Status: In Progress(:

Beauty and a Beat

Chapter Four

I woke up around 9 am. And Justin was still sleeping. I suddenly felt really sick. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Justin must have heard me because he came running into the bathroom and made sure I was okay. I called my nurse to come to my house. About 45 minutes later the doorbell rang. I walked downstairs with Justin to answer the door. I sat down on the couch.
“Amber, whats wrong darling.?” The doctor asked.
“Well I woke up around 9 am and threw up right as i woke up. I normally wake up around 11 or 12. My stomach was hurting me really bad. It’s still sore now.”
“Well let me get your temperature, and I’ll listen to your stomach” She said.
“Your temp is 98 which is normal but when I listened to your stomach is sounded different than usual. Have you had unprotected sex lately?” The doctor asked.
Me and Justin exchanged looks.
“Well yesterday yes.” I said.
“I’m gonna have to have you go do this pregnancy test, just pee on this stick and then I’ll do an ultrasound.” She said.
I grabbed Justin’s hand and brought him to the bathroom with me.
“Justin! What if I’m pregnant?” I whispered.
“Let’s hope your not I mean your 17 and I’m 17 but still. Just pray” He said.
I pee’d on the stick and brought it to the doctor.
“We have to wait about 15 minutes before it gives the results. Lay down and I’ll do the ultrasound.” The doc said.
I layed down and she put gel stuff on my stomach and hooked up the monitor to it. I looked at the screen monitor and saw something moving inside my stomach. I’m screwed.
“Well, the ultrasound shows that theres a chance your pregnant. We just have to wait for the pregnancy test to give results. Only about 5 more minutes until it gives the results.”
“Okay” I said.
“So Amber, how old are you again?”
“I’m 17.” I said.
“Is this your boyfriend? OMG! Thats justin bieber!” She said.
“Yea, I’m her boyfriend.” He said instantly.
She gave him her wallet and had him sign that.
“Well it’s been 5 minutes it should be ready, I’ll go look” She said.
Justin sat beside me and squeezed my hand.
“Well Amber, it looks right now that you are pregnant. Who’s the father?”
“Justin” I said
“Okay well I have another appointment so I better be going” She walked out the door.
“Justin. We are. We are having a child. Oh my fucking gosh. I’m having a baby.” I said
“If- If you don’t like me you can just have an abortion and I’ll leave, but I’m sort of happy. Because Amber, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and marry you, and have a big family with you. I love you” He said.
“Justin , I love you too” I looked into his eyes and hugged him.”Maybe having a baby isn’t such a bad thing after all.”
I kissed him.

I called my best friend Kaylee and told her. Then I called my sister and told her. Then my dad. My dad wasn’t very happy with my decisions he said me and Justin can have this house though. I hung up on him and threw the phone down. I wanted this baby and so did Justin so we were going to have it.

“Babe guess what, dad said we can have this house!” I smiled.
“Good, so since there are so many rooms do you want to make one girl and one boy nursery?” He asked.
We spent the rest of the day planning everything out. Then went to bed.