Status: Sequel will be coming soon. :)

Keep Holding On

Terrible Things

"It's hopeless isn't it?"

That question rang through Angela's head as she stared where her little sister once stood. She couldn't believe those words left her sister. Had Sophia's death taken the last of her hope and caused her to give up?

Anglea jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up to see T-Dog standing behind her, a sorrowful look on his face. She gave what she hoped was a smile in return, but knew it probably came out a grimace instead. Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he left her to her thoughts.

Angela looked around, her eyes swiftly going over the dead bodies that littered the ground and scanning her fellow group of survivors. Hershel's family were mourning, and everyone bore a somber expression. She noticed across the group that Daryl was trying to get Carol to look away from the horrific scene before them as he brought her feet, but she shoved him away and began to rush to the safety of the camp.

Angela watched Carol's retreating form until she was almost out of sight. Letting a sigh pass her lips, Angela rose from the ground and followed Carol's lead to camp. She stopped halfway when she heard screams erupt, but she turned away when she noticed it was being handled and continued on her way.

The camp was empty, but Angela knew Carol was here, where else could she have gone. Then she saw it, a silhouette in the window of the RV, that's where Carol withdrew to.

Angela walked to the side of the vehicle and took a deep breath before carefully walking up the steps. Carol glanced back at Angela for a moment before staring back out the window, while Angela took a seat across from her.

"Shouldn't you be with Layla?" Carol asked softly, evidence of her tears on her face and in her voice.

"Samantha's with her so she's safe, besides I don't think she wants to see me right now." Angela replied "Carol, I'm so sorry about Sophia."

The two fell in silence then, neither knowing exactly what to say about the situation. They didn't sit long by themselves though before they were joined by another; Daryl walked into the RV. Carol turned briefly, much like she did with Angela, and caught Daryl's nod before looking away and sniffling. Angela on the other hand kept his gaze for a moment while he jumped up on the counter. That's when Angela saw something beside him.

She stood from her seat and reached over towards where the redneck was sitting, smirking slightly when he flinched away out of fear that Angela was going to show some sort of affection towards him in front of Carol. He relaxed some when he realized that instead of taking his hand that rested on the counter, she grabbed the box of tissues instead taking one for herself and placing the box on the table close to Carol if she needed it.

No words were spoken between the three companions as Angela and Daryl sat by, trying to offer comfort to the grieving mother with their presence alone. Angela didn't know what to do as she sat there with her eyes wondering around the RV's interior and every so often landing on the hick she was falling for, finding his gaze to land on her from time to time as well. The silence was ended after a while when a tap on the door sounded and Lori walked up.

"They're ready for the funeral."

"Why should I go?" Carol asked.

"'Cause that's your lil girl." Daryl answered and Carol shook her head looking around at the three.

"My daughter died a long time ago." She began, her voice laced with the pain and sorrow of losing her child. "She wasn't out there crying herself to sleep or going cold and hungry. That corpse is a monster, not my little girl."

"But it was at one point." Angela blurted unable to take the words coming from the grieving mother. "That may just be a lifeless corpse out there, but at one point it was a smiling little girl that you loved dearly. That's why you should go to the funeral, not because we're burying a corpse, but because that used to be Sophia. Please Carol, go for her." Angela begged, Carol refused to listen though and simply shook her head, looking out the window again.

Angela let out a loud sigh before standing from her spot. She looked at Carol sadly before turning to look at the other two. Lori walked away, so Angela's eye landed on Daryl as tears began to form. Daryl nodded towards the door.

"C'mon Angela." He said barely audible as he slid off the counter. Angela took a few steps towards the door and passed Daryl, but looked back at Carol in hope that she would change her mind. Daryl placed an unusually gentle hand on Angela's back ushering her out the door.

The ceremony was simple, a few meaningful words were said about the lost loved ones. Angela noticed Layla standing by Carl and Lori not even taking a moment to glance her way. She wasn't going to lie, Layla ignoring her hurt, but she knew she'd come around, she hoped anyways.

