Lies Whispered From the Past

Attention Whoring 101

" In this suburban section of Malibu, California, the residents of Highland Heights, a wealthy unincorporated area of the city, are rocked by one shocking scandal after the next. First, a student of Malibu Vista High School commits suicide after horrendous bullying document on several social media outlets. The student, Aimee Angela Bowers, passed away on her 17th birthday. Weeks after, another student, Kiana Sutton, was found murdered in her own home. The cause of death has been officially ruled a homicide and the cause of death is listed as blunt force trauma to the head. Arrests have yet to been made in either case. "
"And just a week later, a sex tape between prominent basketball high school star Byron Mitchell and underaged student Felicia Alvarez surfaced on the internet and went viral. Mitchell has been arrested for statutory rape, and Alvarez, who allegedly spreaded the video, has been arrested for Storing and Distributing Child Pornography. The same night Mitchell was arrested and released, his father, prominent local businessman Derek Mitchell, was arrested for stabbing his own wife, Sasha Mitchell, during an arguement with her over their son's case. Mrs. Mitchell is currently in critical condition at Malibu Community Hospital. Byron Mitchell, who supposedly ran away after the arguement, is the subject of an aggressive manhunt led by the Malibu Police Department."

" This is Jennifer Hagan, and have a save morning."

Nikki had to turn off the news. She didn't know how much more she could take. So much has happened in just two months: Aimee's suicide, her cousin's murder, Byron and Felicia's sex tapes and their arrest, and Byron's mom getting stabbed? What happened to the feel good, no responsibilty, joyfulled ride that was suppose to be senior year? Why did she have to be in the middle of all this bull? What was happening to her life? What if she never ditched Aimee? Would her life be completely different?
She remembered the day she officially ditched Aimee: she hadn't gotten the message at Chris Martin's pool party, so Nikki decided to do the worst thing imaginable. She decided to invite Aimee to her birthday party only to humiliate her instead. She remebered it like it was yesterday
" Where can I change into my party dress?" Aimee asked.
" In the bathroom." Nikki said nonchalantly.
Her other friends laughed at Aimee, teased her, and Byron even threw lettuce in her hair. Nikki didn't dare open her mouth. She pressed her ear on the door, as soon she she heard the dress being unzipped and tossed aside, she flung the door open. It was terrible.
It turned out Aimee had been completely naked. Her huge breasts hung over her pot belly, her two rolls of back fat were flapping about, her own stomach covering her vagina. Her butt looked saggy and just plain big, and those thighs. Everyone whipped out their phones and laughed. Aimee cried and screamed.
" Hey, Fatty Patty, get ready for your close up!" Nikki shouted. Her friends laughed even harder and kept snapping photos. Aimee threw a towel on and ran out the house.
To make matters worse, Byron went on his computer and made a banner with her naked image. The next Monday at school, he hung it up on the un-used flagpole for everyone on display. It was removed before the authority figures caught on. Aimee finally got the message. Thinking back on it, Nikki thought it was hella funny at the time. Now she viewed it as disgusting and sick, and wondered why she'd agree with such a nasty scheme.
The only good thing about the turmoil was that she was more popular than she had ever been before. Byron and Felicia were completely outcasted and she was now an even bigger Queen Bee than before this mess. The sympathy for phenominal. People actually told Byron his mother deserved to get stabbed while everyone said Kiki died too young. That part was amazing. But Nikki wanted to walk away from it all.

What was the point if you were miserable?

An idea then popped into Nikki's brain. She didn't need to be miserable, she could have fun.


" Miss Sutton, can you vouch for your whereabouts between 8:40 p.m. and 10:25 p.m.?" Officer Jordan McCallahan questioned her. He was a fine brother too, he could've been Chris Jameson's twin if it wasn't for the mocha-dipped skin.
" I was at A La Rave buying drinks with some male friends. Check my Unlimited Express credit card. I'm 18 and it's in my name."
" Miss Sutton, are you even employed?"
" I'm working on being a call girl. I see something I like and I go after it." Nikki creeped her hand up his muscular leg. At first he looked panicked, but then he relaxed. She reached his crotch and decided to grab it. When it seemed he got excited, she spoke again, letting go quickly.
" For a price, of course."
That ruined the mood.
" Miss Sutton---"
" Call me Nikki."
" Nikki, we are here discussing your cousin's murder, and you want to bone? Are you even sad?"
" I'm sick of being sad, dammit. I just want to blow a little steam!" She hissed, proceeding to knock his notes on the floor. When he looked under the kitchen table, she uncrossed her legs. She had decided to go commando.
" I'm sick of your games. You're not a suspect, but in my opinion, you're a whore." He got up and decided to leave. Nikki got up too, not letting him leave just yet. She pinned him against her wall, and grabbed again.
" I know I'm attractive, don't you want me?" He was still resisting. Nikki decided to rub. It made him shaky.
" Please, I have a wife and kids."
" They're not here are they?" Nikki took her other hand and tugged on the his button-up shirt, ripping it.
" Please, Nikki, I--"
Nikki ignored him. She rubbed harder and kissed his neck. He let out a soft moan, only encouraging her further. He finally decided to reciporate and grabbed her head, kissing her. They hugged, and Officer McCallahan picked her up, still kissing. He walked her upstairs and laid Nikki out on the bed the first bedroom he spotted, her parent's room. Nikki was enjoying the makeout sesh, until he suddenly got a call on his radio. He picked it up and listened to it.
" Sorry Nicole. I gotta go." He scooted out of there.
" No!" Nikki followed him outside to his car. It was close to sunset, and it was a little dark. She finally got him right outside of his door.
" Jordan, don't leave me."
" Nikki, I have to--" He stopped.
Nikki took off her sheer dress, clad only in her bra and panties now. Officer McCallahan looked at her with pure lust.
" We just met." He said as he got close to her face.
" I don't care." She reached up and kissed him. He opened the backdoor of his police car, and laid her down on the seat. He was on top of her, and she wrapped her legs around him while trying to tug his belt open.
All in their secret fun, they were oblivious to the fact pictures were being snapped, and videos were being taped by that one special person. Officer Jordan McCallahan could've declared the whole Kiana Sutton murder case open and shut if he had realized this

The person planning to blackmail them also murdered Kiana Vivenne Sutton.