Status: Sequel will be coming soon. :)

Keep Holding On

Caring and Worries

The next morning most of the group was gathered around the map Maggie had given them and this time Angela was there too. Her leg felt much better from staying off it yesterday, even though it wasn't fully healed, she wasn't limping around anymore, well at least it wasn't noticeable anymore.

"Alright we're getting new search grids today, if she went as far as that farm house Daryl found; then she's gone farther east than we thought." Rick stated.

"I'd like to help." One of Hershel's people, a kid named Jimmy, said coming towards the group. "I know the land pretty well."

"Hershel's okay with this?" Rick questioned having a hard time believing him.

"Yeah, he said I should ask you."

"Alright thanks."

"Nothing about what Daryl found is screaming 'Sophia' to me." Shane said sitting in the car.

"Really Shane? Can't you have a little faith for once?" Angela asked from her spot between Daryl and T-Dog. Even with Daryl telling her that Shane wasn't a threat of any sorts, she still didn't trust him.

"Look, anyone could have been held up in that farm house."

"Anyone including her?" Andrea chimed in and Daryl explained that about how high the person could have been to fit.

"Well it's about the only lead we got." Angela pointed out.

"Maybe we'll pick up her trail again."

"Maybe, I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here. Get a bird’s eye view of everything; if she's out there I'll see her." Daryl said leaning around Angela to point on the map.

"So you're gonna be on your own again?" Angela said quietly, but hoping she'd be ignored, she wasn't.

"Yeah, that a problem for you?" Daryl asked looking down at her; she glanced at him quickly before looking down at the map again.

"No, it's whatever you wanna do Dixon." She said trying to brush off the concern she showed.

"It's a good idea; maybe you'll see your chupacabra up there too." T-Dog said and Dale explained briefly that Daryl mentioned his sighting of it, the first night at camp.

"You've seen the chupacabra?" Angela asked with a slight laugh of disbelief.

"Yeah I did." Daryl responded defensively, Angela just put her hands up.

"Whatever you say hick."

"You believe in a blood sucking dog? Rick asked

"You believe in the dead coming back to life?" That ended the conversation, causing Rick to finish telling everyone where they'd search, and telling Angela she wasn't coming because of her leg. Once everyone began to walk off, Dale came up.

"Angela can I talk to you for a minute?"

"What's up Dale?" He seemed a bit off.

"I just wanted to know," he began taking some time to fix the watch he wore. "Is there something going on between you and Daryl?"

"No Dale, there's not." Angela said but not as confidently as she hoped, Dale seemed to buy it some.

"Alright, I'm just making sure you're okay. Daryl's not the kind of person you really want to be around."

"Doesn't seem like a bad guy to me, Dale. Why are you so worried?"

"Look I just care is all." Dale said taking a step closer to Angela. "I don't want you getting hurt and Daryl is, unpredictable, I guess is the best way I can describe him."

"Dale, you don't have to worry about me, it's sweet that you care, but I'm okay really. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see if there's any chores I can help with." Angela said walking back to camp and finding Lori.

"Hey Lori." She said greeting her with a smile. "How's Carl?"

"He's good, getting better." Lori said a ghost of a smile floating across her features.

"That's good, is there anything I can help with?"

"Laundry would be helpful. We've got some clothes hung up that should be dry fairly soon think you can check on them and take them down?"

"Sure thing." Angela said beginning to walk off.

"One more thing." Lori called out, causing Angela to stop in her tracks. "We're going to see if we can cook in the kitchen tonight, as a thanks to Hershel and his family, do you think you can help with that some?"

"I'm honestly not that great a cook, but sure, I'll help."

"Thank you, now go check those clothes."

"No problem."

Laundry was a tiresome task to Angela; it wasn't hard at all, but completely boring. All Lori and Carol had her doing was hanging them up and taking them down once they were dry. She didn't complain though, she wanted to pull her own weight, and once her leg was better she'd be out there helping look for Sophia.

Time seemed to go by slowly, but eventually the laundry was done for the day and Carol and Lori retreated inside to begin cooking. Instead of helping with the food right away, Lori told Angela to spend some time with her sister and said she'd call when they needed her help.

Layla was running around with Samantha again, it was amazing how she could be so carefree with all that's happened, yet there she was laughing like she used to while playing tug-a-war with Samantha, before the world ended. The farm seemed safe though, they hadn't seen any walkers on the land, minus the one they had found in the well. Of course it was too soon to say that the farm was the perfect safety for them.

"Walker!" Andrea called from atop the RV.

"Layla!" Angela yelled to her sister who came running with the dog on her heels.

"Is there just the one?"

"Yeah I bet I can nail it from here." Andrea said grabbing the gun while Rick told her to put it down.

"No, best let us best let us handle this."

"Shane no, Hershel wants to deal with the walkers." Rick said trying to keep control over the situation.

