Status: So I guess I'm going to roll with this and keep writing? I'm making this up as I go which isn't what I originally wanted, but whatever. I'll just go with this hopefully I finish the story before I get bored with this.

Who's the Kid in the Basement? Gerard Way

Who's the Kid in the Basement? Gerard Way 13.

Right after Jessica parked her car, she briskly walked over and stood next to Toni with her friends trailing behind her. I went to walk over to where Gerard, Mikey, Felecia, and Kristina were standing.

"I'm excited to see Ray play guitar. I've never seen him play before." I heard Kristina comment as I got closer to them.

"He's really, really good!" Felecia told her.

"Yeah he's been playing guitar since I think he was in middle school.." Mikey informed Kristina.

"Wow! That's so awesome! There's so much I don't know about him. It's funny because he's been usually been in a couple of my classes every year. We never ever really talked though.."

A couple minutes later Ray and Mason came back out with Frank following them waving at us. Frank told them they would be playing in the garage tonight and then everyone began moving their equipment over there. He told us that the word was spread that the party was supposed to start around 8, which made sense as to why no one was really there yet. He also informed them they would be playing first and that it would only be them, then his other friend's band, then Frank's band, as far as bands playing at the party went. He told them they could start playing at 8:30, or 9 depending on how many people were there by then.

After everyone's equipment was set up Frank took us into the house to get everyone some drinks. I noticed he had a layer of black plastic garbage bags taped to the floor with a layer of cardboard taped over that to keep the floors from getting gross. He usually does this for every party he throws and takes all of the things that would sit on the counter in the kitchen and in the living room and puts them somewhere else. He was pretty smart about keeping his house from getting destroyed from having a party.

When Frank began pouring drinks Mikey, Felecia and I declined his offer but everyone else got one. Toni and Mason started off with some Captain Morgan and coke. Gerard had a can of Budweiser, Kristina and Ray got each got a cup of raspberry vodka with club soda. I also saw that Jessica had a watermelon wine cooler, and her friends had some cups that contained some mixed drink of their choice.

Everyone was hanging out in the garage in front of their equipment. Frank had ran his Ipod through his amp that had been hooked up so there would be some music going until Toni and everybody started playing.

It was about 8:10 When random people started coming down from Frank's house in small groups every couple minutes. By 8:40 there were probably 45 people, besides everyone I came with in, and in the front of Frank's garage. The door was opened since everyone wouldn't be able to fit in it if the door was shut. Toni walked over to everyone who would be playing with them and told them they should probably start soon. They all went over and tuned up their instruments and warmed up a little. I was standing off right in front of them along with Kristina and Felecia and Jessica and her friends as well, they were a few feet to the right of us to be more in front of Toni.

They ended up starting their first song right before 9 and opened with "We Will Rock You," just like they had last Saturday. The group of people listening loved it and was stomping and clapping along with them. After that they ended up going into "We Are The Champions" Just like last Saturday as well, which everyone liked as well.

Next they moved on to "The Trooper" which I thought they ended up playing really well. I loved hearing Gerard sing it, he did really well! I really loved his voice in general, but I really liked hearing more of it when he did this song. I loved watching him too. I could tell he was really getting into it. He'd look over at me a few times too when he'd look out towards the audience. I enjoyed that as well! It was really nice. Toni and Ray were singing the back up "Aahhhh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ohhh, ohh ohhh ohh ohhhhhhs" Their guitar solos for the song were awesome as well! I looked over at Kristina who looked blown away by Ray's playing during his solo. Jessica and her friends started screaming when Toni took one and got up all close to him. Although he doesn't like her I know he enjoyed that he absolutely loves getting positive attention from his guitar playing.

For the last song Gerard ended up placing the mic back on it's stand then stepped over the few speakers laying on the floor on their sides that were separating the band's space from the group of partiers. He stood next to me. While Toni was talking about their next song a few people patted Gerard on the back or yelled "Yeahhh!" at him and gave him a high five.

"You were so awesome! I love your voice!!!" I leaned over and told him into his ear right after he looked over and smiled at me.

"Thanks!" He said back into my ear. Then Felecia and Kristina looked over at him and he looked back and they both gave him high fives.

