Lies Whispered From the Past

The Truth Comes Out (Sort of..)

" Either dump her, or she'll find out either way." Felicia gave Byron an ultimatum.
" Look, I owe you nothing, okay? It was last year, so I don't know why you can't get it through your thick headed skull that we're over."

Byron had been stressed out enough the whole day, even though it had been the first day of the year. The very last thing he needed was this bull. He loved Nikki, but with all the time they spent apart last year, he did have that one night stand with Felicia. He wasn't even sober enough to enjoy it. She was looking hot in a black mini dress, dancing like she owned the club. He was drunk and lonely and had got into a blowout fight with his parents. Nikki was busy with her volleyball tournament, so she told him to get over it and not bother her for the rest of the night. Felicia was grinding on him, and his drunken state, combined with his pent up rage against Nikki, fueled his brain into thinking he should sleep with her. And he did. He tried his best to cover it all up, but Felicia was convinced she was the other woman. Byron made an empty promise that if Felicia kept her mouth shut the rest of the year, he'd date her as soon as school began. Obviously, he didn't think that one through.

" You promised me that if I kept quiet you would date me. I held up my end of the bargain. What, you'd think I'd forget about it?"
" Felicia, Nikki doesn't wanna break up. Look, your one of the hottest girls in the whole school, and you could have any other guy you want. So leave me alone. Besides, you ain't got no proof!"
" A little tape say differently..." Felicia smirked.
" You freaking bitch! You taped us?!"
" No, I taped you bragging to your college friends about it."
" You're a pathetic whore, you know that? I should've never even looked at you."
" Honey, what happened that night takes two. Besides, YOU came to ME! Not the other way around."
" By, we need to talk." Nikki appeared out of nowhere.
" Nik, thank God your here. Felicia, I'm busy. Let's talk later." Byron tried to scoot Nikki away, but Felicia, who was still in earshot, wailed out " Yeah, talk about how your perfect boyfriend has been screwing 'pathetic whores' behind your back!"

A moment slipped by, Nikki stopped walking out of pure shock. Felicia, satisfied with her outburst, jogged away to Ramirez Sanchez. They began kissing, hopped in his car and drove away. Byron wished Nikki would hurry up and yell at him and curse him out. Her silence was worse than any death sentence. But all she let out was a soft, " Byron, we still need to talk."

Kiki Sutton was sitting at the Malibu Vista Mall food court with her friends Tanya Spears and Chanel Carter. The first day of school was a rather predictable one, as it always had. Her cousin Nikki was to pick her up in another 45 minutes, but she had done everything she needed to do: she grabbed three additional pairs of True Religion jeans, she purchased two pairs of unmentionables at Victoria's Secret, she bought five new club dresses at Banana Republic and she was already eating Caesar salad from that new vegetarian bar called Greensleeves's. She could schedule a hair appointment at Charlene's, but she already had a touch-up a week ago, and besides, that would take at least an hour, anyway.
" So, are we still going to the party at Glo? Can we even sneak in?" Chanel broke the awkward silence.
" Uh, duh retard. Why did you think I spent over 200 dollars on club dresses?"
" I dunno, I have nothing to wear. Besides, you know how strict my parents are." Tanya stated.
" You're a sophomore, and I still have more freedom than you." Kiki moaned exasperatedly.
" Hey, take that up with Lynda and Darryl."
" Plus, we don't even have dates." Chanel added.
" You mean YOU guys don't have dates. I already have one." Kiki said a little too bitchily.
" Are you implying we're ugly?" Kiki could hear the trace of hurt in Tanya's voice, but what else was she suppose to say?
The bill for their food came. Three Caesar salads cost: what?! $69.82?! Oh yeah, they ordered two plates each, with the special order of a steamed veggie appetizer and requested lounge seats. And not to mention the four large Diet Cokes- Chanel always had seconds. Thinking this was only going to be a lunch detour, Kiki had only $42.00. That left $27.82. She could've called Nikki to wire funds, but Kiki would've be damned if she stayed at a veggie bar for another 40 minutes.
" Tanya, any money?"
" Nah, spent all my money at Victoria's Secret."
" Chanel?"
" Well, I have 12 dollars and 50 cents."
" Great. We still need $15.32."
Cassie was listening to their conversation. She and Tristan just walked into the bar. After ordering the steamed vegetable platter and taking her seat, she enjoyed what wasn't technically eavesdropping: she was right by them and their voices we loud enough to hear. Knowing that they were stuck in a bind, decided to help them. After all, she needed good karma.

" Hey, I couldn't help but overhear."
" And? What the hell do you want?" Kiki hissed.
Okay, this was already off to a bad start.
" The thing is, I know the owner of this place, Sabrina, and if you really don't have enough money, I could convince her to put your charge on our tab." Tristan had a grave look on his face, but he was staring at his platter, not Cassie.
" Wait, how do you know her?" Kiki wasn't convinced yet.
" Well, we used to live in the same apartment building as we did in the Bronx, but she moved here a year ago and started a new business."
" I guess..." Kiki was kinda skeptical, but trusting this new girl was better than nothing.
" Hey, what's your name?" Tanya asked.
" Cassie Styles. That's my brother Tristan."
All three girls looked at him. He was so gorgeous. All possible animosity Kiki could've held against her vanished into thin air. Even though he looked like he was in college, Kiki knew she had to pursue him.
" Hey, wanna hang with us tomorrow? We couldn't thank you enough for your kindness." Kiki suddenly went as sweet as sugar.
" Sure." Cassie beamed. Making new friends wasn't really the hard part. It was nowhere near the hard part, as would later learn.