Lies Whispered From the Past

Double Crossed

Tristan was just standing alongside his locker when Nikki Sutton abruptly came to his side. Her cheeks were stained with dry tears, and he could see why: her toes was covered in fresh blood.
" Hey girl, you okay?"
Nikki wanted to shout " Do I look okay?!", but Tristan was the only guy willing to talk to her. Tristan was staring at her toes, the blood from the scrape on her shoulder, the one Byron caused when he dug his nails into her skin, was on them. She figured he must have been referring to that.
" Um, yeah. I just stubbed my toes when running on the track."
" Wanna see the nurse?"
" Last lunch is over, she probably left campus."
" So you spent your lunch time running the track?"
" Yeah, I play volleyball. Must excel this year."
" You seem really worked up. Listen, we have two classes left, wanna grab a bite after school?"
Nikki hesitated. She knew Byron would be pissed if she went out to eat with another guy, but part of her wanted revenge for what he did to her. She sacrificed lunch to beg him to slow down, and he just beat her up! Really, Nikki felt she brought that one on herself. Byron was a very sensitive guy, and she just insulted his masculinity like he was garbage on a street corner. Still, if didn't feel good to have the life squeezed out of her, so was there really any harm in flirting with the dreamy new guy?
" I can get down with that."
" Okay, meet me at the student parking lot 3:15 sharp." Tristan smiled and winked as he walked to Calculus class.Then he thought to himself 'Did I really get a date that fast?' Wow, first he makes a date with the hot Nikki Sutton, now he could spend his next period staring at the Latina beauty who sat next to him, her name was Felicia. Felicia Alvarez. Tristan wanted some of that action, but she was dating some slimy Spanish guy who looked like a washed-up child star. As he set his binder down on his desk, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
" Hey, cutie." Felicia giggled.
" Back at 'cha."
" Do you think you'll ever be able to sit through Mr. Carter's CAL lectures?"
It was true. Tristan didn't know much about these teachers, but Mr. Carter was as boring as hell, he knew that much.
" Just ticking away the minutes. Looking at your pretty face makes it all worth it."
" You're not too bad yourself."
" Miss Alvarez, would you like to explain your side conversation to the class? Or should Mr. Styles do it?" Mr. Carter grumbled. The crease in his forehead grew deeper.
Tristan slumped in his seat, but Felicia opened her mouth.
" We were just talking about how boring you are. And how you're probably the reason your wife cries at night."
" I don't need this. Both of you-principal's office-NOW!"
As Tristan gathered his thing and went outside, Felicia closely trailed behind him.
" I did you a favor. Now we can miss his dumb ass speech."
Despite feeling incredibly upset, that comment did make him crack up laughing. Felicia went toward the back exit down the hall.
" Hey where are you going?" Tristan inquired.
" Screw the principal. Carter will never know. I'm going to have some fun, wanna come with?"
" Uh, sure." Tristan was unsure. Joseph would kill him if he ever found out he ditched school when he was suppose to be in the principal's office for disrespecting a teacher. But it did seem like suitable revenge for them moving him out here during senior year.
" Oh, you better believe you're going to have fun." Tristan couldn't get this out of his mind, but he could have sworn her red lace thong just became noticeable.

History was Tyrone's least favorite subject. He couldn't memorize dates for nothing, and Ms. Morgan's monotone, slurred speeches were as annoying as they were loud. The worst part was, there were absolutely no cute girls in this class. Cassandra had Mr. Stacey, the most laid-back teacher in the school, she was so lucky. All he had was Hector Johnson to his right and that ugly, fat lezbo Aimee Bowers to his left. Then a sudden announcement:
" Kids, the office gave me an emergency call. I'll be back in 15 minutes." She took her purse and left. Everybody knew Ms. Morgan picked one day a week to go to the parking lot and smoke half her pack of cigarettes. She pretended to have the office call when in actuality her new boyfriend called in the middle of class. The way they got busy, she wouldn't be back until the very end of class. Left to talk freely, Tyrone took his opportunity.
" Hey Aimee, I heard you became a VAGitarian? Why give up on burritos so quickly?" Aimee just shifted in her seat.
" I mean, you could stand to lose the weight." Mike Nelson, Tyrone's partner in crime, piped up.
" Where did you get that nasty ass haircut, anyway? Dykes-R-Us?"
" Wow. Hilarious, Tyrone. You must be the Chris Rock of homophobes." Hector cut in. He was sick of Tyrone's mess, but the moment he said those words, he wished he would have just stayed out of it.
" And your mom must be the Monica Lewinsky of other women. So tell me, has she done it with girls, too?"
Hector felt the burn of his classmates' eyes. Why was everyone so aware of her slutty history?! Then, unexpectedly, Aimee shouted:
" Oh my God! There's porn on Ms. Morgan's computer!"
Everybody, including Tyrone and Mike, went to where Aimee was standing in front of the Dell computer to inspect the alleged porn sighting. Discreetly, Aimee slipped out of crowd and whispered in Hector's ear ' Thanks for standing up for me.' As it turns out, during Hector's and Tyrone's insult match, Aimee went to the computer and pulled up a porn site in order to get Hector out of an inevitable bind. Could there be a sweeter girl? Cassie, maybe.

It was after school, and Cassie had a terrific day. She hung out with Hector during lunch in Mrs. Everett's art studio. She also hung out with Kiki's posse the rest of the day. They really weren't mean, as Hector originally portrayed them to be. They were really funny and cracked jokes on a dime. They also showed her the cool spots of the school and traded ancient secrets about the celebrities that used to attend the school. Who knew indie rock star Courtney Hoke started the 'Salute Your Booty Shorts' prank tradition? It was really Tyrone and Mike who were the bullies, but Kiki personally couldn't stand them either, that's why she always blew them off. Cassie didn't dream of finding new girlfriends this quickly, but she did, and her body beamed with joy.
" So how do you Salute the Booty Shorts?" Cassie asked.
" Well, most girls wear booty shorts to school in the summer, right?" Tanya said.
" Uh, sure."
" So during gym class, when we're given those hideous gray regulation uniforms, the pranksters steal the sluttiest girl's booty shorts and throw them on top of the empty flagpole the school used to use. Everyone sees and the schemers take them down before Principal Brooks sees."
" That sounds...elaborate."
" Much easier than it sounds." Chanel chimed in.
" Here we are, Envy Rose. Cassie, you can find yourself a perfectly revealing club dress here." Kiki led them all in the store.
Cassie immediately saw a strapless purple mini dress that she fell in love with. The price was even better: $50.00. Chanel and Tanya found a dress, too. Chanel's was cheetah print and Tanya's was a medium blue with a diamond broach on the side. Each of them tried on their respective dresses. Cassie's dress was voted unanimously the best. Chanel's ,however, was bashed.
" Cheetah just doesn't help your figure much. I know you love animal print but trust me on this one." Kiki's sweetness was so fake for a minute she actually thought Barbie Dolls would be jealous. Truth be told, Kiki loved the dress on Chanel. Cassie look the sexiest, but Kiki wanted to butter her up to their side before she criticized anything Cassie did. It was bad enough Cassie might actually upstage her on Friday, but the last thing she needed was Chanel to look better than her.
" It does make you look fatter." Tanya said.
" God, Tanya. Can you be more rude?" Kiki hissed. " Here, try on yellow, it looks nice.
Cassie wasn't a fan of cheetah print either, so she did not object. But she did wonder if Kiki was actually commenting on the print or something else..