After another minute went by of the 4 of us watching Toni and everyone else play their last song Jessica moved towards us, then past Felecia, and Kristina, then me and stood over on the other side of Gerard. Honestly this freaked me out a little bit after hearing Toni rant in the car about what kind of a person she is. I looked over at her and she tapped Gerard on the shoulder. He looked a little bit startled when he turned to see who tapped him on the shoulder. Then I saw her lean in and say something into his ear. I wasn't showing it but I was really starting to freak out so bad over this! I knew she wasn't just trying to be polite to him because he's friends with Toni. I know Gerard's hot too, and it seemed to me that someone else was realizing. I know I could have totally been jumping to conclusions but, can you blame me?

I could tell she probably compliment him about how he did by hearing him yell "Thanks" to her. I could hear him since he didn't really lean in at all to say it. He just placed his hand on the side of his mouth and yelled. She smiled back and shook her head. Right after her reaction he turned over towards me and shot me a look that said. 'why the hell is she talking to me?' It made me laugh, then he took a step closer to me and we turned our attention back to the rest of the band who was still playing. I felt kind of dumb feeling a bit threatened by Jessica talking to Gerard after seeing him react the way he had. Maybe she wasn't his type at all and he knew that. Or that's what I at least hoped.

The rest of the instrumental song that they were playing was awesome! Everyone was cheering for everybody's solos they had. Mikey even took one and Felecia screamed for him when he was done. When their song was ending everyone really gave an awesome reaction and were cheering for them. Toni basked in it and held the guitar up to his face and started playing with his teeth a little causing everyone to cheer even more. When they ended Frank flew up to them and gave them all high fives and spoke into the mic telling everyone what band was up next before he turned his Ipod back on so there would be music still going while everybody began disassembling their equipment to take it back to their cars. Felecia, Kristina and myself helped out to make it go a bit faster so the other band could start setting their stuff up. I noticed as we were bringing out the equipment it seemed like a lot more people had showed up then I had noticed.

After we moved all the equipment out into everybody's cars we were standing around for a second while everyone who just played was still reminiscing about it. I noticed Jessica and her friends strolled up to join us a few minutes later. I she was standing on the other side of Gerard with her friends near her. I wasn't sure if that was because she's probably after Gerard or because she was going to walk over to the side of our circle that Toni was on. I hoped it was the 2nd one..

"That was so much fun! But now I need more drinks!" Toni yelled throwing one fist up into the air. Then Jessica screamed and clapped then started saying she needed more as well. Toni turned and began walking towards the house with Mason by his side then Jessica and her friends followed her over to Toni. Mikey and Felecia announced they were going to go back into the garage to go catch the next band. Ray and Kristina said they could go for another drink and Gerard agreed that he could as well.

The four of us walked into the house. I didn't think too many people would be in the house since it seemed like everyone was out at the garage but there were actually a decent amount of people inside the house. It wasn't so packed to the point where you couldn't move or anything but there were more then I expected. Ray and Kristina walked over to a table that had red plastic cups and some wine coolers and twisted teas sitting on it. Gerard noticed a keg over on the kitchen counter with a few stacks of red plastic cups next to it. He helped himself and got a cup of beer.

"Do you want anything?" He leaned over and asked me since it was a bit loud in the house. Frank also had music going in the house as well.

"No, thanks though. I'm fine." I smiled at him, it was nice he offered. "Do you want to go watch the other bands?"

"Yeah, let's go," He said leading the way going out Frank's front door. When we got to garage we found Mikey and Felecia standing towards the back of the garage since people moved forward and took the place we were standing up front. Gerard and I stood by Mikey and Felecia and listened to the music Frank's Ipod played until the band began playing.

As soon as the band began playing everyone began moving around for them and began pushing and shoving everybody around. The four of us instantly jumped back about two feet to avoid being shoved. I was a bit surprised everyone began moving so soon. I guess Toni's and everyone's act was pretty good for an opener, or a lot of people who came are fans of this band. Gerard, Mikey, Felecia and I watched the band from basically the sidelines since everyone towards the center of the room was having a mosh pit situation and I guess we didn't feel like joining it. Even if we did, Gerard was still drinking his beer.

After their first two songs I saw Toni and Mason show up with Jessica and her friends following them. Just as the band started their third song Toni and Mason threw themselves into the pit with everybody and started thrashing around. I watched and saw Jessica and her friends didn't follow. They stayed at the outer edges towards the front of the garage.

Right before the band announced that they were going to play their last song, Gerard leaned in towards my ear and told me he wanted to go inside and get another drink and asked if I wanted to come. I agreed to. As I followed him out of the garage and into the house I smiled to myself. I was happy he was basically like, being there at the party with me. It was cool. I thought to myself, he probably does truly like me. I thought maybe at some point in the future there would be a possibility that he'd want me as his girlfriend. A possibility of me getting to that next level with him where I can know how many people he's slept with, or how far he's been with somebody. I enjoyed that.

