Status: Sequel will be coming soon. :)

Keep Holding On


"Layla! Samantha!" No answer. Angela didn't know how long she had been looking for her little sister, but since she left the car where her brother's body lay; night had fallen. She continued going, until she couldn't stay awake any longer. Climbing up into a tree low enough to the ground the fall wouldn't kill her, but high enough to be safe from walkers, Angela tied herself to the branch she sat on with a rope she packed and fell asleep for a while.

She woke just before the sun, hoping she only slept a few hours rather than all day. Checking her surroundings, Angela climbed down the tree and headed back to the highway she left behind to sleep. She took a step onto the pavement when a sound made her jump, scaring her half to death. There was an explosion in Atlanta.

"Hope no one was caught in that explosion unless they were a zombie." She said then remembered she was alone as she began making her way down the road away from the city. "Great now I'm talking to myself, thanks a lot freaks! You've taken my family from me, and now I've lost it!" She screamed, hating what the world has become.

Angela took a deep breath trying to calm herself, before adjusting the straps of her bag and quiver and continuing down the road. Not moments later did she run into a few freaks walking along the road in front of her. It was more than she could handle on her own, so she made her way towards the forest next to the highway trying not to be noticed, unfortunately she was.

She weaved through the trees quickly, before clambering up a tree. The zombies had been hot on her trail even though she had put some distance between herself and the freaks. She heard them before they began to gather at the trunk of her tree.

"Well, time for some practice." She mumbled while pulling out her bow and nocking an arrow, releasing it into one of the bodies below. It hit the zombie she was aiming for, only she missed its head and landed in its shoulder. This happened a few times and finally she had a better aim, though not amazing and narrowed it down to one freak. She reached for another arrow but her hand closed around air; she was out.

"Doesn't look like I have many options left so." Angela said checking around her before jumping down from her tree, machete in hand, and drove the knife in the thing's head. She watched as the corpse fell to the ground, before she retrieved her arrows, and started to walk away. That's when she heard it; a sound she didn't think she'd hear in a long time; the sound of a car.

She ran back to the highway as fast as her feet would carry her, only to reach the highway and watch the the taillights of several cars driving away.

'There was about two or three cars, there must be more survivors than I thought. Why am I worrying about that, there's no way I'd catch up.' Angela thought then looked up at the sky. 'Still pretty early, maybe early afternoon, I should keep walking while I have light.'

And walk she did, although not long before she heard the moans of zombies behind her. She grabbed an arrow, nocking it in place and spinning around, then dropping her aim out of surprise. A horde, bigger than the one she saw back in Atlanta came stumbling her way. They hadn't noticed her yet so Angela made for the trees and walked ways into the woods, then continued the way she had been heading.

After a while of walking, she began to lose light; the day was ending. The forest had been fairly clear through her walk, though no sign if Layla and Samantha, it was a rather nice walk. That was until she heard a branch snap off to her left. Angela grabbed an arrow, put it in place, and turned towards the noise while pulling back on her bow, only to come face to face with a loaded crossbow.