

“You want some?”


Fergus always ask and I always decline. He knows I’m not Becky.

“Dude,” he says, “you look like you had a rough day. You wanna talk about it?”

“Not really.”

“Do you wanna take a hit?”

“Fucking aye, Fergus, I said no.”

“Geez,” he sings. “Someone is a little testy today. Where’s the Hansonater?”

“Out with his pick of the night.”

“Oh. Well, looks like it’s just you and me, Jackie. We should go to Raine.”

“Raine?” I straighten up. Fergus is smoking out of what I think is a bong. I lose track of all the tools he uses. “What about Becky?”

“We’re fighting. She called me a pothead loser. What kind of shit is that? I gave her everything.” Right. Everything. All of the weed she could ever possibly want.

“Then let’s go,” I say. I don’t even think about her until we get there. Then she’s all I think about.