Lies Whispered From the Past

But in the End, There Was...Nothing

Byron sat on his aunt's couch awaiting news of his mother's fate. It had been almost a week since she had been stabbed by his father. He was still stunned. He never thought Derek would take his anger so far. He never thought his mother would defend him like that against her own husband, either. His first court date was tomorrow, and he was enjoying his freedom. How could his life go downhill so quickly? All he did was cheat on his girlfriend.
The good news was, if the court date went well, he would be able to return to school, and he might can be evaluated by a college scout. He didn't really want to return to school, but the basketball team was all he had left. He couldn't go back to the house, even though they had finished collecting evidence. It just felt, wrong.
" Felicia's parents called."
" What for? To curse me out?"
" They're willing to drop the charges. On two conditions."
" They're the ones that pressed charges against me?!"
" Yes. Because your parents pressed charges against her. Since that sex tape, they wanted Felicia to pay."
" I just want to escape this nightmare. I'll do anything."
" One, the acting family attorney must drop the charges against Felicia."
" Okay, whatever. I don't care."
" Two, you must be an active father figure for Felicia's unborn child."
What. The. Fuck?
" Now that skanky bitch is claiming she's pregnant with my child? Such bullshit, man!"
" She was tested by her doctor, it came back postive."
" How far along is she?"
" 23 weeks."
" See? I last slept with her in June. It ain't mine. She a slut, she's been with every guy in the school. Besides, how could she go that long without knowing she had a baby?"
" She had no symptoms. No sickness, no weight gain, nothing. Byron, it's November now. June was almost five months ago. 23 weeks. It might actually be yours."
" Just ask about her sexual history. You'll do the math."
" Byron, this may not be a good situation, but the charges could be dropped and this all could be swept under the rug. Take the deal, or you're going to regret it."
" It ain't mine!"
" I honestly don't care whether it yours or not. We're trying to get you in the best position possible. Now stop being such a stubborn ass and call the Alvarez's up."
" Hell, no."
" Do you want to spend 15 years in prison?"
" Do I wanna spend 18 years taking care of a brat that ain't even mine? Ruin my furture? Waste all that time and money? You must be out yo damn mind."
" Byron, you got yourself in this mess. And I can guarentee, no one is going to clean this one up for you. We can't save you if you don't wanna save yourself. Think about it. If you go to prison, no job, no money, no future. That's a promise. Once they drop the charges and Felicia gives birth, we can get a paternity test. If it ain't yours, you can back out."
" Alright, I'll call them."
His aunt Phyllis handed him the phone. He dialed the number, and when the other end picked up, he heard Felicia's voice. It sounded reedy and broken.
" Hello?"
" You know who the fuck this is. Now I want you to hear me good cause I'm only telling you this once. I'll drop the charges against you. I don't mind that. But when you tell people I knocked you up, I get pissed. You're nothing but a dirty, lying, cheating, miserable whore. You're worth nothing, and you mean nothing to me. You always did. You thought I liked you? Bitch, I just used you for sex. I wasn't getting none from my girlfriend, and you were so desperate to give it up to me you were perfect."
"You think this baby is gonna get me with you? Hell no. The minute the charges are dropped, I'm gone. It ain't mine, and I'm getting the test to prove it. If you have the charges put against me, I'll make sure the whole court is aware of your sexual habits. And once that comes out, ain't nothing you can do about it. Everyone is going to know what a slut and pathetic liar you are. Think about it, you'll be a prison crack mama and your baby daddy still won't be around, cause I don't give two shits about you. Remember before you act: if you wanna bring me down, fine. But I'm taking you down with me."
And with that, he terminated the phone call.
Byron felt invincible. He finally told Felicia off, and his life could be back on track


It was sunset, eight hours later.
" Well good news! The charges are officially dropped! I got the news four hours ago! This is joyous!" Phyllis had just gotten off of work. She cheered, embracing Byron. He knew what he was doing. Felicia backed off, and she expected nothing in return. This was perfect.
" By, why are there over 29 voice messages on the house phone?"
" I dunno. I've been asleep. Probably the hospital."
Byron went back upstairs and went back to sleep, awaiting the bliss that was to be tomorrow. Except, he couldn't. Because by the end of the day, he still got arrested, he still had a police record, his sex tape was posted for the whole world to see, he lost his team position, his social status, his friends, his family, and most imortantly his Queen, Nikki. By the end of the day, he had nothing left. He thought he was so smart, and he gambled all the good things in his life away because he thought it wasn't enough. By the end of the day, he was nothing at all, and there was squat to change that. Derek was in jail, Sasha was injured and his college aspirations were thrown out the window. The worst part was, he had to live with it.

And it was amazing what he couldn't see, even if it was right in front of him all this time.