Lies Whispered From the Past

Too Hot to Handle

Felicia was standing at her locker the following Monday afterschool. She was inspecting everything. Her hair was glossy and perfect. Her purple tank and tight low rise jeans fit perfectly. Her purple lace thong felt comfortable, yet sexy. Her black heels made her look much taller, more intimidating and fierce. She tugged on her silver hoop earrings, making sure they were secure. She stared at her top, her clevage was all out, nothing hiding. A strip of her tiny midriff was revealed. Felicia waited for the perfect moment to do what she was fixing to do. Nikki had seemed kind of out lately, so Felicia waited until Nikki's confidence and happiness was at an all-time high. Felicia had waited for this day since she found out Nikki and Byron were an item. The first time she ever saw them make out against her very own locker. The first time she saw Byron feed Nikki a whip creamed strawberry at lunch. When she saw them win the Prom titles. When she finally had sex with Byron.

Nikki was standing against here locker a few feet away from Felicia. She looked like she was having fun texting someone. The phone kept on buzzing. Felicia walked up to her, and looked her straight in the eye.

" Looks like someone's having a little too much fun with a vibrator. Boyfriend not working out for ya?"
" Looks like someone's having a little too much fun with the pole. Are you having fun shacking it up in the strip club? Or how about stolen property? Who's boyfriend did you steal this week?"
" Yours, appearently. And not this week. Try weeks ago."
Nikki let out a snort. " And why would my boyfriend cheat on this for some generic slut?"
" I guess this generic slut could satisfy him more than you. He seemed to enjoy himself. I mean, his neighbors know my name. I must be that good."
" The only things you're good at is dressing like hot prostitute garbage and lying through your crooked teeth."
The halls were crowded and nearly everyone stopped and stared. What was going down between the two hottest chicks in school?
" Open your eyes, Nikki. We slept together and now everyone knows. All the times he say he meets with coach and practices basketball, he's with me. And the sex is great. Face it, sweetheart. You're a passing phase. I'm the new thing."
Felicia's plan was working. Nikki was slowly losing her composure. Her fists were clenetched. Her body was shaking. Her eyes were getting teary. But she wasn't through yet. Suddenly, she recollected herself and put on her classic smirk.
" And why should anyone believe you? Coming from the girl who pledged her allegiance to the Virginity Club in ninth grade. Now look where you're at. You nothing but a cheap, desperate floosy. You always try to take everything I have like a little baby. But you'll never have what I have."
" You so sure about that?" Felicia pulled out her phone, with the video taped of her and byron hooking up. She was on top of him, passionately kissing him. She then moved down to his neck and she kept kissing him. She also kept going lower and lower, until she finally upzipped his pants and pulled them own. She kissed the top of the underwear and then she took them off too. The whole time she kept repeating 'Felicia, don't stop. I need you.' Felicia then cut off the tape. The date it was filmed: June 20th. A week before school let out. The night of her volleyball tournament. Her and Byron's major arguement.
The hallway's whispers evaporated into shocked stares and silence. No one moved, no one even blinked. There was a poisonous smile on Felicia's lips.

Then it finally happened. All the rage.
All the pent up rage Nikki had kept in check since junior year erupted out and took over her body. Before she even knew it, she pushed Felicia to the hard ground. She used her right hand, the one with a bunch of rings on the fingers, to punch the alarmed girl right in the face. She used her left hand to rip her hair out. The students took their phones out and began recording. Felicia tried to fight back, but Nikki had her pinned and straddled. Felicia then used her hands to try to dodge the blows, but it was no use: Nikki was spitting out flames, and Felicia was now the girl out fire. It felt like Nikki's rapid punching was going on forever, but someone pulled her off of Felicia. Byron.
" Girl, are you crazy?"
Nikki didn't stop there. She decked Byron right in the face.
" You selfish, cheating bastard! How could you do this to me?! How could you go after this whore?! You probably gave me a fucking disease! You're pure scum, do you hear me Byron Mitchell? Pure scum! I'm through with your bullshit! You can forget about having anymore ass as long as you're at this school, cause its done!"
Then Nikki turned to a sprawled Felicia on the floor. She then kicked her in the stomach. Then she did it again. And again. And again.
" And you man-stealing, bottom feeding, trashy, plastic, pathetic little bitch! You're the biggest slut on the face of the Earth!" She yelled between kicks.
" How could you do this to me?! Do you know who I am? I will destroy you!"
Nikki then finally stopped. She grabbed her bag and walked to her car. She felt so angry. She was humiliated and embarassed. Not just because of Byron cheating on her. But because everyone knew. The pity, the disdain, the laughter. It would be unbearable. Kiki would lose all respect for her. Her friends would shun her. Her popularity would be gone. All these thoughts were racing through her head. Then Nikki stopped and calmed down. She decided enough was enough. She decided to have her own fun.

