Status: done.

My Angel


I miss her…
Her laugh…
Her carefree attitude…

Her name is Vanessa, I’ve known her since we were kids, when we first met she had such an open heart. I knew she was the girl for me. Through middle school and high school we were best friends. We could talk to each other about anything. Senior year of high school I confessed my love for her and we have been dating ever since… I’m twenty three now in the Navy and I still love her with all my heart, all my being.

Sappy, I know but there was always something about her that drew me in. Tomorrow is the day we reach port and go home to our loved ones… It feels like years instead of hours. I can’t sleep…I’m too excited to see her, I close my eyes and imagine I’m not in my bunk anymore; I’m in my bed with her in my arms. Her blonde hair framing her beautiful face, and her beautiful green eyes. Her staring eyes staring into my muddy ones. Soon it’s time to get up and get dressed, I reach under my pillow and pull out my only picture of her. She hates pictures, this one to me was special, it was of her in one of my old shirts staring out the window. The light caught her beautifully and I never wanted to look away.

I started to pack my things, into my duffel bag and took one last look at that picture before putting it in the bag. The hours seemed to melt away slowly but soon we were at port and ready to go home. I was anxious to get off and see her…

I stepped off of the ship and looked around, looking for any signs of my beautiful angel. She wasn’t there. I wandered around and found my mom who was waiting for me, her eyes full of tears as she held me tightly. I hugged her tightly hoping if she knew where my sweet Vanessa was. Mom pulled away and took every detail, “Honey I’m so glad your home” she whispered and hugged me again.

“Where’s everyone?” I asked her hoping she would tell me.

“ Oh, they’re all at the house waiting for us.” She replied and I laughed as her motherly instincts look over and reached to grab my bag and try to carry it. I easily threw it over my shoulder and smiled, anxious to get home.

“ What have I missed in the last 2 years?” I asked.

“Well, for starters your sister Sally just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy about 3 months ago. He’s just so adorable. And her husband had finally gotten that job he wanted; he is now in the executive board of directors at his company.”

“What about Vanessa?” I inquired, “I haven’t heard from her in a while…”

“She’s been doing quite well…poor thing has been working herself to death… working three jobs.” She said, “ But she will be excited to see you.”

Why is she working so hard? I needed to know but I wasn’t going to keep pushing her for answers. I just looked out the window staring at all the familiar streets and people. We were about a mile away from the house, exhausted I looked at my mom.

“Can you drop me off at my house? I’ll stop by and visit everyone soon but I need to be home for a little while.” I said looking her over. She looked so tired, she always was. But she would put on a smile and work through the day, its been like this since dad died. She was heartbroken but she just kept it together and stayed here. Be here for the family. She nodded and turned right, I smile and soon saw my house. She pulled up the driveway and I got out giving her a kiss on the cheek and promising I will be over soon.

I grabbed my bag and walked through the front door, “Hello?” I called out.

No response…

I walked into the bedroom and saw her sound asleep in our bed, I walked to her side and sat on the edge. She stirred awake and looked up startled at me I smile and leaned down and kissed her sweetly.

“I’m home Nessie.” I said looking at her.

“This isn’t a dream is it?” She said sitting up and cupping her hand on my cheek, I shook my head and leaned in to kiss her again, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I never wanted to let her go, never wanted this moment to end. She smiled at me, those beautiful green eyes looking into mine, her blonde hair cascading around her. My Nessie…

“No baby, this isn’t a dream” I whispered kissing her deeply holding her tightly and feeling her hands snaking around my neck.

Finally home with my beautiful angel.