Lies Whispered From the Past

That Empty Feeling

" Byron, I think you're fast tracking too much. I'm worried. Senior year was suppose to be our carefree ride, yet you seem more stressed than you did last year. Maybe you should cut back, slow down." Nikki had tears in her eyes. Byron expected her to cry about Felicia's confession, not his damn health. But seeing an opportunity, he nipped that in the bud.
" Look, I'm fine. Felicia's just been on my ass all cause I rejected her last year. I swear, lemons ain't got nothing on her, she so bitter. Lying slut."
" You think I care about what some retarded hoe says? Can't trust a girl who'll spread her legs open like that."

Truth be told, Nikki was startled at first, but then again, Felicia's been after Byron since junior high. That bitch would do anything to break them up. So she played it cool, as usual, and pretended Felicia never said a word.

" But seriously By, just cool the big shot college star act for a while. It's really screwing-"
" What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Byron snapped.
" What?"
" Act?"
" Well, you're certainly not a college star now.."
" That's your problem. You always wanna downplay on my accomplishments and up play yours."
" My problem?! You're the one who wants me to commit to the relationship when YOU'RE the one who keeps making excuses."
" What the hell do you expect? Everyone wants me to maintain basketball, grade, guy time, extracurricular activities, community service."
" And where does that leave me? Is everything else so damn important to you?!?! You can't spend five minutes with me? You wanna know how I know you're not cheating on me? Because your so freaking busy with the guys, you don't even look at girls anymore!!!"

After her nasty outburst, Nikki felt a string of physical feelings in rapid succession. First came a stinging smack to the face. Then came a wind-knocking blow to the right eye. After came the hands grabbing her shoulder as they moved up to her neck. Air escaped her lungs, and the tears came on harder and faster. There was no voice in her mouth. Her eyes felt ready to pop out of her head. Byron had gone nuts, and there was no one else to stop it. Her speech scattered she muttered
" I-I-I'm S-S-S-S-Soooorrrryy."
Her words only made him squeeze harder. Fearing for her life, common instinct came in and she kicked him off of her. Only then Byron realized what damage he caused.
" I-i, That.."
" That was the last time you ever put your hands on me!" Nikki lefty in a huff, walking to her car. Byron just stared at his Adidas, trying to comprehend why he just tried to kill his girlfriend.

It figures, Hector Johnson thought to himself the day after. He saw Cassie and Kiki chatting it up in homeroom this morning. The she devil and her equally bitchy groupies were so fascinated with her old life in the Bronx. Cassie included Hector in the discussion, but his comments were met with not so subtle hostility from the others.
" So your brother was a star back there?" Kiki batted her long eyelashes innocently.
" Yeah, Cassie told me he was the King of the Locker Rooms." Hector added.
" Wouldn't you like to know that." Chanel hissed. Cassie didn't pick up on the jab.
" Uh, yeah. A real big shot. Everybody loved him." What Hector didn't understand was why everybody didn't love her. Her fudge like complexion, big dark brown eyes and her healthy cheekbones gave her face that angelic look. She had a nice body too, that day she work a purple halter that exposed her bare midriff with matching wedges. Her hair was in fly braids, those small boxy like ones. Artists were really unappreciated.

" Hey, you wanna know a secret?" Tanya whispered suddenly.
" It's no secret Tanya, all the cool kids are going to Club Glo on Friday to party it up with Drake and Jay-Z." Hector sighed.
" Emphasis on cool" Tanya retorted.
" You can come too. Your nasty mother can screw the bouncer. Who else hasn't she?" Tyrone butted in.
" Tyrone, shut up. You really shouldn't talk, considering you have the IQ of a flashlight." Cassie cracked up at Hector's kick-ass comeback.
" Why should I listen to what some degenerate fag has to say about my IQ? You think a homo would be smart enough not to rub another brother's goodies in public."
" Anyway, the Glo is having a party this Friday at 9:00. You can come with, we have the IDs and VIP cred. Wear something sexy. And see if your brother can tag along." Kiki stated nonchalantly, as if Tyrone and Hector never had their exchange.
" Sure, I can come. Sounds fun. Hector, wanna come with us? I promise Tyrone's rude behind won't be with us."
" Sorry, I have an, er, Biology report to work on."
" It's Tuesday, the second day of school. Mrs. Jennings already gave out homework?"
" Yep, six-page report due on next Monday. The way I'm skilled in Bio, Jennings will give me an extension if I'm lucky."
" Maybe I can help you. What's the topic?"
" Basic 101. It's an icebreaker for our later assignments."
" Okay, I can come to your house later. Text me the info?"
" Sure." Hector Beamed. He finally got to spend some alone time with Cassie. The one person who didn't judge him. The harsh bell ring broke his blissful thoughts. When Cassie blew him a goodbye kiss, Hector thought his heart skipped a beat, but no. It was the feel of Tyrone decking him in the chest. Next thing he knew, he was on the floor with Tyrone in his face.
" Get your gay ass away from my girl. Go find a sweet, equally faggy boy to rub against." Well, it figures.