Lies Whispered From the Past

Benches Can Be A Comfortable Make-out Spot...

Hector walked down the hall to his locker. Vice principal Lewis gave him a weeks detention for using 'bodily force with intent to injure.' She said he was lucky he didn't recieve suspension, but it was his first offense after all. Mrs. Lewis also sentenced him to anger management twice a week for the rest of the month. Today was October 4. This was going to be a long month.
Hector's face beamed when he saw Cassie make his way over to him. The look fell when she was accompanied by Kiki. Both of their faces had angry looks on them.
" What the hell is your problem, Hector?" Cassie hissed through her gritted teeth. " You could've seriously hurt her!"
" I'm sorry, I was mad.."
" At what?! She just made a joke."
" It was personal."
" Oh, mama's little boy..."
" You know what? You're a little bitch, Cassie. You're just like Kiki! Nothing but a fake poser."
As soon as Hector let the misunderstood rage come out of him, he wished he could take it all back, but now it was too late. Cassie was beyond pissed.
" I saved you from becoming a freak-ish loser, and this is the thanks I get? You know what, goodbye Hector. The only reason I became your friend was because I pitied you, but now you can become someone else's problem." Cassie and Kiki walked away, a poisonous smirk spreading across Kiki's lips.
" Cassie, wait!" Hector hollered. But it was no use.

She walked right out of his life.

Cassie and Kiki were at the Malibu Courtside Mall sipping on smoothies. Her's was a blue raspberry flavor, while Kiki's was a strawberry kiwi. The girls had been spending a lot of one on one time together lately. Cassie had fun: they went into Victoria's Secret and and flinged the thongs at each other, bursting into hysterics. They had an America's Next Top Model-esque contest at Lola's, a dress boutique. They swiped the most flashiest dress from the racks and pretended they were models, using the hallway as their own runway. They went into a karaoke bar bar, dressed in extremely skimpy outfits, and sang onstage doing funny, crazy, sexy dance moves. Then they flirted with the guys who dressed to the nines, the ones who likely had a lot of money, and convinced them to buy them fries, burgers and Cokes. It was a blast for Kiki, too. She proclaimed it the best day ever, with Cassie agreeing.

It was the most fun Cassie had in a while. Kiki never acted like this with Chanel and Tanya around. She was all too serious. She claimed it was to keep up appearances. Cassie had a feeling they'd like this Kiki more, but she didn't push.
" God, Cassie. You've changed my life." Kiki whispered as she finished her smoothie.
" Why, Kiki..."
" No, I'm serious. I was just kinda sad and fustrated all the frigging time. I felt lonely, even though I had a bunch of so-called best friends, I felt jealous of my cousin, being compared to her so much. I kept holding everything in. But I finally let go, I feel happier and less of a need to compete all the time. I needed someone to truly listen to my feelings and thoughts, and it was all you. You truly lit up my life. Not to sound corny or anything."
" You don't. And thank you. I always love helping the less fortunate." They both giggled.
But Cassie wasn't feeling too good. She just dumped Hector, for no reason. She'd been so angry at him for hurting Kiki, and when he called her a bitch, she just...lost it. Everything she said she didn't mean. And it hurt her so much, maybe even more than it hurt him. He liked her, maybe even had a small crush on her, and she treated him like utter garbage.
" What's up my girls." Mike abruptly interrupted her thoughts. He was accompanied by his partner in crime, Tyrone.
" What do you imbeciles want?" Kiki yawned.
" To tap that ass!" Tyrone smacked Cassie's bottom like she was the horse at a rodeo show.
With that gesture, Cassie quickly grabbed the remander of her smoothie and dumped it on his head.
" Asshole!" She jeered as she walked away. Kiki quickly followed suit.
" Why do you gotta be a bitch?"
" I'l stop acting like a bitch when you learn how to treat a woman!" She retorted.
Then the weirdest thing happened. She laughed, she laughed so hard she almost stopped breathing.
" That was too hilarious!" Kiki said, giggling.
" I know. He got what was coming!"
" Ah, funny, adorable, and a great listener. I wish you were a guy."
" We've been through so much. Let's make it official."
Cassie gave Kiki a quick peck near the mouth. Then she gave her a peck on the mouth. A peck turned into tounge action. Kiki reciporated. Neither of them could stop. Cassie could feel Kiki's hand running up her shirt. Her own hand was up dangerously high on Kiki's leg. Then they both stopped. Instead of seeming embarassed or confused, Kiki seemed really happy. Weirdly enough, even though Cassie never experienced lesbian tendencies or feelings in her life, she felt happy. It felt...right. They somehow ended up on a bus bench right outside of the mall.
" I don't want to stop." Cassie surprised herself by saying that. But it was the truth. She didn't really want to.
" You don't have to." And with that, Kiki kissed her. Cassie couldn't believe she was making out with a girl on a public bench. Who knew so much could change in such little time. Kiki was excellent at kissing, she made Cassie feel good. It all felt so good. All thoughts about, Aimee, Hector and Tyrone vanished from her brain. All she could focus on was right here right now.

And with that, she turned oblivious.