Lies Whispered From the Past

Round 2

Nikki had been having a blast despite herself. Even when her life was in upheaval, she still shined. Tristan was now her boyfriend, and things had been going perfectly, as if not a thing had changed. It shook her, though. How she was able to let go of Byron that easily. This had been the guy she was after her entire teenage life, and in a matter of weeks, she dropped him completely.
But to be honest, she missed him terribly. She was stuck remembering all the good times they shared. It always happened. Just when Nikki thought there was life after Byron Mitchell, she remembered the way he comforted her dog had died. They way he took her for her victory dinner after winning a tournament. The way he'd cuddle her after a movie. The way she felt herself evaporating after having sex. The way he always told her she was beautiful and called her Queen Bee. The way he'd surprise with her favorite things whenever she was feeling down. He never dumped her, and he stuck by her no matter what. And she had just tossed him away like a piece of trash. She always left when the going got tough.
There was a side of her that used reason: 'Byron has hit you, Byron cheated on you with Whore-licia Skank-valrez, Byron talked down to you and made you feel like dirt.' But her other side used emotion and rose-colored glasses. It seemed that Nikki always flashed between these two personas: the strong, independent young adult who recognized this relationship as toxic and dropped it immediately. The other persona was a weak, lovesick little girl who knew nothing about moving on and tried every chance she got to cling to the things she did know, no matter if it was healthy for her or not.
Nikki liked Tristan so much though, because he was everything Byron was the first two years of their relationship. He genuinely didn't sweat the small things, and he appreciated Nikki and lavished her with praise, gifts and cuddle sessions. Things were so awesome, and Nikki was exactly where she had wanted to be for a long time. Yet she couldn't resist...
" I called to make sure you were okay. You've been through the ringer."
" I know, Nikki. I never should've trusted that bitch."
" Could say the same about you..."
" Nikki look, I said I was sorry. If you called just to bitch about that..."
" No, honey. I just, sorta, missed you."
" Know what you mean."
" My life has been crazy. My cousin and my old best friend is dead. And you're no longer around--"
" You still have Mr. Universe, Tristan."
" Yes. I do."
" What makes him so special? Huh? He would've never took my spot on the team if my dad hadn't gone apeshit and stabbed my mom."
Nikki decided to shift the subject a little. " How is she by the way?"
" Fine. She's still shook up, but she's okay."
" That's great."
" They're charging him with assault with a deadly weapon, but he'll probably get off."
" What? Why?"
" His brother is an amazing attorney. And mom is on the fence about the whole thing. I hate dad for what he did. He ruined mom's life and my future."
" No Byron. You did that all by yourself." Nikki's voice oozed with irritation.
" What's that suppose to mean?"
" Well, maybe if you hadn't sexed up the slut of the school, you would still have your old life."
" Not this shit again. Look Nikki, I shouldn't have done what I did, but do I deserve all of this to keep happening to me? Even though the charges are dropped, my life is over. No scholarship, no basketball, no nothing."
" Your father is gone, so now your mom can pay for college. He no longer has a say."
" As long as he's alive, he'll do anything in his power to stop mom from paying my college. He may have the money, but he don't want none of it going to me. I just want to feel better."
" I know you do Byron. Trust me, I know how you feel." Nikki saw Tristan's younger sister coming towards her.
" By, I gotta go."
" Sure, go with your new, perfect man and keep living your perfect life. You don't have to give a shit about me."
" Look Byron, if you want to throw a pity party, then do it with someone else. You're not the only person in the world with problems. Good-bye."
Nikki turned around and saw Cassie. Nikki swore she got more beautiful everyday. She hoped she wouldn't turn out like Nikki by the time she was a senior. Cassie was such a sweetheart, never had she said a mean thing about anyone. Nikki genuinely liked her and probably would've hung out with her if it weren't for Tristan.
" Hi Nikki. Cute top." Cassie said, all smiles.
" Thanks, Cass. What's up?"
" I wanted to be the one to tell you. Felicia Alvarez is coming back to school."
" What? Pregnant? She can't."
" Rumor has it its Tristan's turn."
" What's that suppose to mean?"
" She wants Tristan now. And plans on stealing him from you. She did it with Byron, she'll do it with him."
" Where did you hear this from?"
" She's at the courtyard talking to everyone." Cassie pointed to the square at the center of the park.
Nikki got up from her seat and walked straight toward the girl. Felicia still looked pretty, despite the marks and scratches. She didn't look a day pregnant either. Felicia looked dead in Nikki's eyes and Nikki froze. It shook her to her core. This wasn't Felicia's usual smug face, she looked as if she had something really interesting on the tip of her tongue. Like she knew something Nikki didn't. She absolutely hated the fact that Felicia might have dirt on her. But Nikki knew better than to let it show. Revealing the fact you're absolutely scared out of your mind was the type of vulnerability that people like Felicia pounced on. She stared back at her and began.
" Who do you think you are? One dumbass gives you the time of day and now you think you can take anything you want."
" What's wrong, Nikki? Still mad that your boyfriend was so tired of you and decided to come running to me? Its not my fault you couldn't please him."
" If he wanted you so bad, why isn't he here with you? Why do you have to keep scheming on my boyfriends? Are you that jealous of me you'll take anything that you can get?"
" Oh please, I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous of somebody who can't keep a man? All the guys want me, and you can't stand it."
" They only want you because you're a desperate whore. You're so pathetic you can't go out and get your own man, so you want to take mine. Tell me why would I be jealous of that. You want my clothes, so you go out and sleep with anyone so you can have them. You want my popularity, so you dress like the street walker you are. Keeping my name on your lips is about as relevant as you'll get."
Felicia opened her mouth to say something, but she looked puzzled and confused, as if she couldn't think of something meaner to say back. When she didn't say anything, Nikki went in for the kill.
" Close your mouth Felicia. Not a dick anywhere around here." Everyone in the vicinity snickered. Felicia's cheeks burned with embarrassment.
When Nikki turned to make her way back to Cassie, she felt a strong hand grip her arm. Clearly, Felicia wasn't done being humiliated.
" You'll be sorry. I know things about you that will ruin your life, like you ruined mine."
" Please, do try. I want a good excuse to beat your ass again." Nikki laughed wickedly, leaving Felicia to mop up her own tears.