Lies Whispered From the Past

After the Move

Cassandra Styles never thought she'd ever live in a huge house like this: two stories high including an attic, a gigantic in ground pool in the backyard, curb appeal that would make the average Joe jealous and a yard big enough for a tag game between 10 of your best friends. An actual one story house would've been preferable to the cramped three-bedroom apartment she shared with her parents and her siblings Tristan, Carmen and Raynard. Tristan was still kinda pissed off because they had to move during his senior year, but Raynard and Carmen seemed to view it as Cassandra had: a plush new paradise. Tristan's whining snapped Cassandra out of her thoughts.

" I still don't know why I couldn't bunk with Carlos for the rest of the year. It's not like I wasn't coming out here to attend UCLA."

" Because I want all of my children to be here with me. You said you were coming out here next year anyway, so we saved you the moving costs not to mention airfare." Lisa Styles tried to reason with her son.

Tristan nodded, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument. Cassandra went to her father, Joseph, to ask where her bedroom was. She had looked forward to not having to share a room with Carmen anymore, as Tristan did with Raynard. Carmen was starting fourth grade next week, and Raynard was beginning seventh grade at the same time. Cassandra or Cassie, as everyone knew her, was starting ninth grade at Malibu Vista High School. While Cassie was nervous about this prospect, she was excited by this new adventure. Again, Joseph's deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

" You have a wing to yourself, a private section of yours. Your wing is upstairs, westward. All four rooms to yourself in addition to the bathroom, dear." Then Joseph went back to work moving the boxes into the house.

Cassie, shell shocked, hurried upstairs to see her new portion of the estate. The biggest bedroom had nothing at all in it, but it was breathtaking: the walls in her favorite color, lavender. The windows had an excellent view of the sparkling lake miles away from it. She took out her laptop and messaged her friend Trina North.

cassiebaby16: kewl new house! I have a wing 2 myself! Four rooms, my bedroom in my fave color! The room nxt door will be my studio. Oh my lord!

A new message:

HottieHotHottie: Awesome! Sounds much bettr.than this dump.. Eh, pops is screaming at me 2 do homewrk. Talk in an hour.

Cassie peered into her window and stared at the beautiful lake water twinkling against the summer sunset.
"I'm going to love this place." She whispered to herself softly.

Hector Johnson read the homeroom list on his school's website, his brain swirling in different directions and his stomach developing sharp, inexplicable pains. Well actually, it was explicable. He was in the same homeroom as Kiki Daniels, Tyrone Austin and Mike Nelson. How could he possibly enjoy freshman year with Tyrone and Mike shoving him into his locker and shooting spitballs in his hair everyday? How could he stand Kiki's vicious gossip about his 'hygiene issues"? He scrolled down the list. Homerooms mixed up all the grades together. The sophomores, juniors and seniors would already want nothing to do with him. All the other freshman went to a different middle school, but he knew of them because their parents were prominent residents of Malibu. As he scrolled some more, a new name popped up: Cassandra Styles.

" Well," Hector thought to himself," She may not know me, thank God."

Byron Mitchell was prepping up for his last year of high school. He had to admit, he was going to miss all the adoration from the freshman, the way girls drooled over him and did his homework for him, the free lunch (one of the many perks of being vice president) and the jealous his teammates felt over his relationship with Malibu's truly hottest black chick, Nikki Sutton. At first, Nikki was only his girlfriend because he was the only freshman on the basket ball team and everyone hounded him to get a babe on his arm. Nikki became very fine over that summer, but was previously known as an ugly dork. They were both desperate and the benefits were mutual. Later on, Byron and Nikki fell for each other and became the it couple at school. Prom King and Queen three years in a row was a pretty outstanding track record. Nikki wasn't the only good thing in his life: UCLA and NYU were literally fighting over him, due to his domineering skill on the court. Senior year might as well be a free ride, with all of this going on.

" Byron, ready for the most epic senior year ever?" Nikki already knew the answer to that.
" Hell yeah."
Nikki pulled him in for a kiss, which he knew would lead to their making out. Then, his Blackberry beeped.

" Sorry Nik, gotta go meet the guys."
" By, you can't stay another-"
" No, the guys are counting on me."
" I guess."

Then that bored expression swiped over her face. He's seen it all summer, since he was doing college interviews and traveling back and forth to New York. She wasn't angry or even remotely upset, just bored. Like he couldn't satisfy her needs. It made Byron feel like less than a man, but what could he do, tell the guys another time? Was he really going to miss his own congratulations party? Besides, Nikki would come running back. She always did.