Lies Whispered From the Past

Blood and Wine Vol. 1

Aimee stood over the sink in the bathroom attempting to puke up the candy bar she had in history. All she saw when she looked in the mirror was a fat girl whose butt and stomach was bigger than Jupiter and Saturn combined. Tears were streaming down her face, smudging her mascara. She furiously scrubbed the stain on her dress, only enlarging it further. Aimee balled herself into a corner and began brawling out sobbing. She felt as though nobody cared about her: all her mother did was make cracks at her weight every chance she got, laughing wickedly especially whenever her snobby socialite friends were around. Her stepfather made an effort to not bring up her weight, but whenever he came home after a long day at work, he'd get frustrated and take his stress out on her, boring the nickname 'little piggy'. It was a damn shame when your PARENTS are even more cruel than your peers.

It seemed that people mocked her sexuality even more so than her weight. At prom three years back, having been a freshman and a minor member of the LGBTQ club, she was especially giddy when the president Larissa St. Peters, a junior, asked her to attend prom with her. Aimee had fond memories of Larissa; her long, curly, honey brown hair; her tanned, silky skin, her soft yet commanding voice, her beautiful pale green eyes with hazel flecks in it. Larissa was so beautiful, and no one ever had a mean thing to say to her. Aimee was estatic when Larissa openly walked in the gym with her, not ashamed of her weight at all. She looked so graceful in her long, flowing emerald dress, while Aimee looked decent in a lavender one. The girls went to the back of the dancehall where the prom took place and began making out. Aimee thought it would be an opprotune time to start feeling Larissa up. Larissa told her to stop, yet sexual fustration overtook Aimee's body. she began pining her down with her weight and feeling her while kissing her. Larissa regained her strength, pushing Aimee off of her and walked out. Aimee followed her, and nastily called her a prude in front of prom goers. Larissa then slapped Aimee across the face, calling her ' a fat, ugly, creepy bitch' and said she only asked her to prom was because she pitied her. Larissa left the building. Aimee discovered on the first day of school, Larissa moved midwest, never to be seen again. Aimee recently IM her, with Larissa apologizing, saying she didn't mean it, that she was just ticked because she thought Aimee was taking advantage of her.

These old thoughts just made Aimee sadder, thinking she had one shot at happiness and she blew it. It made her cry harder. Then, she heard the door open. Nikki Sutton and Byron Mitchell entered the bathroom, kissing passionately. Aimee thought if she ran fast enough, she could bolt out of the bathroom. Appearently, she wasn't fast enough, because Byron grabbed her shoulder.

" Looks like lardass is finished taking a shit." Byron said maliciously, referring to her barbeque stained butt.
" Aimee, I think you're in the wrong bathroom." Nikki cut in, her eyes sympathetic
" I am?" When the guys threw the burger at her butt, she just ran into any old bathroom, maybe she was in the guys.
" Yeah, the sign doesn't say anything about cows." Nikki snickered into her palm, with Byron cracking up.
" No Nikki, I think she belongs somewhere in the whale category."
" Who knows, she might be here waiting for that emo-freak Jane to have pity sex with her."
" Or she might trade it for meth."
" Aimee, I hope you have bulimia, because thats the only thing thats gonna help your weight. Tyrone taking your burger is just going to make you go back to your mother's fridge and eat her burgers."
" Oh yeah, Mrs. Bowers does make some damn good burgers, I guess thats why you're her prize heiffer." Byron snorted.
" Guys, let me out." Aimee felt cornered. She tried to leave, but Byron had his hand on the door.
" You know Aimee, I would just kill myself, you have nothing going on for you. No friends, no allies, you're fatter than that chick off of Glee, you're so ugly, and no one wants an eye sore." Nikki hissed, obviously relishing the power she had over Aimee. Aimee couldn't help herself but to cry hard, sinking to the floor and let the air escape her lungs. She just wanted to die, she felt so worthless.
Byron and Nikki, satisied with their insults, continued to make out. Aimee fled the bathroom, bumping into a girl group known as 'The Butchers' around school. In the process, she managed to piss off the leader, Jenna.
" Get the hell away from us!"
" Sorry!" Aimee yelled through sobs.
" You knocked Jenna to the ground you fugly piece of shit!" A girl shouted.
Then she slapped Aimee, knocking her to the ground.
" What the hell did I ever to to you guys? I've never done anything to anybody!" Aimee screamed to the top of her lungs.
" We have to look at you, don't we?" Jenna scoffed.
Suddenly, the bell rang, with students filing out just in time to see the showdown. The girls looked like an angry pack of wolves ready to devour Aimee.

" You think just because you never say a word in class you think you're so better than me." Jenna hissed, socking Aimee in the stomach. Two more girls moved in on her, one punching her in the face and the other kicking her. Students went videotaping Aimee getting pounded on, while the janitor did nothing. A girl in the violent clique formed an idea to snatch the dirty mop water from the janior's cart. She took the whole tub, and told the fighting girls to move away.
" You think you're so pure, so sweet. Here, let me show you what clean truly is." She then proceeded to dump the enitre tub on Aimee, her hair and dress sopping wet as a result. Nasty grime popped out of her hair, and her dress went from grey to musty brown in a flash. The kids continued to videotape and laugh, while the janitor only seemed concerned that he had no water to clean with. Aimee got up and fled yet again, not getting very far because she slipped on the floor, doing a split in the process. As a result, her dress split and her granny panties were in full view, with the perverts snapping pictures. Aimee ran to the nearest locker room. There, she took off the remains of her dress. She thought the nightmare was over. Then, a crowd of boys followed her in there, snapping pictures of her bra and sending it on their phones and videotaping it all. Aimee began to wail out and cry, rollng on the floor and punching it repeatedly. She kept on screaming until everyone left, satisfied the got to see Aimee Bowers in her retching.

When the sound was gone, and it was quiet, Aimee grabbed her purse. Inside was the Valium she stole from her mother's medicine cabinet, and the red wine she stole from her stepfather's alcohol cabinet. She took ten pills and put in in her hand, while opening the wine bottle. She was saving it for her solo seventeenth birthday celebration. Today, her seventeenth birthday, and not even the woman who gave birth to her even mentioned it. The Valium was for her 'friend' Tina, but Aimee had a feeling she would be using it for herself. She held the bottle out and said porudly:

" Here's to the fattest, ugliest girl at Malibu Vista High!" Then she popped all ten pills in her mouth, and consumed the red wine until her she no longer breathed. Aimee just sunk to the floor and crawled to a nearby locker, staying there until she fell into blissful slumber... until her last breath, she finally felt in control and for a split second, actually...happy that she was, after seventeen long, miserable years, finally going to die.