Status: Enjoy.

Tolden James: The Unusual Diaries

Forget My Past, Greet My Present

--Sunday, June 14th, 9:00 AM

In case you were wondering, yes. My parents did find out that I drank at Byron's party. But no, I did not get in trouble. Call it being a teenager, I suppose. Needless to say, I will never drink again. Not after that torture I faced the morning after. Do you believe my dim-witted father actually thought it funny to scream in my ear? He's a disturbed middle-aged man with a pot smoking problem... But I would never admit that to his bearded face. Why, he'd probably find a way to change my name to something even more humiliating... Like, Benzone, his new dealer.

Good luck, father. I'm eighteen now and graduating from this dumpy high school. Moving on to bigger and better things.

"Tolden Julie James," my principal calls.

I solemnly walk up to the stage and concentrate hard so as not to trip. Successfully so, I shake Mr. Livingston's hand and take my diploma. I took my seat and let my parents cry on my shoulder, tell me how proud they were, say they'll miss me. See, I informed them long ago that I had enough money saved up for a place of my own. This way they didn't have to kick me out every time they decided to have sex. I revelled in it, but tried not to seem to excited to leave them. Didn't want to upset them, I don't think. After all, I would only be an hour away near the college I was attending. They could visit me anytime their hearts desired... So long as I received a phone call first.

This is where the journey really begins, diary. When I branch out into the world and re-plant myself in a cozy duplex on the top floor. I'll soon become great friends with the tenant downstairs and have dinners at their place along the very occasional drink. It'll be great fun, leaving everything and everyone behind and starting my own life.

--Monday, June 29th, 10:24 AM

I kid you not! I just recently moved my things into the duplex on third and I was having some trouble carrying a box upstairs. Just as if this moment were straight out of a movie, my downstairs neighbor comes out to my U-Haul truck.

"Tell me that enormous box isn't full of hair care products?" He comes outside with a single button done up on his brown flannel shirt, exposing his thin but toned chest in all its gloriousness. At this point I'm not even thinking about how obvious my staring has become. But I quickly snap out of it and respond wittily.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" I say.

"Why do you think that?" He questions, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"You have quite an outstanding coiffure... I imagine it takes a lot of money to keep it that way." And I meant that. His hair was wonderful looking, so much so that I had a feeling to touch it.

He thanks me kindly and blushes, running his cool fingers through his hair. "Let me give you a hand, umm--"

"Tolden." I extend a free hand to him before passing the box over, which is actually full of my SAT prep books. I thought they might come in handy one day.

He carries the box upstairs and I follow closely behind him.

"I'm Gavin, by the way," he offers me his hand once again as he sets the box down in my new living room.

Gavin. I have the feeling we'll get along just swimmingly.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Gavin."

"Listen, since you're just moving in, how about a welcoming dinner at my place?" His delicious arms are crossed at his chest, awaiting my answer.

--Tuesday, June 30th, 7:56 PM

My days away from home have been outstanding, just as I'd hoped. The past is the past, and it shall stay that way. As for my present? It's looking rather good tonight. White button-down tucked into a pair of slick black slacks with a nice sleek blazer to finish it off. I think my present and I are in for a very good night.

"Tolden, you look astonishing..." He tells, causing my pale cheeks to flush red. I didn't need a best friend for life to suggest outfits to me for tonight. I, Tolden James, managed all on my own. I easily decided on a simple black dress, low-cut in back with a sexy little slit running from my hip to my knee.

"As do you, Gavin," I return. "Can I just ask you something?" I look around the venue he's driven me to, despite offering me dinner at his own apartment.

"Ask away."

I hesitate before posing my question. The last thing I wish to do with my present is spoil it by making a fool of myself. I lean in close over the candlelit table. "Are you paying for this?"

He laughs in my face, pulling his wallet out as he finishes. My present is so cute that it's almost distracting. "Tolden," he says, reaching into his wallet. "I have this." He pulls out a shiny black card and nearly smashes it in my face.

"Oh," I breathe.

