

A blade, a thick rope and a glass, half empty, of gin surrounded by multiple different pills laid along Jenna's floor as tears streamed down her face. Adam's Song was playing out loud in her room, so loud it became apart of her thoughts.
Spoilt for choice, Jenna allowed her hands to tremble over the blade slowly picking it up, running the tip of her index finger along the sharpest part which only caused her eyes to wonder over to her arm, all the way up to her elbow covered in deep and shallow cuts. Some fresh, some years old. Chucking the frequently used blade back down to her floor.
"I have to do this." she repeated to herself, quietly. So quite she couldn't even make out her Australian accent. By this time, the crying had stopped for a while. Her face felt tight. Looking over at her new camera, she decided exactly how she wanted to leave the world. Grabbing the recorder she placed it in the corner of her room and grabbed the remote that came with it. Now, the tears had started again, rolling down her cheeks before she looked down at her enemies again. Allowing her decisions to sink in, Jenna took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes before grabbing the rope with even more tears rolling down her face.
So many thoughts ran through her head... not one being ' Stop!' or 'Not today' This was it. Today was the day she finally went through with it.
Looking up at her fan, she grabbed her chair from the desk and tied the rope to the top before she jumped of the chair and admired her handy knot work. Looking back over at her recorder she pressed the red button, turning it on almost immediately pressing the record button.
You could tell she had been crying but she put on the brightest smile she could as she tried her best to hid the rope in the background.
"Hi Mum! Dad!" the 'fake' Jenna chirped. The the tears started.
"I bet this is weird isn't it. Some freaky beyond the grave stuff! I need you to know this isn't your fault. I guess its mine. Mine for not being strong enough like you Mum or maybe its my fault because I can't hold my own like you Dad! But it's not your fault.
I'm sorry for not being the perfect daughter! Im sorry for ever making you upset with me or angry with me! I'm sorry for coming home everyday after school in a mood. I'm sorry for being bad at school. I'm sorry for keeping to myself, for not ever speaking to you when you asked me how my day was. I'm sorry for putting you through what you're going through now but maybe now you understand what I was going through everyday of my life.
Mum, I love you with all my heart... You're so strong, I wish I could be like you! But I couldn't deal with coming home everyday and seeing you in so much pain. Not know what was wrong with you and when you had to go back into hospital. Im so sorry.
Dad! How do you do it? How do you deal with knowing your wife is so ill and knowing that your daughters not happy with her life? Cause you seem to cope and that's why I love you so much. I don't even know how I can being to explain how much you and mum have inspired me... up until now.
I want you to tell Tyler how much I love him! Let him know that no matter what happens in life, he's going to go far.... Make sure he doesn't pick the same path as me! Make sure that he's stronger than me! Please! Let him know that just because I'm not there in person doesn't mean Im not there for him. If he ever needs me... all he has to do is talk to a picture and I'll be listening.
Tell Conor and Porsha thank you and if it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't have even made it through this year! Make sure they know that everything they have done for me has helped me and that they should be happy and live life to the full! They deserve it!
There's not much more that I can say really!
I'm sorry.... I love you, all!" Switching the camera off, Jenna allowed her tears to fall for a little longer. Throwing the remote to the side of her desk she stood up and kicked the chair under the rope.
With her vision blurred from all the tears, she blinked vigorously until she could see again.
Turning the song over to Adam's Song again, she sang along in a whisper as she adjusted the chair. Looking down at the pills and gin, she simply grabbed a handful of the small round pills and took the alcohol. Without a second thought she threw the pills in her mouth and washed it down with the poison.
She couldn't even bring herself to cry any more.
Climbing the chair she took a deep breath before she took the rope in her hand, still singing. Wrapping the itchy, uncomfortable rope around her neck as tight as she could, she tied a knot at the back of her neck and waited until the song had finished before both of her feet left the chair.
"Jenna!" an hour later, her parents had arrived home again.
she couldn't hear them. she was gone.
"Jenna!" her mother shouted again before she made her way up the stairs, giggling at her husband singing a mellow tune. Opening her daughters bedroom door, she screamed in shock almost instantly, falling back to the ground.
"my baby!" she whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, recently... I've been so down. so here's a little thought that popped into my head. It probably doesnt even make that much sense and it's poorly written. I know. sorry, I was just crying while I was writing it.
I'm sorry I havent been finishing my stories. I'll probably try and finish them soon but I have work etc.
but on a more important note; I wrote this for anyone who has the same probably as me; just know I am always here for you if you ever need to talk. hit me up on twitter @BestShannonL
Stay Strong.
Shannon xox.