Lies Whispered From the Past

Chanel No. 1

Cassie and Shaunika went shopping together after the party. The girls had a fun night, and Zoe didn't get caught. But Cassie just couldn't get over all of the... drama. She'd only been out here for a couple of months, and she had to deal with so much already. As she became lost in though, she spotted Chanel looking at her from the distance.
" Hey, can I talk to an old friend?"
" Sure, I'll pick up our orders of Chinese food." Shaunika replied.
Cassie made her way up to Chanel, who was flaunting her oversized Gucci sunglasses, True Religion jeans, Jimmy Choo shoes, Louis Vuitton handbag and a uber-revealing black lace crop top. Chanel truly looked the part. She transformed into a designer clothes wearing goddess. She never dressed that good while Kiki was around.
" Hey." Cassie said softly, suddenly shy.
" Hello." Chanel said calm and collectedly. When Kiki was around, Chanel waited until Kiki gave her the okay to talk. Even then, she sounded timid and unsure of herself. She now oozed confidence.
" How's it been going?"
" Fine. Tanya, hurry up with that drink!" She screeched to Tanya, who looked as submissive as ever.
Its was so bizarre. Kiki was the ringleader who constantly called the shots. She wasn't afraid of anyone or anything and carried herself with a confident air. Chanel was her right hand lady, completely mesmerized, yet afraid, of Kiki. She did whatever Kiki wanted in order to please her and avoid her wrath. A part of Chanel really hated Kiki for her bitchiness, but another part loved her and strived to emulate her. Tanya was another lackey, but she was just that, a lackey. She posed no threat or value to Kiki, who just kept her around to strengthen her alliances. Tanya did whatever Kiki wanted, but unlike Chanel, who did what she was told most of the time without question, Tanya was always asking questions. And it irritated Kiki to no end.
Now that Kiki was gone, everyone moved up a spot: Chanel was the new HBIC, Tanya was her right hand lady doing whatever Chanel said without question. Another girl, Bianca Rivera, joined their crew and became the new Tanya. But no one became the new Cassie. She guessed it was no longer a factor in the equation.
" I'm so sorry Chanel!" Tanya said between gasps.
" Did you pick up my low mien and rice?"
" Channy, I only have two hands and--"
" Stop yapping and just do it!" Chanel yelled, drawing more attention from their classmates, who laughed at Tanya. Tanya, embarassed, ran along to get the Chinese.
" Isn't it awesome being me?" Chanel looked up at Cassie.
" Wow, you really have Tanya and Bianca wrapped around your finger."
" Here's your food." Tanya mumbled.
" What? Speak up. I don't have time for people who babble like idiots." Chanel practically yelled. The laughs were getting louder, too.
" I got your food!" Tanya started to yell too.
" Are you getting an attitude with me?"
" No." Tanya quickly lowered her voice.
" Wow, you can't even own up to your shit." Chanel hissed, in a much more nefarious manner than Kiki ever did.
Tanya just stood there, too humiliated to speak further.
Chanel took off the top off a yellow drink at her table, presumably Bianca's, and next thing Cassie knew, Chanel poured the entire drink on Tanya's denim skirt.
" Ah!!!" Tanya backed up in pure shock.
" Aw, Little Miss Tanya pissed her pants." Chanel fake pouted.
" My drink!" Bianca came up suddenly, lamenting over her loss drink.
The humiliation was colossial, even cashiers of several restuarants were laughing at Tanya. And she just stood there and took it.
" It's okay, Bianca. Tanya will just buy you another one. With her money."
" I'm down three dollars--"
" Are you arguing with me?" Chanel got right up in Tanya's face using the same sadistic hiss she used earlier. " Do you need a replay of what just happened?"
" No, I'll get it." Tanya walked away, tears streaming down her eyes, and was ordering another drink.
" What a crybaby!" Chanel yelled. When Tanya came back, Bianca swatted the drink out her hand.
" You got Sprite, I wanted Mello Yello, dumbass."
"Clean it up with your jacket sleeve." Chanel commanded. As Tanya sighed and cleaned up the mess, Cassie stood back thinking. Kiki was a bitch, but she was never this cruel to anyone in her own clique. She guessed that was the message: if we could do this to our 'friend', imagine what we could do to you. At the end of the day, it was all about power.
" Look at her huge, lumpy butt, bursting out the seams of her sweatpants." Bianca cackled like a witch.
" Forget her ass, look at that expanding gut. And those tree logs for thighs." Chanel taunted Tanya, getting right up in her ear.
Cassie looked at Tanya with a meticulous eye. She really had gained some weight. About 15 pounds.
As Tanya continued mopping with her sleeve, Bianca kicked her straight in her butt. Tanya landed flat on her face and began crying. Chanel whispered in Bianca's ear, reassuring her. It finally became unbearable for Tanya, who ran straight to the exit.
" You better run slut!"Chanel yelled.
The group of classmates, which consisted of basketball players, football players, cheerleaders and other designer clothes wearing goddessses, laughed and hi-fived each other.
" You're so mean." Cassie said to Chanel.
" What's your problem? It's her punishment." Bianca replied.
" Punishment?"
" Long, boring story." Chanel said, shrugging it off.
" You enjoyed that roasting?" Shaunika came up to Cassie and asked.
" I was just shocked. C'mon, lets go after her."
After the duo ran outside, they spotted Tanya sitting on a bench, crying.
" Why did they do that to you?" Shaunika asked quickly.
" Its my fault. I'm being punished." Tanya said through sobs.
" What happened?" Cassie asked.
" You know Andre Reynolds?"
" Bianca's ex-boyfriend?" Shaunika replied.
" Yep. While they were together, I slept with him. He said he was planning to dump Bianca, and I really liked him, so I gave in. I began to hang with him, openly kiss him, do all the stuff couples usually do. Eventually, Bianca found out and, needless to say, she didn't take it well. She ousted me on every social media page imaginable. Andre and every guy in school avoided me. To add insult to injury, Chanel forced me to look at Andre and Bianca passionately making out in the school library. Then the gave me an ultimatum: either I lose their friendship or they subject me to public humilation as punishment. They texted all their friends about it so they could all watch. That's why I took it."
" Why didn't you just walk away?" Shaunika asked.
" Alls fair in the war to be popular."
Tanya's comment made Cassie's blood boil.
" I don't get it. Is being popular that damn important to you people?!"
" Unfortunately, without them, I'm nothing. I'm friendless. I shunned all my old ones to get where I am today. They'd never take me back now."
" So you wanna be humiliated everyday?"
" Better than being alone."
Oof. The sad truth.
" Even Kiki was never that cruel."Cassie said.
" Maybe she's taking out all that pent up anger." Shaunika replied
" Or maybe Kiki was better at creating a monster than she thought." Cassie muttered.
" Maybe she deserved her fate after all."
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Seemingly insignificant but look out for clues!