"Why man? We got this." Shane said as him and a few others went to greet the unwelcomed guest. Rick realized arguing was useless and ran to catch up with them. Angela stood holding onto Layla's shoulders by the RV with Samantha sitting by her feet and Dale by her side as he stood on the ladder. Andrea, despite being told to leave it, clicked off the gun's safety and aimed at the freak while telling Dale to shove off.

"Andrea, I understand you want to protect the group, but just let them handle this one." Angela said noticing this then looking back at the group. "They stopped, I'm gonna go see what's up. Layla stay by Dale." She ordered running quickly to the group as she took out her knife. Her heart was racing, when she finally slowed to a quick walk as she neared the group and noticing the walker.

"Daryl." She breathed, he looked horrible, and to make matters worse a gunshot rang out and Daryl collapsed. Angela's heart stopped momentarily, but hearing him mutter a few words started it again.

"Angela, go tell Hershel what happened." Rick said as he and Shane picked Daryl up and began carrying him to the house.

"Right." She said taking off in a run back to the house, she slowed a bit when Andrea tried stopping her asking if everything was okay. "You just had to be the hero, didn't you?!" Tears burned Angela's eyes, but didn't fall. "You couldn't have just left it to the others!" She yelled before continuing to Hershel and explaining what happened.

Rick, Shane, and Hershel were the only ones behind the closed door with Daryl. Angela left Layla with Glen and sat with outside the door with Lori, her tears finally falling.

"You care a lot for Daryl, huh?" Lori said placing a comforting arm around Angela's shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess I do. I don't want to though." Angela said finally letting out how she feels.

"Why not?"

"'Cause every time I care about someone, I lose them. I'm working so hard at keeping Layla safe, I don't need another person to worry about losing."

"Can't help how you feel." Lori said "We're all afraid of losing those we care about, even before the world ended. Something we just have to cope with, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't care." Angela looked up at Lori tears still swimming in her eyes.

"Daryl doesn't care though, said it himself too, he's better off on his own. I'm falling for a man that doesn't give a shit about me."

"Has he told you that?"

"It's Daryl, grant it I haven't known him long, but I know he's not the type to talk about feelings."

"You never know, love can change a person."

"The world's ended; the dead have come back to life, and were sittin' here talkin' about love and feelings. Just doesn't seem right." Angela scoffed.

"Just because the world ended doesn't mean we should shove everyone out and become cold hearted. Give love a chance sweetheart, let Daryl know how you feel."

"So you're telling me to just flat out tell him? Like that's gonna work with him."

"Maybe not flat out tell him, but find ways to let him know that doesn't make it seem like you’re wanting to just talk about feelings." Angela let out a defeated sigh.

"Maybe you're right Lori, but I just don't want to screw things up then have him avoid me, and I don't want to lose him." Angela confessed, wiping at her face to clear it from a few stray tears.

The door to the bedroom opened as Rick and Shane exited the room. Angela and Lori stood quickly.

"He'll be alright." Rick assured them, and Angela let out a sigh of relief as Lori put a hand on her shoulder sending her a slight smile.

"Hate to say this, but I'm with Hershel. We can't keep going out there, not after this." Shane said and Angela stared disbelieving at him.

"You'd quit now?" Rick questioned stepping closer to Shane. "Daryl almost died to bring back the first hard evidence we've had."

"If that's the way you look at it. The way you look at it, Daryl almost died to bring back a doll." Shane replied

"Yeah I know the way you see it." Rick said before walking off.

"We can't quit the search. Sophia's still out there; we have to keep this up for Carol, she needs to know if her daughter's okay, and Daryl, he's not going to just give up, not after finding the doll. There's still hope."

"Angela, the girl's been gone for a few days now, I hate to break it to ya, but there really isn't much hope left."

"Whatever Shane, can I step in and see Daryl real quick?"

"If Hershel says it’s alright."
Shane said stepping down the hall a ways. Angela knocked on the door lightly, hearing Hershel's 'yes' before opening it slightly.

"Can I come in for a second?" Angela questioned quietly.

"Don't see why not, I could use a bit of help anyways." Hershel replied covering up the 'no' Daryl uttered. Angela walked in, closing the door behind her.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Clean around that wound on his head as I get the supplies ready to stitch it and bandage it." He said handing Angela what she needed.

She walked to the other side of the bed, setting the things on the nightstand, getting what she needed and settling herself on the bed beside Daryl.

"Move your hand." She ordered and Daryl complied, and she began to clean the wound.

"Why're you here?" He questioned wincing slightly as she cleaned the cut.

"To help out." Angela said trying not to look in his blue eyes, she was nervous being around him after the talk she had with Lori. She finally confronted her feelings for him, deciding on how she felt, and it made being around him all the more difficult. "Layla was worried about you."

"She don' need to be." He replied quickly.

"She's ten, and you saved her life; you're her hero."

"Hero don' exactly fit someone like me."

