?” I ask, “Do I have food on my face or something?”
“No, that’s not it at all,” he says with a small smile playing on his face. “I just thought you were one of those anorexic girls because of how skinny you are, but by the way you devoured the disgusting food they serve here I can see you are defiantly not.”
I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t anorexic I was worse I carved lines into my body, sometimes words. I wanted to pour out my thoughts, feelings, and experiences to him but instead I end up saying “No, I’m a different type of messed up.” By that point almost everyone is done eating and they are all gathering around to choose a movie they finally decide upon “Moulan Rouge.” By the time I get over to the TV there isn’t any other seats I’m about to sit on the floor when Austin grabs me around the waste and sits me on his lap. I can’t concentrate on the movie; I’m hyper aware of mine and his every move.
The movie finally ends and he shows me back to my room, he leans down as if he’s going to kiss me but instead he whispers in my ear “Till tomorrow,” He turns and walks away, I continue watching him until he is out of my sight.
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Chapter3, any feedback or comments are welcome. Chapter 4 coming soon