Bring Me Her Head

Chapter 3

“It occurred to us on the way home,” Patrick began as he climbed out of the car. “That even with Joe’s jacket, she was still barefooted.”
Pete, still zoned out watching the girl, didn’t hear.
A few minutes later, Patrick came over and shoved his friend, opening a first aid kit. Sitting where the vampire had just been, he pulled the jacket away from her neck. “Pete, are you sure she’s going to be okay?”
“I didn’t say that.” He rubbed his face. “I said she would die if we left her.”
“Her major veins and arteries are intact. She hasn’t even lost that much blood.”
“When you collapsed against the wall? Who screamed?”
“Her probably.”
“If she’s as unharmed as you said, why is she unconscious?” Andy asked.
“One of the vampires probably knocked her out, or something.”
“This bite looks disgusting.” Patrick grimaced. “Like they weren’t just trying to eat her, but scar or kill her while they were at it.”
“Did you get to see who they were?” Andy asked Pete.
“Like you said, foreigners.”
“Alright.” Patrick stepped back. “So, is she staying on the couch?”
“She can sleep in my room.” Pete said, starting to walk off.
“Are you sure that’s safe?”
“You’re all alive.” He repeated.
Heading into the last room on the hallway, the vampire went in and started moving things and cleaning up.
After about an hour, Joe came in with her and set her onto the bed, leaving her still in the jacket. “Are you guys going to be okay?”
“No, I’m going to wait until you leave and drain the blood from her veins, savoring ever bit of it.” Pete said, rubbing his fingertips together and making his voice sound deep and wicked.
Joe and Andy looked at him.
“I’m kidding.”
They both walked out. “You’d better be.”
“We will stake you!” Andy said as the door shut on him.

Girl’s POV

Girl’s POV
A groan passed through over my lips. Reaching up my hand, I rubbed my eyes. Letting my hand down, I felt it fall on bedding.
Letting the events of last night come back to me, I slowly sat up.
There was a small table lamp on across the room, which illuminated most of the room so I could see.
I was sitting on a bed with black sheets, which was definitely not mine. The lamp was on a desk, and next to the desk were 3 or 4 guitars on stands. The shelves had a few books, and photo frames turned against the light so that I couldn’t see what the pictures were.
Across the bedside table, was a large metal locker. It was about six feet long, and shut.
Turning, I slid me feet off of the bed, noticing for the first time that I was wearing a large leather jacket that wasn’t mine. And I had no shoes.
I hesitated, putting weight on my feet, expecting an injury, but there weren’t any. Walking over to the door, I saw that it had been locked from the inside, but the key was still in the door.
Unlocking the door, I opened it.