We Know Everything About Each Other

We Know Everything About Each Other

'''Valerie slyly peeked her head through the crack of the door, examining the bathroom for anyone's presence. No one was there, so she sneakily slipped into the bathroom and entered the closet, watching the shower curtains carefully. She knew he would be getting out soon, and the urge to see his...'''

"What should I write here?" Zach asked himself questionably as he tapped his pencil against the notepad.

He let his eyes shut for a second to think of a suitable line for his novel. His mind perused the possibilities of the scene, alternately from the actual even that occurred just a couple of weeks earlier. His roommate and closet friend had walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower. She showed signs of utter disgust and embarrassment, but Zach was picturing that particular moment a little differently.

He smiled at the thought, his eyes still closed in wonderment.

"I'm home!" His roommate called from the doorway. Zach's eyes shot open and he quickly flipped his notebook closed, spinning around to face her.

"Mallory, you're late."

She rolled her eyes and galloped over to him with her arms extended, hugging him tightly and then skipping to the kitchen.

"Are you writing in that stupid journal again?" She asked, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

Zach took his notebook and hid it under his mattress while her head was turned. "It's not a journal, it's a novel," he corrected.

"Whatever you say," she retorted, taking a long swig of her orange juice.

As Zach returned to the living room, he plopped himself down on the comfy couch and clicked the TV on. He stopped on a random channel and tossed the remote back onto the coffee table, waiting for Mallory to join him.

She did so, just minutes later with a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in hand.

"What is this?" Mallory questioned, staring at the TV screen. She took a seat at the end of the couch and swung her legs over Zach, lying comfortably.

"It's called football. It's manly." He stuck his chest out as Mallory began to laugh at him, throwing a pillow at his face.

"You hate football, Zach. Put Glee on!" She bounced.

Zach did as he was told and they sat silently watching a repeat. Each of them laughed on occasion sang along with the cast to the songs they knew. Zach didn't like to admit it, but he actually enjoyed watching this show. He would never tell Mallory, but he always secretly compared himself to Santana. She was in love with this hopelessly oblivious girl, just as Zach was. The fact that they ended up together always comforted Zach, leaving him thinking that maybe he and Mallory did have a chance. She just didn't know it yet.

"Hey, Mal... Some guy left a message for you earlier," he spoke.

"What did he say?" She posed, her eyes steady on the screen.

"Something like 'I had a great time last night. We should do it again... Really soon.'" He mocked.

Mallory giggled to herself. Zach hated getting those calls, and unfortunately they came in almost twice a week. Always a different guy.

"Can't you give them your number, instead of the land line? I'm getting annoyed with them asking if I'm you're gay friend."

She took her eyes off the screen and studied his expression. "I'll think about it... Sorry if it bugs you."

"No, it's just," He didn't want to sound like a jerk, but he had to draw the line somewhere. "They call, like, every other day. I just don't like explaining myself."

A knowing grin crept across Mallory's face. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a little jealous."

Zach tried desperately to hide the color his face had flushed. "I'm not jealous," he pleaded.

"Whatever you say, Zachary... Did you check the mail yet?" The two of them had assigned days for various chores in the house and just as she'd suspected, Zach had forgotten to do his.

He shot up from the couch with a quick, "Be right back."

Mallory took the time he was away to amble into his room. She lifted his mattress and sneaked the notebook out from under it, flipping to a page dated back to three weeks ago.

'''Valerie stood frozen, staring at herself in the mirror. It had been almost a half hour since she'd arrived home from her date with the much talked about, Trey. Her tan skin was stained with tears from he'd expected was regret. She did this almost every time she came home from one of these dates, but hadn't a clue that he was watching her. Oh, how all he wanted to do was wrap her in a hug that would make all of her problems go away. How he just wanted to kiss her until their lips went numb and then take her into--'''

Mallory heard the sound of the door slam. She quickly slid the notebook back in its place and scampered into the bathroom that connected each of their rooms. Zach didn't know it, but she's been reading his "novel" for months. She didn't think of as a novel though, because she knew the entries were about her. Valerie and Mallory? Too close to be a coincidence.

So far, all of Zach's entries were accurate. The only thing he had wrong was one thing. Those "dates" she claimed to be going on, weren't actually dates, they were doctor's appointments that she was too embarrassed to tell Zach about. And the guys that were calling, they were Mallory's actual gay friends... The truth was, that Mallory was afraid that Zach might not feel the same about her if he knew her secret.

"No mail, Mal!" He called from the living room.

Zach made his way to his own room, as it was getting late. As he entered his room, he noticed the edge of his notebook hanging out from between his mattress. He poked his head in the bathroom door, staring at Mallory.

"Have you been reading my novel?" He pried.

Mallory was hunched over the sink, staring at herself in the mirror again. "I guess this means you get to read mine."

There was no mail because Mallory had already checked it prior to her entrance. She pulled a crumpled letter out of her pocket and handed it to Zach. She watched patiently as his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Now we know everything about each other," she breathed.
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Anything involving Valerie is part of Zach's novel.