Status: Work in progress

Last Chance

I love you

The walk had been a good idea, I got to clear my head and distract myself from what she was doing. I was almost back at the hotel when my phone buzzed. I fished it out of my pocket to see a message from Kelly. My heart started racing as I swiped my finger across the screen to see what it said.

Kelly: Where are you? Come back. I can't believe you did this for me. I need to see you now.

I couldn't help by smile, as I started laughing to myself. The ridiculous 'I'm so happy' laugh. I stopped as I wrote her back.

Sid: I'm almost back at the hotel. I had to walk. I'll pick up my car and be there as soon as I can.

I wasn't surprised when she didn't write me back, we both knew that I didn't need to. I picked up my pace and nearly ran the last few kilometers back to the hotel.

-----Spring 2000-----

"Sidney Crosby! What are you guys doing down there?"

"Sorry mom!" I yelled up to her. I had missed the net, yet again and managed to put another black mark on her dryer.

"At least it was you this time and not me." Kelly giggled as she lined her puck up on my makeshift blue line.

"Yeah, well you're the one who broke the button off of it."

"I never said I had a good shot. I probably only hit the net every one in five. That's my I play defence, my goals are always messy shove ins from the crease."

"I'm more than aware of what style you play Kelly, I'm just saying that the next time you hit the dryer, I'm not covering for you." I stuck my tongue out as I watched her take her shot. She missed, as usual. This one hit the pole in the basement causing a huge "ting" to rattle through the house, it also ricocheted off the pole and hit me in the face.

"Awww!" I screamed as I held my hand over my nose.

"Shit!" Kel screamed as she saw the stream of blood coming from my nose. "Sid! I'm so sorry! Oh my god, do you need to go to the hospital? Call you're mom? Mrs Crosby!!" She screamed from the basement.

A second later the door flew open and my mom was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Mrs. Crosby! I think we need to take Sid to the hospital. I think I broke his nose! Come quick!"

I had never seen my mom move so fast, she flew down the stairs taking them two at a time. I just stood there still holding my nose, trying to catch the blood the was still flowing freely from it. My mom grabbed a towel from the laundry basket and handed it to me. I placed it over my nose and tilted my head back, trying to stop the bleeding. "I'm okay mom, it'll stop bleeding in a minute." She shook her head as she headed upstairs and loaded Taylor into the car before we headed off to the hospital.

I returned home later that night with four stitches, two black eyes, and a broken nose. Thanks Kelly.


I touched my nose and smiled. That bump never did go away, all thanks to her. I opened the door to my hotel room and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I changed my shirt and put on some deoderant. I gave myself one last look in the mirror before I called the valet to get my car.

I drove as fast as I could without getting caught. Damn construction zones, making me go fifty instead of eighty. I pulled into the parking lot and buzzed her number.

"Hey!" She said happily before pushing the buzzer to open the door.

I had to make myself slow down as I approached her door, I didn't want to look too anxious. When in theory, I had been waiting for this moment for as long as I could remember. I walked down the hall and as soon as I stopped in front of the door it flew open. Kelly threw herself into my arms and I happily embraced her. She pulled herself free my grip and locked eyes with me. A smile grew on her face. "Is it true?" she asked. I knew what she was talking about. I nodded and struggled to find my words.
"Yes." I managed to mumble. "It's true. I love you Kelly."
Her eyes lit up as she grabbed my hand. "I love you too Sid."
♠ ♠ ♠
In case you guys haven't seen the Max vs Sid vs Dryer RBK commercial, you need to check it out. That is where the inspiration for the flashback came from.

As always, thank you to my wonderful readers who keep me writing! I know you guys are the strong silent type so I'm going to leave it at that and I hope you enjoyed the update!