This time instead of Gerard getting another beer, he opted to have a Captain Morgan with coke. I hadn't really noticed any big changes with him having had some alcohol in his system. After he fixed his drink we headed back out the front door into towards the garage.

"Hey, do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?" He asked looking over at me, he looked a little concerned that it might bother me.

"No! It's ok go ahead," I assured him.

"Ok, are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm positive!" I smiled at him as we began walking towards the back of Frank's house where there was an ashtray on a table that had some lawn chairs around it.

"Ok, if it bothers you though, please tell me!" he said placing the cigarette in between his lips, right before we both took a seat in the lawn chairs.

"I will, I promise." I told him as he lit it up.

"Good! You better! Are you having a fun time?" He asked.

"Yeah, this is a cool party, it feels more like a show then a party.. but I don't mind that at all. Are you having a good time?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm really glad I'm here. I'm glad you're here and I'm glad I just sang in front of people too, that was actually really fun after the first song." He told me.

"I had fun watching and listening to you. I love your voice." I said for probably like the 16th time tonight and smiled at him. He smiled back while taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Thank you.." He smiled towards the ground while looking at his feet.

After his cigarette we went back into the garage to see that the next band was done and Frank's band was now setting up. I looked at my phone to check out what time it was and found out it was only 10:44 I was a little surprised but glad there was still a good chunk of the night left.

When Frank's band went on everybody I came to the party ended up moving around. Gerard finished his drink after the second song. He sort of chugged it a few times to finish it so he could move around. Just about everyone in the room was moving around for Frank's band for the majority of the time they played. Jessica and her friends didn't really move around and one point I think they went back into the house to get some more drinks. At the end of Frank's band's set it seemed like no one left the party, most people went and migrated into the house and his backyard.

After Frank's band cleared out of the garage Gerard told me he wanted to get one more drink, then have another cigarette. I followed him into the house and saw he got another Captain Morgan and coke. When he was all set he led me back outside to the backyard, there were a lot of people hanging out there and he suggested that him and I just go sit in his car.

He had parked his car at the edge of Frank's front yard. Toni and everyone who brought equipment to Frank's house got to park up onto more of the yard. Frank's whole property was pretty huge compared to most space houses yard's have. He lived in a house that had a huge long drive way. It was in a neighborhood but it was pretty isolated from the other houses. His driveway was off a dead end in the neighborhood. When Gerard and I got up near the cars that were parked on the lawn we saw that no one else was hanging out around there.

"Let's sit in the back." He suggested as he opened the driver's door to start the car. The drinks he had were showing just a little. He didn't seem drunk but he just seemed to be a bit buzzed.

"Ok.." I smiled over at him he started the car to roll the back windows down a few inches so he could smoke, as I got into the back seat. I sat on the driver's side, and took a quick glance at the clock in his car while it was on. It was only 11:36, I figured we'd have at least a few hours before
we'd be bothered by anybody.

Gerard joined me in the back seat. He still held onto his captain and coke that he still had half of. We both sitting on an angle so we were facing each other. Gerard was leaning slightly sideways to rest his head against the backseat. We both sat in silence for a minute. In that quick minute my mind flashed through all of the things we could be doing alone in the dark in his car.

I wondered if he was intending that him and I do anything. I was surprised I hadn't thought of that earlier and I felt a surge of nerves course through my body. I'd love to do things like that with him! Was that why he suggested we sit out in his car alone? I was also a bit surprised if he had anything like that planned, since maybe he's a virgin. I figured maybe since he had some alcohol in his system that would have had something to do with it if he was planning anything... But I also decided that if things were to go there I wasn't going to let us do anything since he might have a different choice if he were sober. As much as I would have loved to do stuff with him I concluded that it couldn't be tonight. I'd probably enjoy it more anyways if he were sober. That's only IF he was thinking about doing anything of that nature. I figured that's most likely not why he suggested we sit in his car. I usually always just jump to crazy conclusions.

Then after that minute, he took a swig of his drink and broke the silence with something that completely shocked me!

"I can't believe we're hanging out and that we do hang out.. and that you like me, and that you think I'm hot." Gerard confessed looking into my eyes he had a huge grin on. I was so surprised I thought for a minute my mind made that up. My mouth hit the floor and I was quiet for a second. I felt a surge of adrenaline from excitement run through me, then some butterflies erupted in my stomach a second later. I felt nervous excited.

