Status: Will be worked on!

The X Factor


I wrung my hands together, playing with my hair occasionally. Yeah, I was as nervous as hell. My mom was right beside me, her hand on my leg as I rehearsed the song over and over again in my head.

The waiting room was loud. My mom had just told me to ignore it as I practiced. She would know. She's on Broadway and has been doing this for years. My best friend, Carly Rose Sonenclar was near me, looking equally as nervous. She really didn't have to be. Carly Rose has the most amazing voice. She constantly tells me I'm much better, which I think is defiantly not true. We're both thirteen, so we haven't had as much practice as others here.

Carly Rose and I both were on Broadway, both doing Les Miserables (I was the young version of Cosette), and I did The Lion King later as Young Nala. Still, I don't think I practiced enough. I fucking hope I practiced enough...

Carly Rose was called and we hugged quickly, Carly Rose giving me a look that showed she was terrified. I pushed her playfully to the backstage and waved at her.

"Good luck!" I yelled after her. She grinned nervously back at me.

"Thanks... You, too," she replied, disappearing backstage.


I could hear Carly Rose sing from where I was sitting. She sounded amazing, so it was no surprise when she ran back to me with a huge smile on her face, throwing her arms around me.

"I got in! I made it!" She screamed. I laughed and hugged her tightly, smiling happily. She sighed. "Oh, my God. It's amazing. You're going to kill it."

Ten minutes later, it was my time to go on. I looked up frantically at my mom, my eyes widening. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally used to large audiences, after years on Broadway. I'm just afraid of rejection, which I suppose I should get used to. Broadway is tough. Thousands of people come to tryout for a single spot.

"It's going to be fine," my mom told me, kissing my forehead. I gulped and nodded, standing up and walking as confidently as I could, my mom trailing behind me. They had me sit backstage for a few moments before the moment was here. They told me to make my way on stage, and I stood, clenching and unclenching my hands into fists.

I honestly barely remember my audition. It went by so fast. I also didn't have the guts to watch a video of it later. I still haven't. This is what I remember, though.

As I walked on stage, hundreds of bright lights hit my vision and I smiled weakly, clutching the microphone in my hand tighter. Thousands of people started screaming the moment they saw me, standing up. I suppose it was impressive for someone as young as me to be walking out on stage.

"Hi," I said into the mic, smiling at the judges. Hundreds of people screamed, and I blushed slightly. Simon rolled his eyes, clearly thinking I was a goner already.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" Britney asked me in an annoyingly babyish voice, smiling gently at me.

"Dakota Fanning," I told her. She grinned wider.

"Aww. How old are you?" She continued in her sickly-sweat voice.

'Shut up!', I was thinking.

"I'm thirteen."

Simon breathed heavily, resting his head on his hands and looking bored. "What will you be singing for us today, Dakota?" He asked.

"Skinny Love by Bon Iver," I replied with a smile. He raised an eyebrow.

"That's a difficult song. Did you practice? Think you can do it?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well, best of luck." I nodded, and let out a deep breath.

The music started and I counted the beats in my head, closing my eyes momentarily before beginning to sing.
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First chapter up!