"Yeah, so don't worry about dinner." He waves over the waiter, rather obnoxiously. "As a matter of fact, how do you like Paris?"

I notice the waiter roll his eyes at Gavin's impolite waving. "Paris?" I ask.

"Yeah, Paris. Ever been?"

"Uhh, no. I haven't... Hey, could you not wave your arm like that?" I watch it irritatedly as he waves it back and forth.

"Oh, sorry." He drops his arm, leaning in close. "Too bad about Paris, though. Anyway, I thought I could take you there. Someday! I mean, not to be too forward, but I think you'd really like it there!"

His breath is nauseating and try not to crinkle my nose. Someone had few too many sour cream and onion chips this afternoon. "I'm actually afraid of heights, Gavin. So, Paris would be bad."

"Afraid of heights? What are you, nine?" He teases obnoxiously. The others in the restaurant are starting to notice his behavior. I can see them whispering all around me, including the waiter who seems to be sending someone else over to us.

I don't respond to his childish comment, seeing how the new waiter is arriving at our table.

"It's about goddamn time," he says to me, thinking the waiter can't hear him."

"Have you guys decided what you'l have tonight?" She asks politely. She's a rather striking young lady, if I might say. And I'm surprised Gavin hasn't noticed. Her name tag read 'Lindsey' and she had the most silky looking blond hair tied back in a knot.

"Yes, I have actually..." He scans the menu one last time. "I actually decided quite a while ago... Lindsey."

This attitude of his was really taking me for a whirl. So much so that I began to wonder if he was playing some kind of practical joke on me.

"I will have the Caesar steak, well done, please," he orders. "And I only take A-1 steak sauce. Nothing else."

Lindsey records his order and then looks to me. "I'll just have the jalapeno poppers, please."

"Excellent choice," Lindsey says to me with a bright smile. She begins to walk away, slipping her notepad into the back pocket of her handy belt.

"Well," Gavin says. "Guess my choice wasn't excellent enough for her."

"Guess not," I respond nervously, sipping my water.

--Tuesday, June 30th, 9:12 PM

Over the course of our dinner, Gavin seemed to be running on auto-pilot. His mouth just wouldn't stop telling me about how many times he's been to Paris in the last year. How many times he's hooked up with a Victoria's Secret model. How many times he's met that guy from Twilight. How many times he's gone to red carpet events. How many times he's gotten a text message from "The Simon Cowell!" How many hours it took his hair stylist to give him that cut. How many private jets he's owned his whole life.

My present, also known as Gavin Valmont, is a complete tool.

I tried my best to look as uninterested as possible in what he had to say in hopes that he might get the hint and the shut up! He didn't. I even fake fell asleep at the table while he was talking about his brush with Ryan Seacrest on the Boulevard. And can you believe he actually made a pass at me when we got home? He tried to lean in with his steak sauce, sour cream and onion, jalapeno popper smelling breath, and kiss me! Yes, he did take some of my poppers after insisting they were a "rather childish choice, don't you think?"

I told him I'm not into kissing on the first date and he laughed in my face, once again pushing his disgusting breath up my nose.

I have no plans of ever seeing him again... But of course, he lives directly under me, and he probably will for a very long time. You know what I'd like to know? If he's so loaded and dripping with class, then why is living in this dumpy duplex?

Stepping into to my front door felt surreal. It would be my second night on my own, in my own place, and it felt good... It would become a routine of mine to walk through that front door to my nice empty apartment everyday and push the play button on my answering machine. As I did tonight. All I really wanted to do was fall into my bed and forget about this whole night.

Gosh, I've been so caught up in my present that I've forgot to mention my future. I press the play button on the machine and wait for the message,

"Tolden! How you been? Oh my God, I'm missing you like crazy!... Oh, right! It's me Tracy! Listen, I really wanna hang out, talk about our post-grad lives! And another thing, do you need a roommate? Oh my God, I'm still living my parents, Tolly! It's totally depressing! Ha ha ha! Anyway, give me a call! I wanna meet up! I'm coming to see you tomorrow! K? Bye, Tolden!"