"What?! That's exactly how I feel about you!" I laughed as a huge grin spread across my face I was so happy! I couldn't believe he was saying this. I mean I knew he liked me because he told me, but this was different. It was face to face and it was worded in his own way.

"Really?" Gerard smiled a little bigger then closed his eyes.

"Yup, honestly ever since the first day I saw you, I was hoping we'd end up talking and everything.." I told him. He opened his eyes, smiled for a second then it quickly faded. A serious look crossed his face.

"I've wanted to talk to you ever since I noticed you last year...." He informed me while looking past me. My jaw must have hit the floor and I felt my body get all tingly, I was so shocked! I couldn't even believe he had noticed me before I saw him! "I saw you in the hallway one time at the beginning of last year, and I thought you were absolutely gorgeous, ever since then I've wanted to approach you and get to know you and stuff... but I was too nervous and never had the balls... So I've just been quietly admiring you, and trying to learn about you from afar." He finished looking back into my eyes with another big smile. I still just couldn't believe it! I thought that was like the biggest compliment ever. He noticed me last year and was too nervous to approach me! That was basically how I felt when I first met him! He made me nervous.

"Holly shit!" I laughed. "You made me so nervous the first couple of weeks I knew you! I can't believe you were too nervous to approach me. I feel like I'd be so easy to, since I didn't have friends besides Toni's last year and that I'm really quiet at school.." I began ranting.

"Believe it or not, you're a bit more intimidating then you think to approach. First of all, you're really attractive, so there's that." He started telling me, while he had taken out a cigarette. He placed it on the right side of his mouth and proceeded talking to me while trying to lite it. The more he kept talking the more I couldn't believe it! I didn't even know how to react! It was so flattering and it made me so happy! The person I liked so much was telling me all of this!

"You're quiet at school and you have a really outgoing older brother," Gerard paused and turned his head towards the window then breathed out a puff of smoke, then continued. "When ever I saw you at lunch last year you were sitting with him. That led me to believe that you must have hung out with him and his friends, which made me assume that you may be dating one of his friends. And, if not that you'd probably go for someone more like them, someone who is cool and outgoing and completely unlike me. I figured you'd never talk to a loser like me, you wouldn't want someone who's into drawing and comics and nerdy stuff, someone who spends all their time in the basement." He had a hopeless look on his face when he finished. I felt bad he felt like that, but at the same time I couldn't believe he felt like that! It blew my mind!

"I can't even believe that!" I said in disbelief, as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"Well, I didn't think you were mean or anything, I figured if I did approach you that you would be polite, you seemed pretty nice to people from what I'd seen. I figured you'd let me down easy if I did go up and talk to you.." He continued, then blew some more smoke out of the window.

"Oh, well that's good you thought I was nice! But, if you would have approached me I would have flipped shit!" I laughed at how wrong he would have been if he had approached me. "I would have been blown away that someone as attractive as you would have ever approached me." His eyes grew big and he laughed for a second, then took a sip of his drink. "But, maybe it would have been better you didn't approach me last year, I probably would have been so nervous you would have mistaken that for me being uninterested or something bad. Then after you would have thought that and walked away, I would have thought 'Oh, great, I didn't say much. Now he think's I'm a total loser and that I'm not even worth talking to for five minutes!'" I finished and we were both laughing.

"Wow, maybe it would have played out like that, if I would have even made you nervous... but I don't think I would have though. I was 30 pounds heavier last year. I would have scared you away. My hair was different too, it wasn't my favorite hair cut either." He informed me laughing, then took another drag. I thought for a second and wondered if that was why I hadn't ever recognized him last year. I looked at him for a minute and concluded that even if he was 30 pounds heavier and his hair was a bit different he'd still catch my attention. I knew that I would have noticed him and I would have still thought he was really attractive.

"Nope, I bet I still would have been nervous. You'd still be attractive with 30 more pounds and a different hair cut." I smiled at him and told him while he was blowing more smoke out of the window. I could see his eyebrows raise in surprise before he turned to me again.

"No, I totally would have scared you away, I scared everybody away." He chuckled at me in disbelief.

"That's not true. I bet I still would have found you attractive." I told him again, the way he looked at me when I told him showed me that he believed I was being sincere and he seemed happy about that. He even started blushing a little bit.

"Well.... I think it's crazy I would have made you nervous." He stated and smiled and took another sip of his drink.

