Lies Whispered From the Past

911, Yeah, There's a ***er in the Cafeteria

Cassie felt at a total loss: Kiki had been dead for three weeks and the police couldn't even find the weapon she was hit with. School was harder to deal with: although she was bombarded with sympathy, it felt like a slap to the face whenever someone badmouthed Kiki in death. She kept calm and collected, but she felt grief and rage all boiled together. This chick wasn't just her best friend, they'd kissed just the night before she died. She may've, loved Kiki. And everyone else hated her. The worst part was seeing Hector's sad puppy dog face whenever she attended the Art program meetings. While Cassie took to making knew friends in the program, Hector kept himself isolated. Cassie distanced herself from Chanel and Tanya. The first week after the ordeal they pretended to care about Kiki, but later Chanel told the girls it was their chance to move on up the freshman food chain. Chanel seemed pretty hellbent to take Kiki's vacant spot, and Tanya went along with it. Cassie didn't want anything to do with that, so she pretty much avoided them when possible.
Cassie was sitting in the center of the school cafeteria with her new friends Shaunika Baker, Kyla North and Zoesha 'Zoe' Randall. Shaunika looked down at her cell phone, re-arranging clips the quartet filmed for their movie project for English class. Zoesha was sewing a brand new shirt she was making for herself. Kyla was calling her pottery teacher rescheduling a lesson, and Cassie simply stared at the floor, too sick for words.
" I'm so glad they let extra-curriculars back on a couple weeks ago." Shaunika suddenly announced.
" You know it was because they're dropping the suicide investigation, right?" Zoe said.
" What?" Cassie asked, her interest peaked.
" Well, word on the street is Mr. Jones is dropping the investigation in light of every other terrible thing that has happened the past few weeks. He's trying to do media damage control and just dropping the investigation seemed simple enough." Zoe explained.
" So everything that happened to Aimee just goes out the window?"
" Yep. Everyone's forgotten about it. A grisly murder and a hot underage sex tape are where the real headlines are at." Kyla chimed in, snapping her phone shut. A sharp look of depression swept over Cassie's face.
" Cass, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so---"
" It's okay. Can we not talk about it? I wanna move on."
" Okay, is anyone else going to the Summer Solsitce Fest next week?" Shaunika changed the subject.
Cassie had forgotten about it. Summer Solstice was one of the seasonal parties Highland Heights held as an excuse to dress it up, drink it up, dance it up and hook up with whoever you like. Many of California's socialites and celebrities attended the event, so it was the opprotunity to make connections that would ultimately help you in the future. It was actually a big party for Highland Heights' unofficial mayor (seeing as the suburban area was unincorporated), Grey Richards. It was suppose to be a month ago, but this year, a story ran on the local paper saying the Festival was actually held as his daughter Simone's Sweet Sixteen birthday bash. As a result, it was to be held next Saturday on her actual birthday, the week before Homecoming.
" Nah, I already brought a dress for Homecoming, my mom won't let me get another for Simone Richards' sixteenth birthday." Zoe replied.
" Hell yeah I'm going. Simone's boyfriend Hykim looks mighty fine to me." Kyla laughed.
" Hykim's such a troublemaker though."
" Ain't jack to me."
" What about you Cassie?" Zoe asked.
" I already bought a ticket last month. I'm not going to waste it." Cassie managed a smile.
" Besides, Harris is the eye candy I wanna get next to."
The whole table laughed out loud. Harris was the cute Korean kid in Cassie's art class. Cassie had been mentioning her crush on him since Kiki's death. Cassie started to think she was actually developing feelings for Harris. Everytime they talked or accidently touched, Cassie felt the same feelings in her legs when she kissed Kiki that night. Why was she moving on so quickly? She still hurt for Kiki, but maybe she didn't actually like her, like her. Maybe she was caught up in the moment. She wasn't attracted to any other girls, only Harris. He was pretty funny, and a great listener. Not to mention, he could seriously work a paintbrush.
Suddenly, she spotted Hector sitting by himelf at the table across. Feeling completely sorry for him, she decided to walk up to him and chat.
" Hey."
" What the hell do you want?"
Okay, this was already off to a bad start.
" To see how you're doing."
" Why aren't running off with the rest of her brainless toadies?"
" They're superficial."
" And it took you over three months to realize."
" I didn't come over here to get a lecture."
" Then why are you here?"
" Why won't you let me be nice to you?"
" You ditched me for some hot-to-trot slut."
" She wasn't a slut!"
" No, you're right. She was a two-faced bitch who got what she deserved. I'm glad she's dead."
And with that, Cassie kicked him in the nards. Hard. Hector fell to the ground, holding his groin in sheer pain.
" Have a nice life, Hector."
Then she stood on top of the table. She took out her phone and sent out a video message to the student body.
" I didn't wanna do this, but you're such a dick, Hector." She whispered.
" Hey everyone." Cassie suddenly shouted. " If you look at the video message I just sent to your phone, this evidence proves that Hector Johnson, the boy right under me, was at Kiki Sutton's house the night she was killed, so he has no alibi. P.S. he told me she was a bitch and he was glad she's dead, so here's the perp who killed her."
The entire cafeteria ran to Hector like a bull, ready to wail on him. Everyone thought he killed Kiki. Cassie really didn't want to do it, but he made her so mad. Someone sent her the video on her phone, and she knew dep in her hear this was right. If only she felt it.