Lies Whispered From the Past

I Think I Love You

The jacuzzi water felt fine. Nikki decided to unwind after a stressful day of school. She hopped in, clad in her red string bikini, and let the bubbling water soak her thoughts away. She let herself drift into her fantasy life, no stress, no death, no jackass Byron. Just sweet, sensitive ninth grade Byron. Suddenly, she felt someone come into the water next to her. Expecting Byron, Nikki played it off, holding his hand. But this wasn't Byron. This was the guy she kissed just weeks earlier. Tristan.

" Oh my God! What the hell are you doing in my jacuzzi?!" Nikki screamed at him. Tristan was unfazed.
" Nothing, I expected Byron, but he wasn't here. Since you were here, I wanted to find out why you ditched me."
" It was a long time ago. Besides, are't you seeing Felicia Alvarez?"
" We're not exclusive. A few weeks ago, you gave me some lame ass excuse about why you could'nt go through with the plan. You've been avoiding me since. You okay?"
" Yeah, just stressed. Anyway, I didn't ditch you. I just thought we were moving too fast."
" So there's still hope?"
Nikki didn't respond, she just smiled flirtatiously. Okay, so what if this was so wrong? Byron was changing, so why couldn't she change? She was all about faith and loyalty, Byron had been all about snobbery and whopping her ass. Tristan made her feel good, and Byron didn't. She wanted to pounce on Tristan; she was that attracted to him. Perfectly toned abs, she couldn't resist. Byron had all surface value but the inside was black and hallow. Tristan was sweet and funny, just like ninth grade Byron. She had loved him and expected him to give some in return. She was pushing the relationship, and wanted to know her best efforts were appreiciated. What Tristan was offering was the opposite of what Byron was doing. Nikki lifted her gaze up, and slowly planted a kiss on Tristan's lips. It only took her a split second to pull away out of sheer guilt. Tristan looked just as shocked. Just as she suddenly turned away from him, he turned on her.
" I thought you were so committed to your volleyball team." He teased.
Nikki neglected to tell Tristan she has been attached to Byron since ninth grade. She remembered it like it was yesterday, she was just gathering her Geometry book from her locker, smoothing her long, curly black hair, ignoring the attention the sophomore guys were giving her. She firmly focused her attention on the guy she lusted after in middle school, he only got hotter with age. Then, out of nowhere, he came up to her and stroked her cheek.
" Hey, babe. What's happenin'?"
Nikki just blinked.
" Listen, I need a new shorty to holla at to impress my boys, so, you wanna go out sometime?"
" Oh, yes!" Nikki bursted into hysterics and hugged Byron so tightly he stopped breathing. At the time she didn't care if it was superficial, that she could get him to love her with time. Now thinking back on it, Nikki wondered if he ever loved her at all, if their entire union was just forced because he had a reputation to keep, a mask to wear that should never, under any circumstances, be taken off.
"Well?" Tristan interrupted her freshmen thoughts.
" Maybe its not so important to me anymore."
" God, your so hot and cold."
" Well right now I'm very, very hot." Nikki whispered seductively, then pulled Tristan by the shoulders and gave him another longer, hungrier, tasty smooch. It felt great, feeling free and independant from Byron and having a new guy all on her for a change. They wrapped their legs around each other, taking in every intimate movement. Tristan pulled off and began kissing Nikki's neck, the sweet spot Byron always saved for himself. Nikki tok the liberty to tug on the waistband of Tristan's swim trunks, exciting him further.
Tristan when a little lower, making contact with her collarbone. His kisses were sensitve and slow, while Byron was consistently aggressive and fast. She let his strong, muscular hands stroke her back and midriff, while she slickly stroked one hand on his thigh. Tristan got lower and lower, until he got to her barely there bikini top. He made his way up her back and lightly tugged on the string that held it all together. Her bikini came undone, and Nikki playfully covered her breasts with hands. As she was beginning to tug off Tristan's shorts, he Blackberry buzzed. She stopped out of instinct, and grabbed the phone. The message read: 'Hey babe. Can we talk? See you in an hour.-ByBy.' Nikki quickly slammed it down on the curb, forcing herself to continue. Once the trunks were removed, Nikki turned around, letting Tristan message her aching shoulders. He continued kissing her neck, all the while discrettly slipping off her bottom. Nikki let herself get lost in the moment.

They were in her room. They were on her bed. They were naked and dripping wet. And they were kissing passionately, taking the jacuzzi scene upstairs. Nikki pounced herself on top of Tristan, taking in the sculpted beauty she had the fortune to witness. Everything was just so perfect. It was like their bodies were made for each other, they were so intertwined. Nikki was kissing his chest like he had done her. She let her tounge stroke all the sharp, muscular tones of his abs. The lower she got, the more twisted she became. The heat between her legs felt explosive. Nikki lifted her head up, peering into Tristan's relaxed, yet happy, face.
" You sure about this?" Nikki asked, grabbing a lollipop from her nightstand and licked it uber-seductively, wanting to entice him even more. She felt his new erection hot against her leg. Nikki proceeded rubbed the area around it, then coming up to his mouth. She kissed him again, letting himtaste the sugary cinnamon. Nikki then picked up a honey bottle, carrying a devilish look on her face.
" You're nasty." Tristan said.
" You're going to see how nasty this Queen can be. Cool on contact. Gets hot the longer it stays."
Nikki this squirted it all over Tristan's chest and then below. The prickly heating sensation made Tristan jump from excitement, he could barely contain himself anymore. Nikki licked the honey repeatedly, moving her tounge in sleek, peppered movements. She kept going lower and lower, until she couldn't ignore his happy little Jimmy.
" Aw, looks like the joystick is excited. Lemme help with that."
Nikki licked the tip of it, then the sides. She kept licking until it was all clean, never fully putting it in her mouth. Tristan's mouth was wide open, only making tiny peeps, never fully moaning. Nikki wanted more, and decided he needed a blow. And she gave him one. This time, Tristan couldn't stop moaning and groaning. All this fun they were having.