The day seemed to go by rather quick and seemed too pretty for one full of such sorrow. Carol remained to herself, not wanting to speak to anyone, Layla had stayed with Carl rather than looking for her sister. There was an argument between Rick and Shane, the two friends disagreeing on everything and tension rising only adding to the events of the day. Everyone else in the camp went about chores, just trying to keep their minds occupied. Angela had wondered around camp for a while, but finally decided that washing clothes and cooking weren't going to clear her mind, so she strode past the tents, taking notice that the redneck's tent was empty, and strayed off towards the stables.

She stayed there feeding and tending to the horses, the animals giving her a sense of ease as she fed them. She never grew up on a farm, but a friend of hers had horses and allowed Angela to come to his stables anytime she wanted and Angela found comfort in tending to the horses' needs. She didn't realize how much time passed until a worried Glenn showed up.

"There you are!"

"Yeah, what's up Glenn?" She asked concern filling her at his uptight state.

"Have you seen Hershel?" Angela shook her head with an apology. "He's missing, no one can find him and something's up with Beth. She's in shock or something and we need him!" Angela walked forward and looked up at her friend.

"He just up and left?" She questioned having troubles believing that he would leave when his daughters needed him to be there for them in their time of loss, just as much as he probably needed them.

"I don't know, let's just get back to the house and see what's being done."

The two ran back to the house only for it to be decided that Glenn would leave with Rick to find Hershel and the two would bring the father back.

Angela stood on the porch just out of earshot of the couple by the steps. Glenn looked awkward and nervous as Maggie spoke to him and when he turned to leave Maggie's expression was unreadable before she turned and went to her sister's side again. Angela followed her into the house, but went to the kitchen to help clean and prepare for dinner that night.

After hours passed, daylight slowly faded as dinner was finished. Everyone gathered around the table; Carol, who was now helping out again so soon, placed a basket on the table and walked to the doorway calling for Lori.

"She's not in there." Maggie stated. That started conversation quick, Shane took the authority he could while Rick was away.

"Carl when's the last time you saw your mother?"

"This afternoon." Carl answered confusion and worry showing on his young face.

"She asked me to look in on Carl." Andrea spoke and that's when Shane rose from his seat and headed outside towards the tents, shortly followed by the rest.

Carol vanished for a while, unnoticed, as everyone debated what could have happened, but soon brought us information from the lone Dixon. The answer was clear then, Lori went after Rick.

Shane hopped in the Hyundai and took off after Lori, leaving everyone panicked and worried. Carl had walked off upon hearing the news, closely followed by Layla, Andrea, and the faithful Border Collie, and everyone else dispersed slowly.

Carol walked back towards the way she came, back to where Daryl was. Angela had failed to see the man after the funeral and walked through the tents, keeping a close eye on the woman. She lost focus for a moment when she came to a gap amongst the row of tents, the exact place where Daryl's once stood and she didn't remember seeing his bike by the cars either. Angela knew immediately that he was separating himself and she couldn't take it.

Angela regained her focus and bolted off towards where she saw Carol last. It just seemed like one terrible thing after the other, first Sophia dying and the funeral, Layla ignoring her, Beth in shock, Hershel missing, Lori taking off on her own, and now Daryl keeping away from the group. If things weren't bad enough already, Angela was shocked to hear raised voices as she moved along the trees an keeping to the shadows. She learned recently that Daryl's temper could get the best of him and she was afraid for Carol, if Daryl would lash out at her with more than just words.

The brunette stopped behind a tree close to the small camp set up. She saw Carol standing her ground as the two argued, Daryl pacing as anger coursed through him. Carol kept egging him on, she wanted him to get all his anger out. He started yelling again and it seemed like the quarrel would never end, but a risky move ceased everything. Daryl had taken a step towards Carol with his hand raised and only refrained from slapping her when she flinched causing him to realize what he was doing.

Carol left then, and Angela just watched from the shadows of the trees. Neither one of them had noticed her, and she considered going back to camp instead of going to talk to him. He didn't know of her presence anyhow. Just as she turned away from the tree to head back, he proved her wrong.

"I know yer there Angel."
♠ ♠ ♠
"Now son I'm only telling you this because Life can do terrible things." ~Mayday Parade

Thought of this song while writing this chapter. So the title credit is to Mayday. This one was more if just a filler and so I could have the funeral mentioned and Angela's little speech and all that.

What do you think is going to happen between Angela and Daryl?

Thanks for reading, :) until next time.
Much Love!