The club's lights were dim and romantic. Nikki felt extremly adored and sexy. All these grown men were paying her so much attention, and they were all extremly gorgeous, even more so than Byron. One in particular caught her eye, Chris Jameson. He was a corporate executive and very wealthy. Nikki looked at his Facebook page. He had Rembrandt white teeth and a new Armani suit. He had a very classy form of sexiness. He was paying the most attention to her, and she loved it more than his features.
" So, you wanna just, get out of here?" Nikki asked, dissappointing the other men.
" How could I say no to such a beautiful lady as yourself?"
They hopped in his polished, brand new Range Rover. As he drove to a condo spot not far from her house, Nikki put her hand on his leg. He had began to get hard. He could barely contain himself. They walked up the stairs and into his lofty residence. He lead her to his bedroom and they began to kiss with extreme passion. Her day of humiliation was long forgotten. All she could to right now was focus on him with his hand running up her dress and herself unbuckeling his pants. He laid Nikki out on the bed and pulled up her little black dress and took of his jacket and shirt. Now they were both just in their unmentionables.
Chris began to pull off her underwear and then unhooked her bra. She in turned puled down his boxer shorts. They began to kiss again, the intensity and the heat building up to new heights. He let himself move down to her neck when suddenly, her phone rang out. She tried her best to ignore it, but it kept on playing. She just couldn't leave it unanswered.
" Can we stop for a second? I was expecting a call." He seemed dissappointed but he moved down on the bed.
Nikki held the phone to her ear. She tried to listen, but she couldn't any further when Chris entered his tounge in her. She just couldn't. She dropped her iPhone and moaned in spite of herself. She kept on, thinking she's never find the same type of pleasure again.


Two hours later, they both were in his car as he was driving up to her house. They soon realized there were a bunch of cars surrounding her home and there were a lot of people staring. Nikki realized they were staring at Kiki's house, which was right next door to her own. Her new best girlfriend Cassie was crying her eyes out, as were her other toadies Chanel and Tanya. The EMTs were there, along with the police. Did something happen?
Nikki hopped out of the car and made her way over to her mom. When Yolanda Sutton saw her daughter, she held out her arms and hugged her daughter tightly.
" I called you. Where in the hell were you?!"
" I was out. Mom, what's happening, what's going on? Why are all these people staring and crying?"
" That's what I tried calling you about. We found your cousin Kiki on the floor of her bedroom. Blood covered her face, and there's a big gaping wound on the side of her head."
" Oh, she hit her head again. Let me see her, she's probably freaking out."
" No Nikki. She was naked under her sheets. Someone did something to her. She's--" Her mother fought to say through tears." Dead."
When her mother blurted out those words, time stopped. Everything surrounding Nikki became blurry and murky and twisted. Then she saw it coming from the house door. The white body bag, dripping in blood.

And with that, everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
For everyone reading, this was the toughest chapter to write. I had to choose how Nikki would find out Byron's secret, and carefully think of Nikki's reaction. I also had to look up PG-13 standards for this sex scene and make it appropriate enough. I also had to choose a character to kill off and the method, and who it'd effect the most and the inital reaction. The last portion of the chapter makes it the most powerful chapter I've ever written. For those of you who like it, thanks for your support, and if you want, tell me what you think of it. Fair well, and see you next time :-)