Status: Just Started :)

They Don't Know About Us.


Wait… Where am I? Why does my head hurt? Am I in the hospital? What is going on?
All these thoughts were running through my head. Maybe I should call the nurse.
My name is Mackenzie Lovell.
I'm 19 blond hair green eyes the whole package.. as Guys would say. No I'm not full of myself I actually find it hilarious that guys think that but whatever.. Wait I forgot to call a nurse. Shit.

"Excuse me? is anyone here?"
"Yes Miss Lovell?"
"Wh- What happened?"
"Miss Lovell you've been in a car accident you'll be fine though just a small concussion"
"Oh okay.."

Well that explains it. Well I should just get some sleep.


I heard a cute Irish accent yell. Well that was weird... and rude. wait is someone coming in here?

"Oh fuck. Sorry love I was just looking for me mate Zayn."
"It's okay."
"So what's your name love?"
"Mackenzie.. and yours?"
"Nice to meet you Niall"
"Nice to meet you to Mackenzie"
"Shouldn't you be looking for someone?"
"Oh shit yeah I forgot. Well bye Mackenzie"
With a giggle I responded "Bye Niall"

He left with a smile that will forever be left in my mind.

"Good marning' babe"
I felt feather light kisses on my neck while an arm grabbed me tighter around my waste the kisses continued moving closer and closer to my lip just when I was about to kiss this mystery man I woke up.
What the actual fuck. seriously? why couldn't I have stayed asleep.

"Hey darlin"
I heard an Irish voice say

"Hi Naill"
"Just wanted to see how you were doing. Actually why are you here in the first place?"
"Apparently because I don't remember but I got into a car accident and have a minor concussion. Why are you here Niall?"
"Well me mate Zayn was cooking something and he cut himself so he needed stitches"
"Oh makes sense. But he should be home right? he only got stitches"
"Yeah he's home"
"So why are you here then?"
with a slight smile on his face he responded "I told you, just wanted to see how you were doing"
I couldn't help but blush "Thanks Niall. That's really nice of you."
"Well uh since I came all this way uh can I uh have your number?"
"Thanks for the number"
"No problem"
"Well I'm going to head out bye Mackenzie"
"Bye Niall"

I had a permanent smile on my face
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this is my first story ever! hope you like it :)