"Well, last year I was a lot less confident with myself so... that in combination with YOU being attractive, I definitely would have been nervous." I explained then looked down and smiled to myself still thinking about how he knew who I was even last year! I felt bad that couldn't say the same with that. I wish that I would have met him last year, but maybe it's for the better that we met when he did. Everything probably would have played out like I explained, then we wouldn't have even gotten to know each other.

"Want to know a secret?" Gerard asked after about 30 seconds of silence. I looked over at him as he was placing his cigarette butt in his first cup he had been drinking out of. It was stacked under the one with the drink in it, he had been walking around with two cups.

"Yeah! What?" I asked excitedly wondering what else he could possibly tell me that would surprise me since I was already blown away by everything he'd said.

"Remember when I seemed all mad, and bitchy when we first met." He brought up as he put the ashtray cup on the floor near him.

"Um... well I didn't think you were bitchy... But, yes mad.." I laughed a little.

"I was totally bitchy.. but anyways... well I was originally mad at something else that really didn't matter," He said looking around up in the air thinking about it while he waved his hand. "But... I was so pissed the whole week after school started 'cause I thought you were going out with Mikey." He told me then started smirking.

"Wow?! Did you really?!" I laughed he had surprised me again! I couldn't believe that was why he was so mad! I also was surprised he thought Mikey and I were going out. I really shouldn't have been though because logically it could make sense that he would think that since I just randomly started hanging out with Mikey a lot.

"Yup, but yeah, it was stupid. I was so mad at him I didn't even want to ask him if you two were going out. I ended up asking you. I don't think he even knew why I was mad or that I was mad at him." He laughed and began lighting another cigarette.

"Wow! That's so crazy!" I said laughing at it still. "Did you ever tell him why you were mad and stuff?"

"Yeah, like a few days after I asked you if you two were dating, I ended up telling him and apologized. He was surprised I knew who you were before you and him started talking."

"Yeah, I bet he was... that's funny... he knew that you liked me when I told him that I like you." I said out loud. It started making sense to me why he had reacted that way. I wondered why Mikey didn't tell me that Gerard liked me at that time. Maybe just because Gerard asked him not to tell and he didn't want to go and do that to Gerard.

"That's funny." He smiled and took a sip of his drink.

I couldn't believe everything that Gerard told me. I was still absorbing it through the rest of the night. I never would have guessed that he knew who I was last year, let alone find me attractive enough that he had been wanting to approach me, but was too nervous. It seemed almost too good to be true, but I was so glad that it was true.

For the next hour Gerard and I remained in his car talking. We ended up heading back into the house around 1:20 because Gerard had to pee really bad and we wanted to make sure no one had been looking for us or anything.

When we got up to the house it seemed like the party skimped out only a little. While Gerard was in the bathroom I saw Toni and Mason standing in the kitchen talking with Jessica and her friends. I could tell Toni was drunk and it looked like Jessica and her friends had a good amount to drink too. Jessica kept touch Toni it seemed like any chance she could get, and that was only in the five minutes I was waiting for Gerard. I hoped since he was drunk he wouldn't and already didn't make any bad choices with her.

When Gerard came out of the bathroom him and I went to go find Mikey so he could see if he had to bring Felecia home soon or anything. When we found them, Mikey informed us that Felecia had to be home by 2. I was surprised her parents let her stay out so late since she usually had to be home around 9 on week nights. Gerard told me Mikey ended up meeting her parents when Gerard dropped them off at her house the night they had that date. He said apparently her parents really loved Mikey. Since it was 1:30 and it would take a little while to get back into the neighborhood we all lived in, Gerard Mikey and Felecia ended up saying goodbye to me and told me to tell Toni bye, as well as Frank if I ended up seeing him. When they headed out the front door and were walking down to the car I could see Gerard handed Mikey the keys and was going to let him drive them home.

I was a little bummed Gerard had to leave so soon since I enjoy spending time with Gerard but also, since Toni wasn't planning on leaving any time soon. I decided to see if Ray and Kristina were still at the party. I found them sitting on some lawn chairs that were brought into the house, since Frank would move the furniture into a closed off room so it wouldn't get drinks spilled on it. I was a bit hesitant to approach them at first. I didn't know if they wanted to talk alone or anything. I didn't want to just butt in and bother them, but after a few minutes of hanging out in the living room, I could see through some of the people in there that Kristina was waving me over to join them.

