
Chapter 2

It had been so long since I been able to stretch my wings and fly. This particular human town that I must spend my exile in, is by far the sunniest area I have ever experienced. Unlike most human infested areas, this town had guardians along with their king's crest, although I do not quite understand why. Nothing important seemed to happen here, and there weren't many traders coming and going. Then again, humans are odd and inexplicable beasts.

As soon as the dark gray clouds, graced the sky and blinded the sun, I leaped from the top of my cave and soared into the sky. I made sure to only flap my wings a few times, because too much force could move a cloud, and I did not want to run the risk of a human spotting me.

It pained me to say so, but over the years I have grown to be wary of these frail creatures. They were so weak and yet so brutal and cunning! They were the only creatures I knew of that killed simply for pleasure, and allowed food to rot while they wore the skins of their providers for entertainment. They were a dangerous and cruel species and I feared for my kind. Only a few humans had been able to slaughter a dragon, but even then those dragons had been alone like me and far from the protection of their family.

I tended to be very careful, around the humans and I never left any traces of my hunting, but I did not want to take any chances. I did not cry out for my family, I rarely shifted position for fear of knocking against the cave walls and rattling the mountain, and I did not search for accompaniment.

There were only two rules when it came to exile and neither of them stopped me from seeking a mate. Naturally, I wouldn't be able to return to the home of my kin to do so, but there were plenty of female dragons near this area.

Unlike male dragons, if a female was not mated or had no children, they had no sense of obligation towards their kind. Female dragons were brash, and the biggest danger to our kind. It was the females, who were killed by humans most of the time. They were also the ones who created the idiotic assumption that all dragons had some strange desire for human virgins.

I remembered how I had always taught Azuna to value the rules of our kind and to keep her excitement to a minimum. She would have been an excellent example for other females.

I stopped briefly to contain my feelings and continued on, to an area I had yet to explore. There was no point in dwelling on the past, when I could do nothing to change it. I had long since given up on exacting my revenge on the sorceress, when I could not locate her.

A tall figure peaked out of the fog in front of me and I hovered a ways away so I could examine it. It seemed to be a tower made entirely of a shimmering substance. When I neared it I could see that, the tower was in fact made of stone but there was an invisible wall in front of it.

An illusion.

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Tee hee!