Lies Whispered From the Past

A Beautiful Lie

Hector felt nothing but disgust during the assembly. The student council, filled with popular people, didn't give a single ounce of damn about Aimee Bowers. They teased her constantly and bullied her to her breaking point. The last horrible day of her life was well documented and video taped. They were still laughing at it and posting nasty comments on Youtube. Slanderous rumors were still spreading abound, even in her death. And the worst part of it all was, they were pretending to give a damn in front of adminstrators, but every one knew that the second the assembly was over, these elitest assholes would go right back to mocking her. It was sickening he was forced to sit through this bullshit.
He looked up at Nikki Sutton, her dark, volumous curls bouncing and swishing back as she sold her speech to the audience. He turned to Cassie, who took to wearing her black hair straight, biting her nails. He saw her defend Aimee against that bitch Kiki the day she killed herself. Cassie confided to him she felt guilty she couldn't have said a word of encouragement to Aimee before she died. As for Kiki, she showed no emotion at all. She continued on with her life as usual, as if nothing happened. The crazy part was, Cassie still chose to hang out with Kiki's posse. Even though she was distancing herself from the pack, they still went to each other's houses after school. Hector wished he could knock some sense into Cassie, to tell her to stop before she became one of them, but Cassie kept telling him Kiki was misunderstood. Finally, Hector exploded when Nikki finished off her speech with "I knew Aimee personally, and while she was never popular as she would've liked, I liked her, and I can personally guarentee she will be missed."

" Thats a load of bullcrap!" Hector jeered, loud enough for everyone, including the adminstration, to hear.
" Excuse me?" Nikki snapped.
" Watch your language!" Mrs. Lewis, the Vice Principal, snarled.
" Shut the hell up. No one wants to hear all that faggot shit." Tyrone visously whispered from the row a head of Hector.
" I'm sorry, but everyone on that stage, and 90% of the audience made Aimee Bower's life a living hell, and they're only pretending to care. She was bullied to death, theres videos all over Youtube called 'In the Life of a Pig.' Quit acting like you guys had nothing to do with it!"
The whole crowd whispered, the pot having been stirred. The entire stage glared at Hector's direction. The whole administration glared at Hector's direction. Hector could even feel Satan glare in his direction, as if he let the cat of of the bag. As if it wasn't obvious everyone was trying to cover it all up.
" You see, you accuse popular students of killing an already troubled girl, as if all popular students are bullies. We are involved in our school's governement, we are a part of the Volunteer Community Service Club. You are the one promoting social stereotypes by painting us as the perpetrators. And that doesn't make us the hypocrites, that makes YOU one." Nikki replied.

Now all eyes were on Hector, daring him to speak out further. He sat back down on his chair, grumbling. Nikki Sutton couldn't hide the nasty smirk on her face. Hector just wanted to smack it right off...

Felicia was behind the lockers, making out with Tristan. Ever since that day in the teacher's lounge, they couldn't keep their paws off of each other. They ditched the assembly, and ate at the takeout Chinese restaurant by the school. It was lunch, and Tristan said he wasn't hungry. That was all Felicia needed to hear. Byron Mitchell walked by them, giving Felicia an ice cold stare, but when he saw Tristan, he warmed up.
" Hey man." Byron said.
" Yo, By. Leesha, this is my boy Byron. I met him at seniors auditions."
" We've met, trust me. I thought auditions weren't until the week before Christmas break." Felicia said slowly, taking in Byron's obviously fake smile in her direction.
" Felicia, you went here longer than Tris. You don't remember the school's policy? If you're a senior, you get to try out early? This ringing any bells?"
" No, I'm not a brainless athlete." Felicia muttered.
" So, how you been?" Tristan asked, not picking up on the tension.
" Pretty good, actually. Things have just been, weird."
" I know, the first three weeks of school and someone kills themselves."
" Thank God its not always like that."
" Oh crap. I have to go." Felicia said suddenly, staring at her phone.
" What, are you sure?" Tristan asked.
Felicia gave him a peck on the cheek. " Yeah, I'll be back."
When she left, Byron took his opprotuinity, " Yo, why do you go with big skanks like that?"
" What you talking about? She fine."
" She's a walking STD. The Felicia."
" Man, you have no idea how she do. The other day, she took me to that old teacher's lounge and gave me a little surprise."
" No way man. You let her give you head?"
" You're saying it as if I said she bit it off."
" Tristan, I'm only telling you this because I'm- concerned. Felicia a ho. A slut. You're new, so you're not aware of her past. She slept with the entire basketball team, half the football team, hell, she even screwed a couple of soccer players. Man, she once even gave her geeky ass math tutor a blowjob in the back of a McDonald's. Just so he would let her copy his test the next day."
" And how do you know all this?"
" Cause I slept with her last year. Yeah, I admit it. I went to the doctor for a physical a month later, found out I contracted gonorrhea."
" No way man. You must be bullshitting me."
" Nah, I'm telling the truth. Ask Felicia herself. She knew."
Tristan couldn't believe his ears. Felicia was extremely sexy, he knew she had to had some in the past. He had no idea she may've had a disease. The way she described her relationships, she made it sound like she didn't sleep around much. However, as much as he and Byron were cool, he knew better than to trust some jealous ex's word. He'd just have to ask Felicia himself.

Kiki couldn't stop staring at Cassie's miniskirt in History class. And not because she thought it was sexy. It was because even nearly two weeks after the fact that Cassie got drunk at the club and hiked her skirt up, practically asking Kiki to provide her with oral. Kiki couldn't get it out of her mind, she thought Cassie might've had a romantic interest in her, but that may've been her wishful thinking. After all, Cassie never brought it up, and she never made any romantic advances at Kiki. Not even playful teasing. How Could Kiki go from liking her chisled, handsome brother to her? Tristan was sculpted perfection, Cassie had a nice body and a really pretty face, but Kiki wasn't suppose to be into girls. Kiki just wanted that sweet, cotton candy flavored tounge back pressing against hers, but she knew that wasn't suppose to happen until Cassie got drunk again. And Cassie made an unbreakable vow to not let a drop of alcohol go down her mouth AGAIN. No one could get her to so much as look at beer. Not to mention...
She felt painfully guilty about Aimee's suicide. She was so angry about her feelings for Cassie, she blew up at her without cause. Usually, Kiki could insult a girl to tears without batting an eye. But Aimee killed herself, and she was the catalyst. How could she live with that? Chanel and Tanya just went about the day as usual, as if Aimee had just moved or something. Was it possible to be so shallow, so obsessed with your own sophistication, that you feel numb to anything on the outside? Had she become just that, and Aimee's suicide snapped her back to reality? Had she taught them too well about the rules of popularity, not simply not care about your target's feelings? All Kiki could do was just stare out the window, stop Mike Nelson from feeling on her butt next period, and keep walking like a champion. Because that was all she could do.