Loving Country Boys Can Be A Mistake

The Full Story..

There was something about the way he was talking. She felt this would be the last conversation she would have with him. Eventually, it would be. Though she felt that way, she played it cool. Acting like everything was normal. When it wasn't. It had been their first month anniversary and he was talking about his girl friend the whole time. She had been okay with this. Due to the fact she knew she was his best friend, but when he said he had to go, she knew something was up. "Well, baby. I'm gonna go back up to the house. I'll call you when I get there. As soon as I get in the door." He said. Like he knew it was a lie. "Okay, baby. That's fine." She replied. "I love you." There was something about the way he said it. Like it was the last time he would. She said it back and they hung up. Two hours later, no call and no text. No contact whatsoever. She figured he'd just fallen asleep, but that wasn't the case. He was out. Hanging out with his "best friend", but his girlfriend didn't know that. The next week had come and they still hadn't talked. She'd tried and tried to reach him, but he just wouldn't reply. After school that Monday she was at her friends swim practice, on her phone. Looking on Facebook for the latest gossip. Deciding to look at her boyfriends profile to see if she could see if everything was alright. Only to find out they weren't friends anymore and he was in a relationship with his "best friend", Taylor. She immediately called him, but to no avail. He had ignored her call. Freakin out, she text him a long, novel-length message. No answer. So her next reply was a 'goodbye'. She wasn't going to sit around and worry about all of this when she had done nothing wrong. Weeks later she received a private call. By this time she had partially gotten over her ex. Answering, she was shocked to recognize that voice as her ex's father. Six more calls later and thousands of sexually, inappropriate things said later its over. Her friend had convinced her to send her ex a message saying "Please stop." She pressed send and laid her head down for a few hours of sleep. When she woke the next morning she had received a message from her ex replying "What?" After he lied to her about the calls not being him or his father she stopped. Deciding it wasn't worth it. Another two weeks later, she's in the car. Having a good time with her mother, sister, and friend Katie when she gets another call. Fed up with everything, she answers and says 'stop' then hangs up. Two seconds later, another call. By the voice she can tell its her ex's father again. "Hey, who is this?" He asks. "Michelle." She replies. "Oh wrong number." He laughs. She hangs up after that and texts her ex saying "Tyson, seriously. What did I do to you? Please stop having Jay call me." And his reply is, "What the fuck are you talking about?" Again, not wanting to argue she stops. When Sunday rolls around she gets a text from her ex and they have a good conversation. Him apologizing for the things he had done. Yet still not confessing to the prank calls. They agree to being friends, though there's still that awkward tension. Like there was when they first met. Hoping things only get better from there, she smiles. Finally happy for the first time in over a month.
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This actually happened to me. I realize its not that wonderful or shocking of a story, but hey. We all have different definitions of each. This hurt me and does to this day. I miss him. More than ever.