Lies Whispered From the Past

Lounges Aren't Just for Teachers...

The night at the club was a big fat blur to Cassie. She vaguely remembered drinking some type of martini and dancing with some guy she only knew as Legacy, a struggling rapper. It was a week later and she was still wondering what happened. Whenever she questioned Chanel, Tanya or Kiki, they were even more vague, saying they didn't really hang out with her during the night. Hector said she got sloshed and started grinding on a buff dude, confirming that she got drunk and danced. Then he said Kiki dragged her to the infamous 'Champagne Room' to stop Cassie from doing something stupid. Hector also said there was a minor fire in the VIP Room and the whole joint was evacuated. Chanel and Tanya went home as soon as the fire started, but Kiki called a taxi and brought Cassie to her mansion to spend the night. Cassie woke up the next morning, still wearing her party dress and smelling like drink. She had suffered a pretty bad hangover too, but Kiki kept her at her shoulder all day, staying with Cassie when she threw up in the toilet and brought her fresh ginger ale for her stomach. Then later in the afternoon, Tristan picked her up and brought her home. Joesph asked her how her 'slumber party' went, and Cassie played it off, while secretly vowing to never do something so stupid again. Here she was a lunch, eating her burrito with Kiki and Chanel, while Tanya went to the other table to flirt with Anthony.

" Aw, aren't they cute together?" Chanel cooed.
" Tanya is so lucky to have a boyfriend that hot." Cassie replied.
" What, Hector isn't doing it for you?" Kiki sneered.
" We're just friends. Really."
" Plus, Anthony only goes after skanks anyway."
Kiki was acting even meaner than usual since last Friday, but Chanel chalked that up to PMS. Still, Cassie was feeling oddly uncomfortable since that Saturday morning she spent at Kiki's house.

" Kiki, you're so mean. Leave Tanya alone." Chanel said weakly.
" You're right Channy. Being with a skeeze is much better than being some boyfriendless virgin."
Chanel just stared down at her plate, too scared too speak up. But then she didn't have to. Suddenly, Aimee Bowers, a girl in Cassie's and Chanel's French class, bumped into Kiki trying to get a seat, spilling her red slushie on Kiki's light blue tube top.

" Ugh! Watch where you're going you ugly, fat pig!" Kiki schreehed, bringing the entire cafeteria's attention. Cassie stared at Aimee. She wasn't really ugly, for a plus-sized girl, she was actually kinda pretty. She had long, shiny dark brown hair and sparkiling emerald green eyes. Her skin was evenly tanned, and the light grey dress she had on hugged her curves in all the right places. However, Aimee lacked confidence, and it made her easy prey for insults.

" Kiki, I'm so sorry. It was an accident, honestly." Aimee tried to mend fences.
" Ya know, maybe if you tried to put down the burger and fries, things like this wouldn't happen!"
" Excuse me?"
" Hop on a treadmill once in a while, stop eating so much, I really don't give a shit. Just lose weight because its so obvious your fat belly isn't helping your cluminess."
Aimee looked as if she would burst into tears. Then Cassie stepped in.
" C'mon Kiki. Knock it off. It was an accident, after all. Leave the girl alone." Cassie bit on her tounge nervously, waiting for Kiki's reply. Surprisingly, Kiki llistened to Cassie. She just walked off, probably going to the bathroom to try to wipe off the stain. Aimee mouthed to Cassie 'thank you', but the insults didn't stop there. Mike and Tyrone decided to take Kiki's place.

" Hey Aimee, still rocking that dyke cut?" Mike teased.
" My hair was waist length, I didn't cut it that short. It's still down my back."
" Sorry, but you're still a dyke."
" Tyrone, I actually prefer lesbians, they so hot. But with your body fat, Hector Deflector probably doesn't even want to tap this."
" I'm leaving." Aimee speaked.
" Okay, but lemme take that burger off your tray, after all, Kiki's right. You could stand to lose the weight." Tyrone grabbed it, as promised.
" You're a real dick, both of you." Aimee began to walk away.
" Oh yeah? Atleast we ain't lardass!" Mike yelled, snatching the burger out of Tyrone's hand and throwing it at Aimee's massive butt, effectively splatting her dress. The whole cafeteria, including Cassie brother, Tristan, cracked up laughing.

After lunch's horrific bloodbath, Felicia braced herself for the boring lecture Mr. Carter had cooking up for the class. Several days after her and Tristan's kiss, he had avoided her, and Felicia had welcomed it. She was kind of caught off guard with her feelings, but now she felt ready embracing her feelings for him. She specifically picked out her outfit for enticing him: a super tight green tube top with out even a strapless bra, a circulation cutting jean mini skirt barely covering her black thong, and five inch green stilettos, bringing her up to his height. With her long, glossy hair tossed on both of her shoulders, Felicia put on her best smile and approached Tristan's locker, taking in his chisled body, rocking a basketball jersey and jeans. His handsome face took in Felicia's body, dropping his jaw in pure shock. Shock then turned into attraction. Tristan was the first to speak, stumbling with his words.

" So, uh, lunch was.." 'Funny as hell, horrific?' Tristan couldn't think of the right words.
" Funny as hell. Just like some people are as sexy as hell.." Felicia winked deviously.
" Right back at 'cha."
" Who said I was talking about you?"
" Oh.."
" Its a joke, dumbass"
" Sorry, your presence just has me in a... trance."
" Hey, can you help? My skirt's zipper wont zip all the way down to the bottom, violating dress code. Will you try to zip it?"
" This school has a dress code?"
" Just do it."
Tristan zipped down what remained of the skirt, catching a glimpse of her thong, and feel part of her butt. Tristan immediately felt hot. Then the bell rung.
" Wanna ditch class again?" Felicia suddenly asked.
" Should we?"
" I dunno, whatever you like." Felicia turned and walked away, her ass in full glorifying view. Her hand was on the handle, then Tristan screamed "Wait!"
" What?"
" I'll ditch class."
Felicia looked down at Tristan's pants, suddenly deciding to grab his belt.
" Follow me."
Felicia tugged him and led the way, taking them to what seemed like a teacher's lounge.
" They never use this lounge anymore. Not since they made the new one. I have the janitor's key, so I can lock it and pretend it is getting cleaned." Felicia let go of the waistband and locked the door. Tristan sat on the couch, his thoughts spinning like a tornado.
" So what do you wanna do?" Tristan asked.
" I think you know." Felicia leaned toward him, grabbing his face and pulling him in for a kiss. Tristan gladly reciporated, feeling on her firm butt as the makeout session progressed. Felicia felt a rush of happiness and lust, knowing for the first time in her life her crush wanted her back. Tristan unzipped Felicia's skirt and unwrapped it, now fully exposing her thong. Felicia then pushed off of him. At first, Tristan thought he crossed the line, but realized Felicia had planned for this.
" How about a lap dance?"
Felicia stated to really grind, swing her thong left and right. Then she began to grind against Tristan until she was certain he had a boner.
" Aw, little Jimmy can't contain himself. Lemme help you."
Felicia began to rub on it gently, exciting Tristan further and further. Then she began to undo his belt and unzip his jean. Tristan, without hesitation, pulled them off for her, and when she began to pull off his underwear, Tristan just swung his head back, feeling a deep sense a satisfaction afetrwards.