"You're right, it doesn't fit someone who risks their own life to save a girl who can't protect herself, or to find one that's lost in the woods." Angela replied and didn't receive a response.

She finally tore her eyes from the cut on his head to look at his face. He was looking up at her with an unreadable expression. She leaned back away from him, when Hershel said that the wound was clean enough and let him work on stitching it.

"What no witty comeback?" She questioned lightly.

"Shut up." He finally muttered looking away from her.

"Even a hick like you can be a hero, and to my little sister you are one." Angela said rosin from the bed and heading towards the door. "And I can't thank you enough for it. You don't need my help anymore do you Hershel?"

"No, I've got it from here. Thank you for helping."

"You're welcome. Oh and Daryl, thought you should know that Shane thinks you almost died just to bring back a doll, that its leading us nowhere close to finding Sophia. He wants Rick to call off the search."

"That lil girl's still out there an' until she's found I ain't gonna stop lookin'" Daryl stated

"Figured you'd say something like that, and I agree. There's still a chance if finding her, and I'm not giving up either." Angela said taking her leave and heading towards the kitchen.

Dinner was almost ready by the time Angela went to help, but she still managed to lend a hand and soon everyone was eating. The room was mostly quiet, except the clinking of dishes. Glen tried to ease the tension by asking if someone played guitar, but that just made it worse because it brought Otis up and everyone went silent again.

Relief washed over everyone when dinner finished, they were glad to get away from the deafening silence. Angela began to help clean up the dishes, when Layla ran up to her.

"Angie is Daryl okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie, he's gonna be just fine."

"Can you give him this for me?" Layla said handing Angela a paper with 'get well soon' written on it with some drawings. "I just want him to get better and I know he's not the type to be all nice, but I thought it might cheer him up." For a ten year old she sometimes seemed older, but then her innocence would shine through.

"Yeah I'll give it to him, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Angela said giving her sister a smile, before she ran off.

Angela heard someone say they needed the dishes from Daryl's room, so she jumped at the chance to go and headed up the stairs passing Rick and Shane having a conversation about another run. Once at the door she just stood there for a moment looking down at Layla's picture before folding it up neatly and tapping in the door before walking in. She caught Daryl's eye as she entered before he turned away.

"What do ya want?" He asked

"Came to see if you ate and take your dishes." Angela replied closing the door and crossing her arms across her chest as she looked at him.

"You can take 'em, done eatin'." He said still refusing to look her way.

"You gonna look at me, acknowledge me at all besides the short statements you're giving me?"

"Don' need to look at ya for you to take dishes to the kitchen." He grumbled, Angela had enough of his attitude but stayed calm as she walked to the other side of the bed.

"Too bad I'm here on other business as well." She said holding out the paper to him.

"What's that?" He questioned hesitating to take it from her hand and open it.

"Little something from Layla. I told you she was worried." Angela said sitting on the bed as he unfolded the paper.

"A piece of paper with get well on it."

"Can't really get you a card, so that was the next best thing to her. She figured it might cheer you up, even if you're not really the type to be all nice, as she put it."

"Sweet of her." Daryl admitted.

"You got a soft spot for kids under all that tough demeanor you got going on." Angela said a smirk on her lips.

"Whatever. That all you needed?"

"One more thing, I want to go ahead and apologize if Layla bothers you tomorrow, I think someone is making a run somewhere and I’m asking to go and if I do she may come in to see ya."

"Lord you worry too much."

"What do you mean?"

"First ya worry 'bout Shane's story, then ya worryin' 'bout me goin' in the search alone 'n' gettin' shot, and now ya worryin' 'bout ya sister botherin' me."

"There's nothing wrong with worrying. It's not controlling my life, not stopping me from doing things, so it's not an issue. Sometimes people need to care and worry for others and sometimes they need to be the ones who are worried. You've been the one worrying constantly about Sophia, so don't say anything about me worrying and caring about what happens to you, trust me I'd rather not worry about anything 'cept myself. Not the case though, but right now Sophia's not the only one we need to worry about; Carl's still healing, and you've been shot and you had your own damn arrow go through your side."

"Pointless all that worryin' 'n' carin'. Gets you nowhere, 'cept hurt."

"Can't help it either. People are gonna care about you Daryl, and even if you deny it, you care and worry about things too."

"You can keep sayin' that, but it ain't gonna make it true." Daryl said Angela leaned close to his face to make a point.

"I know it's true 'cause you're determined more than anyone to find Sophia, and to bring it up for the millionth time, you saved my sister," Angela said leaning away, before she did something she'd regret. "And I still can't thank you enough for that." With that said Angela stood from her spot, fleeing from the room with his dishes, before he could say more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's another chapter for you lovelies before I go back to studying for my Sociology final that's tomorrow. I'm so ready for this semester to be over. Anyways, thanks for reading and for the comments on the last chapter.