I pulled up a chair and talked with them for about an hour. I told them Gerard, Mikey and Felecia had left. They hadn't said bye to Ray or Kristina. By around 3, Ray and Kristina told me they were getting tired and were going to go. I walked them out and met up with Toni when they found him and Mason to say bye. Jessica and her friends were still hanging around.

About 10 minutes after Ray and Kristina left, and I was still standing with Toni, Mason and Jessica's group Frank came over to talk with us. I could tell Frank was a little buzzed. He usually wouldn't get wasted at the parties he threw in case anything crazy were to happen, or if the cops came or anything. While Frank was talking with Jessica and her friends I asked Toni if he wanted to leave soon.

"We can't yet... I told Mason that I would stay with him, while he sobers up.." He spoke a little slower the usual.

"Ok, when will that be? How much has he had to drink?"

"Uh........" Toni said with a blank look on his face. I could see looking into his eyes he didn't look nearly as alert as usual. "Mason..." He said turning to mason while tapping his arm to get his attention.

"What?" Mason responded I could tell looking at him he hadn't had as much as Toni, Toni seemed to have consumed the most alcohol out of anyone in the group I was standing with.

"When...... When do you think you'll be good to drive?"

"Uh.. probably just another half hour." He said looking at Toni then his eyes drifted over to me. "I haven't had much to drink and I haven't had anything for the last hour." He leaned past Toni a little to tell me since he could tell I was the one asking. I felt kind of bad since I felt like I was the only one who wanted to leave. I didn't want to be the party pooper.

"Ok, no rush.." I told him politely, and he nodded and smiled then went back to talking with Jessica's friend.

"Hey! Where were you all night?" I hear to my left and felt someone sling their arm around my shoulder. I turned and saw that it was Frank.

"Hey, I was in Gerard's car with him talking, then I sat with Ray and Kristina for a while." I answered him smiling to myself remembering all of the things Gerard told me in his car. Through out the night I noticed my mind kept going back to them and ever since we talked in his car I found myself still getting a rush of adrenalin every time I thought about what he said.

"Ohhhhh, in Gerard's car with him?" Frank said in mock surprise and placed a hand over his open mouth. We both laughed. "Just! Talking?" He continued and raised his eyebrows at me.

"Yup, that's all," I shook my head and smiled.

"Oh, of course, if by talking you mean, him putting his penis in your vagina... then yes... lots of talking." He said raising his eyebrows again and we both laughed. Although he was joking around I knew that he knew I was being serious.

"Well duh..." I joked back sarcastically giving him a look that said 'you didn't need to clarify that!' and we laughed some more. "What have you been up to all night?" I asked after a minute.

"Well, you know, you know, just making my rounds..." He informed me and I shook my head. I talked with Frank for another 15 minutes before he moved on to go talk to other people. He had said bye to Toni, Mason and I as well as Jessica and her friends incase he wasn't going to catch us again before we would leave.

Toni and I ended up leaving the party at 4. Mason said he was totally good to drive and the 3 of us walked out to our cars. Jessica and her friends said bye to Toni and Mason, Jessica said they were going to stay longer. Toni ended up letting me drive, although he seemed a lot more sober, he obviously wasn't sober enough to drive.

We ended up getting home a little before 4:30 since I was driving slow and cautiously since it was technically illegal for me to be driving Toni's car, as well as illegal for him, being a minor to be intoxicated. We ended up slipping into the house not waking my parents, which was good since you could still tell Toni had a good amount to drink and they actually probably would get mad at him for that.

As I went to plug my phone into the charger before going to bed I saw I had gotten a txt from Gerard. He had sent it around 2:15 which was probably right after he got home. It ended up saying,

"Sorry, I would have told you those things earlier but I need some alcohol in me to do it. I didn't want them to freak you out."

I smiled to myself thinking about all of the things he had told me in his car that night. Although he was probably asleep I replied.

"It's ok! You didn't even have to tell me, but I'm really glad you did! Thank you! =D Don't worry, I don't get freaked out that easily =]."

I fell asleep at almost 5 in the morning still thinking about everything Gerard said. I ended up having a dream with him in it. I don't remember what really happened but I just remember being happy and having Gerard there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope this story is still alright... sorry it's still moving so slow and there's not much to the plot or anything. I plan to make it at least a little more complex then it is now...

I kind of want to start working on a new Gerard story, but I don't really have any ideas I really like. I would like to do a vampire story since I feel like I want to read a good one now lmao, but at the same time.. there's been vampire stories and I haven't thought of any sort of ways to change up the plot and make it different so it's not like every other one.