Lies Whispered From the Past

Yet Another Scandal...

Byron tried to ignore the glares of disdain thrown his way every five seconds. He made it to his locker just to have shoved closed by Lucas Hamilton, his former friend and fellow teammate. Chelsea Raven walked with him ans shot him a nasty look.

It had been a week since the fight that broke out between Felicia and Nikki. Byron didn't panic initally. He thought Nikki wouldn't risk her popularity and she'd come crawling back to her. He thought the entire student body would just forget and move on. Everything would go back to normal. It didn't. She completely ignored. Then the fact Nikki's cousin Kiki was found murdered in her own home didn't help her pity party attitude. His classmates had proceeded to outcast him, spreading horrible stories about him on Facebook and Twitter, posting every embarassing photo of him on Instagram and someone hacked into Felicia's phone during his practice, sending the sex tape to the entire school and the local news outlet. It was all over the internet ready for downloading. Coach, ashamed of his behavior, demoted him from captain and now his former new friend Tristan has taken his spot. Life truly sucked for him right now. A call to the front office shortly after he gathered his books made him more upset. He turned around and spotted Felicia at her own locker. When he saw her face, she was stunned.

Both of her eyes were black, with one completely swollen shut. Her tiny lips were busted and puffed up. Her face was covered in dark scratches, with one scratch leaving a huge scar across her forehead. When she opened her mouth, blood stains dashed her teeth

Had Nikki done that much damage?

Suddenly, two police officers came behind her and caused a scene.
" Are you Felicia Alvarez?"
" Yes. What's it to to you?"
" You know that sexual tape distributed on your phone?"
" What about it?"
" You do realizing distributing and storing child pornography is a crime right?"
" There were no children on the tape."
" By California law, you're a minor and a child. We must place you under arrest for Storing and Distributing Child Pornography."
After he read her the rights, the cop added " And that pretty boy on that tape, we discovered he was 18 when it was filmed. You're only 15. Your boyfriend's going to jail for Statutory Rape."
The entire hall then looked to Byron. He remained hidden by a statue at the end of the hall. He scurried off to the principal's office, and to his dismay, more cops were in there.
" Mr. Mitchell, you are aware of the reason I called you up here, right?"
Byron, out of complete fear, ran out of the office. The cop quickly trailed after him, and tackled him to the ground.
" You're not going anywhere. You're going away for a while"

" What the hell you mean 15 years and he has to register as a sex offender?!" Sasha Mitchell yelled at the prosecutor, ADA Fiona Price, who barely flinched.
" He's going to be tried as an adult since he's no longer a juvenile. Since it's his first offense, that's what he's most likely going to get. Unless you take my plea."
" No way my son is going to accept 5 years!"
" With good behavior he'll be out by the time he's 21."
" Probation and no registration with---."
" For a Class A felony? Don't hold your breath."
" He's a basketball star fixing to go to college and get drafted! You can't do this to him."
" I don't care if he was running for the President of the United States. He broke the law and must be punished. This is the best deal your son is going to get. Take or leave. Spare him the pain of a trial."
She stared at Byron for a second, then turned to the prosecutor.
" Take this deal. I'm not going to offer it up again."
" Not on your life, bitch. See you in court."
With that, Sasha paid the bond and took Byron home. His father Derek was furious.
" What the fuck you mean you were drunk and you wanted it?! We all can't get what we want! If we did, your sorry ass would've never been born!" Derek hissed and hollered.
" You should'ver never been drunk in the first place! We should've just let you rot in jail!" Sasha joined in on the insult round.
" That's it. I can't take this shit anymore! Get this nigga out my house now! I've had it. He keeps sexing girls up and getting in trouble! Sasha, throw him out!"
Was his father serious? He couldn't believe it. But Byron knew, the basketball draft and going to college train had officially stopped. He was no longer useful.
" Dad, haven't I been through enough? I've gotten arrested, and I'm fixing to lose my basketball dream. Coach called and said I'm off the team. Scouts are ignoring me. I lost my scholarship after the news story broke. I lost it all! Don't abandon me now when you had the chance 18 years ago."
With that, Derek picked up a butcher knife and lunged at Byron. He held him against the wall, knife against his throat.
" I gave up everything I had for you! A normal family, my friends, my own basketball dreams, everything! And this is the motherfucking thanks I get?! I should kill you just to end this nightmare! Me and your mother had you when we were both 22 and in college! You took away her right to have children! You took everything! I should kill you, and I will!"
As soon as he motioned the knife, Sasha pushed him to the ground. His father then turned his rage on his mother, thrusting the knife into her chest. She tried to block the blows.
" Derek, please stop!"
But he kept at it. And Byron ran. He kept on running until his legs were tired. Until his knee popped and cracked and he couldn't move anymore.

And all fell down.